Mdi class abstract

Abstract class Mdi

provide IconData for Material Design Icons 7.2.96


import 'package:flutter_mdi_icons/flutter_mdi_icons.dart'
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return const Scaffold(
    body: Center(
      child: Icon(Mdi.accessPoint),


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


abacus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-abacus
abjadArabic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-abjad-arabic
abjadHebrew → const IconData
Icon for mdi-abjad-hebrew
abTesting → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ab-testing
abugidaDevanagari → const IconData
Icon for mdi-abugida-devanagari
abugidaThai → const IconData
Icon for mdi-abugida-thai
accessPoint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point
accessPointCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point-check
accessPointMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point-minus
accessPointNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point-network
accessPointNetworkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point-network-off
accessPointOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point-off
accessPointPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point-plus
accessPointRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-access-point-remove
account → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account
accountAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-alert
accountAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-alert-outline
accountArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-down
accountArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-down-outline
accountArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-left
accountArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-left-outline
accountArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-right
accountArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-right-outline
accountArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-up
accountArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-arrow-up-outline
accountBadge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-badge
accountBadgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-badge-outline
accountBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-box
accountBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-box-multiple
accountBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-box-multiple-outline
accountBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-box-outline
accountCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cancel
accountCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cancel-outline
accountCard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-card
accountCardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-card-outline
accountCash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cash
accountCashOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cash-outline
accountCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-check
accountCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-check-outline
accountChild → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-child
accountChildCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-child-circle
accountChildOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-child-outline
accountCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-circle
accountCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-circle-outline
accountClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-clock
accountClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-clock-outline
accountCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cog
accountCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cog-outline
accountConvert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-convert
accountConvertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-convert-outline
accountCowboyHat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cowboy-hat
accountCowboyHatOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-cowboy-hat-outline
accountCreditCard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-credit-card
accountCreditCardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-credit-card-outline
accountDetails → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-details
accountDetailsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-details-outline
accountEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-edit
accountEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-edit-outline
accountEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-eye
accountEyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-eye-outline
accountFilter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-filter
accountFilterOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-filter-outline
accountGroup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-group
accountGroupOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-group-outline
accountHardHat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-hard-hat
accountHardHatOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-hard-hat-outline
accountHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-heart
accountHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-heart-outline
accountInjury → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-injury
accountInjuryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-injury-outline
accountKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-key
accountKeyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-key-outline
accountLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-lock
accountLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-lock-open
accountLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-lock-open-outline
accountLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-lock-outline
accountMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-minus
accountMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-minus-outline
accountMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple
accountMultipleCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-check
accountMultipleCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-check-outline
accountMultipleMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-minus
accountMultipleMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-minus-outline
accountMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-outline
accountMultiplePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-plus
accountMultiplePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-plus-outline
accountMultipleRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-remove
accountMultipleRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-multiple-remove-outline
accountMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-music
accountMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-music-outline
accountNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-network
accountNetworkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-network-off
accountNetworkOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-network-off-outline
accountNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-network-outline
accountOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-off
accountOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-off-outline
accountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-outline
accountPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-plus
accountPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-plus-outline
accountQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-question
accountQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-question-outline
accountReactivate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-reactivate
accountReactivateOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-reactivate-outline
accountRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-remove
accountRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-remove-outline
accountSchool → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-school
accountSchoolOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-school-outline
accountSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-search
accountSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-search-outline
accountSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-settings
accountSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-settings-outline
accountStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-star
accountStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-star-outline
accountSupervisor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-supervisor
accountSupervisorCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-supervisor-circle
accountSupervisorCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-supervisor-circle-outline
accountSupervisorOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-supervisor-outline
accountSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-switch
accountSwitchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-switch-outline
accountSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-sync
accountSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-sync-outline
accountTag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tag
accountTagOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tag-outline
accountTie → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie
accountTieHat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-hat
accountTieHatOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-hat-outline
accountTieOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-outline
accountTieVoice → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-voice
accountTieVoiceOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-voice-off
accountTieVoiceOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-voice-off-outline
accountTieVoiceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-voice-outline
accountTieWoman → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-tie-woman
accountVoice → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-voice
accountVoiceOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-voice-off
accountWrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-wrench
accountWrenchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-account-wrench-outline
adjust → const IconData
Icon for mdi-adjust
advertisements → const IconData
Icon for mdi-advertisements
advertisementsOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-advertisements-off
airbag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airbag
airballoon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airballoon
airballoonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airballoon-outline
airConditioner → const IconData
Icon for mdi-air-conditioner
airFilter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-air-filter
airHorn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-air-horn
airHumidifier → const IconData
Icon for mdi-air-humidifier
airHumidifierOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-air-humidifier-off
airplane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane
airplaneAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-alert
airplaneCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-check
airplaneClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-clock
airplaneCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-cog
airplaneEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-edit
airplaneLanding → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-landing
airplaneMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-marker
airplaneMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-minus
airplaneOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-off
airplanePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-plus
airplaneRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-remove
airplaneSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-search
airplaneSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-settings
airplaneTakeoff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airplane-takeoff
airport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-airport
airPurifier → const IconData
Icon for mdi-air-purifier
airPurifierOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-air-purifier-off
alarm → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm
alarmBell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-bell
alarmCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-check
alarmLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-light
alarmLightOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-light-off
alarmLightOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-light-off-outline
alarmLightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-light-outline
alarmMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-multiple
alarmNote → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-note
alarmNoteOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-note-off
alarmOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-off
alarmPanel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-panel
alarmPanelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-panel-outline
alarmPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-plus
alarmSnooze → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alarm-snooze
album → const IconData
Icon for mdi-album
alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert
alertBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-box
alertBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-box-outline
alertCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-circle
alertCircleCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-circle-check
alertCircleCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-circle-check-outline
alertCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-circle-outline
alertDecagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-decagram
alertDecagramOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-decagram-outline
alertMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-minus
alertMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-minus-outline
alertOctagon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-octagon
alertOctagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-octagon-outline
alertOctagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-octagram
alertOctagramOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-octagram-outline
alertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-outline
alertPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-plus
alertPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-plus-outline
alertRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-remove
alertRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-remove-outline
alertRhombus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-rhombus
alertRhombusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alert-rhombus-outline
alien → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alien
alienOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alien-outline
alignHorizontalCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-horizontal-center
alignHorizontalDistribute → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-horizontal-distribute
alignHorizontalLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-horizontal-left
alignHorizontalRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-horizontal-right
alignVerticalBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-vertical-bottom
alignVerticalCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-vertical-center
alignVerticalDistribute → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-vertical-distribute
alignVerticalTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-align-vertical-top
allergy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-allergy
allInclusive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-all-inclusive
allInclusiveBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-all-inclusive-box
allInclusiveBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-all-inclusive-box-outline
alpha → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha
alphaA → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-a
alphaABox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-a-box
alphaABoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-a-box-outline
alphaACircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-a-circle
alphaACircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-a-circle-outline
alphaB → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-b
alphaBBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-b-box
alphaBBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-b-box-outline
alphaBCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-b-circle
alphaBCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-b-circle-outline
alphabetAurebesh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabet-aurebesh
alphabetCyrillic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabet-cyrillic
alphabetGreek → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabet-greek
alphabetical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabetical
alphabeticalOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabetical-off
alphabeticalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabetical-variant
alphabeticalVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabetical-variant-off
alphabetLatin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabet-latin
alphabetPiqad → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabet-piqad
alphabetTengwar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alphabet-tengwar
alphaC → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-c
alphaCBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-c-box
alphaCBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-c-box-outline
alphaCCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-c-circle
alphaCCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-c-circle-outline
alphaD → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-d
alphaDBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-d-box
alphaDBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-d-box-outline
alphaDCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-d-circle
alphaDCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-d-circle-outline
alphaE → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-e
alphaEBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-e-box
alphaEBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-e-box-outline
alphaECircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-e-circle
alphaECircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-e-circle-outline
alphaF → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-f
alphaFBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-f-box
alphaFBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-f-box-outline
alphaFCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-f-circle
alphaFCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-f-circle-outline
alphaG → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-g
alphaGBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-g-box
alphaGBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-g-box-outline
alphaGCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-g-circle
alphaGCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-g-circle-outline
alphaH → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-h
alphaHBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-h-box
alphaHBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-h-box-outline
alphaHCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-h-circle
alphaHCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-h-circle-outline
