Flutter Month Picker

Flutter month picker package lets you to choose month and year only and implement in your app.


  1. Add the latest verstion of package to your pubspec.yaml
  flutter_month_picker: ^0.0.1

OR just run flutter pub add month_year_picker using your preferred terminal app.

  1. Run
    flutter pub get
  1. Import the package and use it in your Flutter app.
import 'package:flutter_month_picker/flutter_month_picker.dart';
  1. Usage in Code
final selected = await showMonthPicker(
    context: context,
    initialDate: DateTime.now(),
    firstDate: DateTime(2000),
    lastDate: DateTime(2050),


Parameter Description
context Must not be null. Will be passed to the internal showMonthPicker funtion call.
initialDate Must not be null and must fall between the firstDate and lastDate. The initialDate will be truncated to its year and month components. When the month/year picker is first displayed, it will show the month/year of the initialDate, with initialDate selected.
firstDate Must not be null. The firstDate will be truncated to its year and month components. This is the earliest allowable month/year.
lastDate Must not be null. The lastDate will be truncated to its year and month components. This is the latest allowable month/year.


Mode Screenshot (Month) Screenshot (Year)
Portrait mode
Landscape mode

Next Goals

  • More customization like: size, color, textstyles, localizaton, platform.
  • Implentation of lcoalization.
  • Cross-platform (Android and IOS) UI.