ids method

  1. @Deprecated('the .ids filter is obsolete in favor to .select' ' and it will be removed in flutter_meedu:^6.x.x')
Target<Notifier, List> ids(
  1. List<String> cb(), {
  2. bool allowNotifyWithEmptyIds = true,

use this method to rebuild your Consumer using ids (a list of strings) passed when you call [notify('id1','id2',...)]

If you pass to notify method using an empty list of ids you can use allowNotifyWithEmptyIds to decide if the Consumer widget or a ProviderListener must be notified


@Deprecated('the .ids filter is obsolete in favor to .select'
    ' and it will be removed in flutter_meedu:^6.x.x')
Target<Notifier, List> ids(
  List<String> Function() cb, {
  bool allowNotifyWithEmptyIds = true,
}) {
  final target = Target<Notifier, List>(read);
  target.filter = Filter.ids;
  // ignore: prefer_function_declarations_over_variables
  final listener = (_) {
    final List<String> listeners = _;
    // get the ids passed in the notify method
    // get the ids returned in the callback
    final ids = cb();
    if (listeners.isNotEmpty) {
      // if the current Consumer contains at least one id inside the listeners
      for (final id in ids) {
        if (listeners.contains(id)) {
          if (target.rebuild != null) {
    } else if (allowNotifyWithEmptyIds) {
      // update the widget if listeners is empty
      if (target.rebuild != null) {
  target.listener = listener as dynamic;
  return target;