alphaI → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-i
alphaI1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-i
alphaIBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-i-box
alphaIBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-i-box-outline
alphaICircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-i-circle
alphaICircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-i-circle-outline
alphaJ → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-j
alphaJBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-j-box
alphaJBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-j-box-outline
alphaJCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-j-circle
alphaJCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-j-circle-outline
alphaK → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-k
alphaKBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-k-box
alphaKBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-k-box-outline
alphaKCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-k-circle
alphaKCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-k-circle-outline
alphaL → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-l
alphaL1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-l
alphaLBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-l-box
alphaLBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-l-box-outline
alphaLCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-l-circle
alphaLCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-l-circle-outline
alphaM → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-m
alphaMBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-m-box
alphaMBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-m-box-outline
alphaMCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-m-circle
alphaMCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-m-circle-outline
alphaN → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-n
alphaNBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-n-box
alphaNBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-n-box-outline
alphaNCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-n-circle
alphaNCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-n-circle-outline
alphaO → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o
alphaO1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o
alphaOBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o-box
alphaOBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o-box-outline
alphaOCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o-circle
alphaOCircle1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o-circle
alphaOCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o-circle-outline
alphaOCircleOutline1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-o-circle-outline
alphaP → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-p
alphaPBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-p-box
alphaPBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-p-box-outline
alphaPCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-p-circle
alphaPCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-p-circle-outline
alphaQ → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-q
alphaQBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-q-box
alphaQBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-q-box-outline
alphaQCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-q-circle
alphaQCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-q-circle-outline
alphaR → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-r
alphaRBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-r-box
alphaRBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-r-box-outline
alphaRCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-r-circle
alphaRCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-r-circle-outline
alphaS → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-s
alphaSBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-s-box
alphaSBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-s-box-outline
alphaSCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-s-circle
alphaSCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-s-circle-outline
alphaT → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-t
alphaTBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-t-box
alphaTBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-t-box-outline
alphaTCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-t-circle
alphaTCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-t-circle-outline
alphaU → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-u
alphaUBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-u-box
alphaUBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-u-box-outline
alphaUCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-u-circle
alphaUCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-u-circle-outline
alphaV → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-v
alphaV1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-v
alphaVBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-v-box
alphaVBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-v-box-outline
alphaVCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-v-circle
alphaVCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-v-circle-outline
alphaW → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-w
alphaWBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-w-box
alphaWBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-w-box-outline
alphaWCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-w-circle
alphaWCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-w-circle-outline
alphaX → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-x
alphaX1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-x
alphaXBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-x-box
alphaXBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-x-box-outline
alphaXCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-x-circle
alphaXCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-x-circle-outline
alphaY → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-y
alphaYBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-y-box
alphaYBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-y-box-outline
alphaYCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-y-circle
alphaYCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-y-circle-outline
alphaZ → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-z
alphaZBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-z-box
alphaZBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-z-box-outline
alphaZCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-z-circle
alphaZCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-alpha-z-circle-outline
altimeter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-altimeter
ambulance → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ambulance
ammunition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ammunition
ampersand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ampersand
amplifier → const IconData
Icon for mdi-amplifier
amplifierOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-amplifier-off
anchor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-anchor
android → const IconData
Icon for mdi-android
androidStudio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-android-studio
angleAcute → const IconData
Icon for mdi-angle-acute
angleObtuse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-angle-obtuse
angleRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-angle-right
angular → const IconData
Icon for mdi-angular
angularjs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-angularjs
animation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-animation
animationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-animation-outline
animationPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-animation-play
animationPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-animation-play-outline
ansible → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ansible
antenna → const IconData
Icon for mdi-antenna
anvil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-anvil
apacheKafka → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apache-kafka
api → const IconData
Icon for mdi-api
apiOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-api-off
apple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple
appleFinder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-finder
appleIcloud → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-icloud
appleIos → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-ios
appleKeyboardCaps → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-keyboard-caps
appleKeyboardCommand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-keyboard-command
appleKeyboardControl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-keyboard-control
appleKeyboardOption → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-keyboard-option
appleKeyboardShift → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-keyboard-shift
appleSafari → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apple-safari
application → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application
applicationArray → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-array
applicationArrayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-array-outline
applicationBraces → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-braces
applicationBracesOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-braces-outline
applicationBrackets → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-brackets
applicationBracketsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-brackets-outline
applicationCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-cog
applicationCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-cog-outline
applicationEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-edit
applicationEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-edit-outline
