authentication property

Retrieve GoogleSignInAuthentication for this account.

shouldRecoverAuth sets whether to attempt to recover authentication if user action is needed. If an attempt to recover authentication fails a PlatformException is thrown with possible error code kFailedToRecoverAuthError.

Otherwise, if shouldRecoverAuth is false and the authentication can be recovered by user action a PlatformException is thrown with error code kUserRecoverableAuthError.


Future<GoogleSignInAuthentication> get authentication async {
  if (_googleSignIn.currentUser != this) {
    throw StateError('User is no longer signed in.');

  final Map<dynamic, dynamic> response =
      // TODO(amirh): remove this on when the invokeMethod update makes it to stable Flutter.
      // ignore: strong_mode_implicit_dynamic_method
      await (
    <String, dynamic>{
      'email': email,
      'shouldRecoverAuth': true,
  ) as FutureOr<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>);
  // On Android, there isn't an API for refreshing the idToken, so re-use
  // the one we obtained on login.
  if (response['idToken'] == null) {
    response['idToken'] = _idToken;
  return GoogleSignInAuthentication._(response);