getRecentTracks static method

Future<List<PlayedSong>> getRecentTracks({
  1. DateTime? after,
  2. required int limit,
  3. required int page,

Fetches a list of PlayedSongs.

This method will only return songs that are stored on the user's device, and it will only return a song once, even if the user played it multiple times.

If after is specified, only songs that were last played after after will be returned.


static Future<List<PlayedSong>> getRecentTracks({
  DateTime? after,
  required int limit,
  required int page,
}) async {
  final jsonString = await _channel.invokeMethod<String>('getRecentTracks',
      {'after': after?.millisecondsSinceEpoch, 'limit': limit, 'page': page});

  if (jsonString == null) {
    throw PlatformException(code: "NULL_RESPONSE");

  final jsonObject = json.decode(jsonString) as List<dynamic>;
  return false);