PhoneInputFormatter class
PhoneInputFormatter({ValueChanged<PhoneCountryData?>? onCountrySelected, bool allowEndlessPhone = false, bool shouldCorrectNumber = true, String? defaultCountryCode})
when you enter a phone
and a country is detected
this callback gets called
if true, a phone can
still be entering after the whole mask is matched.
use if you are not sure that all masks are supported
if input number is wrong in some country as Rus and Aus,
the phone be corrected to new number
if you set a default country code,
the phone will be formatted according to its country mask
and no leading country code will be present in the masked value
Static Methods
addAlternativePhoneMasks({required String countryCode, required List<String> alternativeMasks, bool mergeWithExisting = false})
→ void
adds a list of alternative phone maskes to a country
data. This method can be used if some mask is lacking
must be exactrly 2 uppercase letters like RU, or US
or ES, or DE.
a list of masks like
'+00 (00) 00000-0000', '+00 (00) 0000-0000'
that will be used
as an alternative. The list might be in any order
if this is true, new masks will be added to
an existing list. If false, the new list will completely replace the
existing one
replacePhoneMask({required String countryCode, required String newMask})
→ void
Replaces an existing phone mask for the given country
e.g. Russian mask right now is +0 (000) 000-00-00
if you want to replace it by +0 (000) 000 00 00
simply call this method like this
countryCode: 'RU',
newMask: '+0 (000) 000 00 00',