find<T> method

T find<T>({
  1. String? tag,

Search and return one instance T from the hashmap


T find<T>({String? tag}) {
  final key = _getKey(T, tag);
  // check if the dependency was already injected
  final inVars = _vars.containsKey(key);
  if (inVars) {
    return _vars[key]!.dependency as T;
  // if the dependency is a lazy
  final inLazyVars = _lazyVars.containsKey(key);
  if (inLazyVars) {
    final lazy = _lazyVars[key]!;
    final dependency = lazy.builder();

    _vars[key] = Singleton<T>(
      autoRemove: lazy.autoRemove,
      onRemove: (lazy as dynamic).onRemove,
    return dependency;

  throw AssertionError(
    'Cannot find $key, make sure call to Get.i.put<${T.toString()}>(), Get.i.lazyPut<${T.toString()}>(), or Get.i.factoryPut<${T.toString()}>() before call find.',