fileNameExtension method
String fileNameExtension(String url) {
int lastSlashIndex = url.lastIndexOf('/');
// Extract the file name with extension
String fileNameWithExtension = url.substring(lastSlashIndex + 1);
// Decode the file name with extension
fileNameWithExtension = Uri.decodeComponent(fileNameWithExtension);
// Find the index of the last dot (before the file extension)
int dotIndex = fileNameWithExtension.lastIndexOf('.');
// Find the index of the first query parameter (?)
int queryParamIndex = fileNameWithExtension.indexOf('?');
// Extract the file extension
String fileExtension;
if (queryParamIndex != -1) {
fileExtension =
fileNameWithExtension.substring(dotIndex + 1, queryParamIndex);
} else {
fileExtension = fileNameWithExtension.substring(dotIndex + 1);
return fileExtension;