
The flutter_msp library offers a convenient and efficient way to handle MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) communications in Flutter applications. Designed to simplify interactions between your Flutter app and drones or other MSP-compatible devices, check_owl enables developers to focus more on functionality and less on underlying protocol complexities.

Getting Started

To use the flutter_msp library in your Flutter project, first ensure you have Flutter installed on your development machine. If you're new to Flutter, see the Flutter documentation to get set up.


Include flutter_msp in your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_msp: ^0.2.0

Install it by running:

flutter pub get


Import the library in your Dart code:

import 'package:flutter_msp/flutter.msp.dart';

Example: Sending MSP Commands

To send an MSP command and receive a response, use the following approach:

int commandCode = 100; // Example command code
dynamic data = "some data"; // Data can be `String` or `int` based on your needs

// Encode the message
Uint8List encodedMessage = MSP.encodeMessageV1(commandCode, data);

// Send encodedMessage to the device
// Example: device.send(encodedMessage);

// To receive and decode message, use a similar approach
// Uint8List receivedMessage = device.receive();
// var decodedMessage = MSP.decodeMessageV1(receivedMessage);


For detailed API usage and additional examples, refer to the library's documentation included in the package or available online at the project's repository/docs site.

Support and Contributions

For issues, suggestions, or contributions, please open an issue or pull request on the project's GitHub repository. The library is open-source, and community contributions are highly appreciated.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for more information.

More Information

For more detailed guidance on using Flutter and managing dependencies, consider the following resources:

Happy coding!