applicationExport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-export
applicationImport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-import
applicationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-outline
applicationParentheses → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-parentheses
applicationParenthesesOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-parentheses-outline
applicationSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-settings
applicationSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-settings-outline
applicationVariable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-variable
applicationVariableOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-application-variable-outline
approximatelyEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-approximately-equal
approximatelyEqualBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-approximately-equal-box
apps → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apps
appsBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-apps-box
arch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arch
archive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive
archiveAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-alert
archiveAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-alert-outline
archiveArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-arrow-down
archiveArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-arrow-down-outline
archiveArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-arrow-up
archiveArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-arrow-up-outline
archiveCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-cancel
archiveCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-cancel-outline
archiveCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-check
archiveCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-check-outline
archiveClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-clock
archiveClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-clock-outline
archiveCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-cog
archiveCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-cog-outline
archiveEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-edit
archiveEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-edit-outline
archiveEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-eye
archiveEyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-eye-outline
archiveLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-lock
archiveLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-lock-open
archiveLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-lock-open-outline
archiveLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-lock-outline
archiveMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-marker
archiveMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-marker-outline
archiveMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-minus
archiveMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-minus-outline
archiveMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-music
archiveMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-music-outline
archiveOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-off
archiveOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-off-outline
archiveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-outline
archivePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-plus
archivePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-plus-outline
archiveRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-refresh
archiveRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-refresh-outline
archiveRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-remove
archiveRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-remove-outline
archiveSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-search
archiveSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-search-outline
archiveSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-settings
archiveSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-settings-outline
archiveStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-star
archiveStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-star-outline
archiveSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-sync
archiveSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-archive-sync-outline
armFlex → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arm-flex
armFlexOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arm-flex-outline
arrangeBringForward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrange-bring-forward
arrangeBringToFront → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrange-bring-to-front
arrangeSendBackward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrange-send-backward
arrangeSendToBack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrange-send-to-back
arrowAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-all
arrowBottomLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-left
arrowBottomLeftBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-left-bold-box
arrowBottomLeftBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-left-bold-box-outline
arrowBottomLeftBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-left-bold-outline
arrowBottomLeftThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-left-thick
arrowBottomLeftThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-left-thin
arrowBottomLeftThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-left-thin-circle-outline
arrowBottomRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-right
arrowBottomRightBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-right-bold-box
arrowBottomRightBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-right-bold-box-outline
arrowBottomRightBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-right-bold-outline
arrowBottomRightThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-right-thick
arrowBottomRightThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-right-thin
arrowBottomRightThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-bottom-right-thin-circle-outline
arrowCollapse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse
arrowCollapseAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse-all
arrowCollapseDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse-down
arrowCollapseHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse-horizontal
arrowCollapseLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse-left
arrowCollapseRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse-right
arrowCollapseUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse-up
arrowCollapseVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-collapse-vertical
arrowDecision → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-decision
arrowDecisionAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-decision-auto
arrowDecisionAutoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-decision-auto-outline
arrowDecisionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-decision-outline
arrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down
arrowDownBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-bold
arrowDownBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-bold-box
arrowDownBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-bold-box-outline
arrowDownBoldCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-bold-circle
arrowDownBoldCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-bold-circle-outline
arrowDownBoldHexagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-bold-hexagon-outline
arrowDownBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-bold-outline
arrowDownBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-box
arrowDownCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-circle
arrowDownCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-circle-outline
arrowDownDropCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-drop-circle
arrowDownDropCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-drop-circle-outline
arrowDownLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-left
arrowDownLeftBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-left-bold
arrowDownRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-right
arrowDownRightBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-right-bold
arrowDownThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-thick
arrowDownThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-thin
arrowDownThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-down-thin-circle-outline
arrowExpand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand
arrowExpandAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand-all
arrowExpandDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand-down
arrowExpandHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand-horizontal
arrowExpandLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand-left
arrowExpandRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand-right
arrowExpandUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand-up
arrowExpandVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-expand-vertical
arrowHorizontalLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-horizontal-lock
arrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left
arrowLeftBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bold
arrowLeftBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bold-box
arrowLeftBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bold-box-outline
arrowLeftBoldCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bold-circle
arrowLeftBoldCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bold-circle-outline
arrowLeftBoldHexagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bold-hexagon-outline
arrowLeftBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bold-outline
arrowLeftBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bottom
arrowLeftBottomBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-bottom-bold
arrowLeftBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-box
arrowLeftCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-circle
arrowLeftCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-circle-outline
arrowLeftDropCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-drop-circle
arrowLeftDropCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-drop-circle-outline
arrowLeftRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-right
arrowLeftRightBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-right-bold
arrowLeftRightBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-right-bold-outline
arrowLeftThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-thick
arrowLeftThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-thin
arrowLeftThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-thin-circle-outline
arrowLeftTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-top
arrowLeftTopBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-left-top-bold
arrowProjectile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-projectile
arrowProjectileMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-projectile-multiple
arrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right
arrowRightBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bold
arrowRightBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bold-box
arrowRightBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bold-box-outline
arrowRightBoldCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bold-circle
arrowRightBoldCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bold-circle-outline
arrowRightBoldHexagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bold-hexagon-outline
arrowRightBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bold-outline
arrowRightBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bottom
arrowRightBottomBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-bottom-bold
arrowRightBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-box
arrowRightCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-circle
arrowRightCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-circle-outline
arrowRightDropCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-drop-circle
arrowRightDropCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-drop-circle-outline
arrowRightThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-thick
arrowRightThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-thin
arrowRightThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-thin-circle-outline
arrowRightTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-top
arrowRightTopBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-right-top-bold
arrowSplitHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-split-horizontal
arrowSplitVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-split-vertical
arrowTopLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left
arrowTopLeftBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-bold-box
arrowTopLeftBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-bold-box-outline
arrowTopLeftBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-bold-outline
arrowTopLeftBottomRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-bottom-right
arrowTopLeftBottomRightBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-bottom-right-bold
arrowTopLeftThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-thick
arrowTopLeftThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-thin
arrowTopLeftThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-left-thin-circle-outline
arrowTopRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right
arrowTopRightBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-bold-box
arrowTopRightBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-bold-box-outline
arrowTopRightBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-bold-outline
arrowTopRightBottomLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-bottom-left
arrowTopRightBottomLeftBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-bottom-left-bold
arrowTopRightThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-thick
arrowTopRightThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-thin
arrowTopRightThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-top-right-thin-circle-outline
arrowUDownLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-down-left
arrowUDownLeftBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-down-left-bold
arrowUDownRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-down-right
arrowUDownRightBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-down-right-bold
arrowULeftBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-left-bottom
arrowULeftBottomBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-left-bottom-bold
arrowULeftTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-left-top
arrowULeftTopBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-left-top-bold
arrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up
arrowUpBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-bold
arrowUpBoldBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-bold-box
arrowUpBoldBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-bold-box-outline
arrowUpBoldCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-bold-circle
arrowUpBoldCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-bold-circle-outline
arrowUpBoldHexagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-bold-hexagon-outline
arrowUpBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-bold-outline
arrowUpBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-box
arrowUpCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-circle
arrowUpCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-circle-outline
arrowUpDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-down
arrowUpDownBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-down-bold
arrowUpDownBoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-down-bold-outline
arrowUpDropCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-drop-circle
arrowUpDropCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-drop-circle-outline
arrowUpLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-left
arrowUpLeftBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-left-bold
arrowUpRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-right
arrowUpRightBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-right-bold
arrowUpThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-thick
arrowUpThin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-thin
arrowUpThinCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-up-thin-circle-outline
arrowURightBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-right-bottom
arrowURightBottomBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-right-bottom-bold
arrowURightTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-right-top
arrowURightTopBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-right-top-bold
arrowUUpLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-up-left
arrowUUpLeftBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-up-left-bold
arrowUUpRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-up-right
arrowUUpRightBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-u-up-right-bold
arrowVerticalLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-arrow-vertical-lock
artboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-artboard
artstation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-artstation
aspectRatio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-aspect-ratio
assistant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-assistant
asterisk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-asterisk
asteriskCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-asterisk-circle-outline
at → const IconData
Icon for mdi-at
atlassian → const IconData
Icon for mdi-atlassian
atm → const IconData
Icon for mdi-atm
atom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-atom
atomVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-atom-variant
attachment → const IconData
Icon for mdi-attachment
attachmentCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-attachment-check
attachmentLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-attachment-lock
attachmentMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-attachment-minus
attachmentOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-attachment-off
attachmentPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-attachment-plus
attachmentRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-attachment-remove
atv → const IconData
Icon for mdi-atv
audioInputRca → const IconData
Icon for mdi-audio-input-rca
audioInputStereoMinijack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-audio-input-stereo-minijack
audioInputXlr → const IconData
Icon for mdi-audio-input-xlr
audioVideo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-audio-video
audioVideoOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-audio-video-off
augmentedReality → const IconData
Icon for mdi-augmented-reality
aurora → const IconData
Icon for mdi-aurora
autoDownload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-auto-download
autoFix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-auto-fix
autoMode → const IconData
Icon for mdi-auto-mode
autorenew → const IconData
Icon for mdi-autorenew
autorenewOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-autorenew-off
autoUpload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-auto-upload
avTimer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-av-timer
awning → const IconData
Icon for mdi-awning
awningOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-awning-outline
aws → const IconData
Icon for mdi-aws
axe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axe
axeBattle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axe-battle
axis → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis
axisArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-arrow
