flutter_modal_dialog library


The ModalButton class is used to define the button that will be shown in the modal dialog. The buttonText parameter is required and defines the text that will be shown in the button. The buttonColor parameter is optional and defines the color of the button.
The ModalDetail class is used to define the optional detail that will be shown in the modal dialog. The visibleText parameter is optional and defines the text that will be shown when the detail is hidden. The hiddenText parameter is optional and defines the text that will be shown when the detail is expanded.
The ModalDialog class is a collection of static methods that can be used to show different types of modal dialogs.
The ModalTitle class is used to define the title that will be shown in the modal dialog. The titleText parameter is required and defines the text that will be shown in the title. The titleColor parameter is optional and defines the color of the title.