CurrencyInputFormatter class
CurrencyInputFormatter({ThousandSeparator thousandSeparator = ThousandSeparator.Comma, int mantissaLength = 2, String leadingSymbol = '', String trailingSymbol = '', bool useSymbolPadding = false, ValueChanged<num>? onValueChange, int? maxTextLength})
specifies what symbol will be used to separate
each block of 3 digits, e.g. ThousandSeparator.Comma will format
million as 1,000,000
ShorteningPolicy.NoShortening displays a value of 1234456789.34 as 1,234,456,789.34
but ShorteningPolicy.RoundToThousands displays the same value as 1,234,456K
specifies how many digits will be added after a period sign
any symbol (except for the ones that contain digits) the will be
added in front of the resulting string. E.g. $ or €
some of the signs are available via constants like CurrencySymbols.EURO_SIGN
but you can basically add any string instead of it. The main rule is that the string
must not contain digits, periods, commas and dashes
is the same as leading but this symbol will be added at the
end of your resulting string like 1,250€ instead of €1,250
adds a space between the number and trailing / leading symbols
like 1,250€ -> 1,250 € or €1,250€ -> € 1,250
a callback that will be called on a number change