signTransactions method

  1. @override
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> signTransactions({
  1. required List transactions,

Send transaction objects to MyAlgo for approval. If approved, the response is an array of signed transaction objects, with the binary blob field base64 encoded to prevent transmission issues.


Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> signTransactions({
  required List transactions,
}) async {
  final txs = {
    if (tx is Map<String, dynamic>) {
      return mapToJSObj(tx);

    return tx;

  var c = Completer<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>();
  promiseToFuture(myAlgo.signTransaction(txs)).then((value) {
    if (value is! List) {
      return c.complete([]);

    final transactions = {
      final txId = getProperty(tx, 'txID') ?? '';
      final blob = getProperty(tx, 'blob') ?? [];
      return <String, dynamic>{
        'txId': txId,
        'blob': base64Encode(blob),

    return c.complete(transactions);
  }).onError((error, stackTrace) => c.completeError(_handleError(error)));

  return c.future;