axisArrowInfo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-arrow-info
axisArrowLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-arrow-lock
axisLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-lock
axisXArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-x-arrow
axisXArrowLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-x-arrow-lock
axisXRotateClockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-x-rotate-clockwise
axisXRotateCounterclockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-x-rotate-counterclockwise
axisXYArrowLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-x-y-arrow-lock
axisYArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-y-arrow
axisYArrowLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-y-arrow-lock
axisYRotateClockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-y-rotate-clockwise
axisYRotateCounterclockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-y-rotate-counterclockwise
axisZArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-z-arrow
axisZArrowLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-z-arrow-lock
axisZRotateClockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-z-rotate-clockwise
axisZRotateCounterclockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-axis-z-rotate-counterclockwise
babel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-babel
baby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby
babyBottle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-bottle
babyBottleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-bottle-outline
babyBuggy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-buggy
babyBuggyOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-buggy-off
babyCarriage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-carriage
babyCarriageOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-carriage-off
babyFace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-face
babyFaceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baby-face-outline
backburger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-backburger
backspace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-backspace
backspaceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-backspace-outline
backspaceReverse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-backspace-reverse
backspaceReverseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-backspace-reverse-outline
backupRestore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-backup-restore
bacteria → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bacteria
bacteriaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bacteria-outline
badgeAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-badge-account
badgeAccountAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-badge-account-alert
badgeAccountAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-badge-account-alert-outline
badgeAccountHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-badge-account-horizontal
badgeAccountHorizontalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-badge-account-horizontal-outline
badgeAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-badge-account-outline
badminton → const IconData
Icon for mdi-badminton
bagCarryOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-carry-on
bagCarryOnCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-carry-on-check
bagCarryOnOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-carry-on-off
bagChecked → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-checked
bagPersonal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-personal
bagPersonalOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-personal-off
bagPersonalOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-personal-off-outline
bagPersonalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-personal-outline
bagPersonalTag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-personal-tag
bagPersonalTagOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-personal-tag-outline
bagSuitcase → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-suitcase
bagSuitcaseOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-suitcase-off
bagSuitcaseOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-suitcase-off-outline
bagSuitcaseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bag-suitcase-outline
baguette → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baguette
balcony → const IconData
Icon for mdi-balcony
balloon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-balloon
ballot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ballot
ballotOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ballot-outline
ballotRecount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ballot-recount
ballotRecountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ballot-recount-outline
bandage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bandage
bank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank
bankCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-check
bankCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-circle
bankCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-circle-outline
bankMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-minus
bankOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-off
bankOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-off-outline
bankOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-outline
bankPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-plus
bankRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-remove
bankTransfer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-transfer
bankTransferIn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-transfer-in
bankTransferOut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bank-transfer-out
barcode → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barcode
barcodeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barcode-off
barcodeScan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barcode-scan
barley → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barley
barleyOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barley-off
barn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barn
barrel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barrel
barrelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-barrel-outline
baseball → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baseball
baseballBat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baseball-bat
baseballDiamond → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baseball-diamond
baseballDiamondOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baseball-diamond-outline
baseballOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-baseball-outline
bash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bash
basket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket
basketball → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basketball
basketballHoop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basketball-hoop
basketballHoopOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basketball-hoop-outline
basketCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-check
basketCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-check-outline
basketFill → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-fill
basketMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-minus
basketMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-minus-outline
basketOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-off
basketOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-off-outline
basketOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-outline
basketPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-plus
basketPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-plus-outline
basketRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-remove
basketRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-remove-outline
basketUnfill → const IconData
Icon for mdi-basket-unfill
bat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bat
bathtub → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bathtub
bathtubOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bathtub-outline
battery → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery
battery10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-10
battery10Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-10-bluetooth
battery20 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-20
battery20Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-20-bluetooth
battery30 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-30
battery30Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-30-bluetooth
battery40 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-40
battery40Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-40-bluetooth
battery50 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-50
battery50Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-50-bluetooth
battery60 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-60
battery60Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-60-bluetooth
battery70 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-70
battery70Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-70-bluetooth
battery80 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-80
battery80Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-80-bluetooth
battery90 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-90
battery90Bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-90-bluetooth
batteryAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-alert
batteryAlertBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-alert-bluetooth
batteryAlertVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-alert-variant
batteryAlertVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-alert-variant-outline
batteryArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-arrow-down
batteryArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-arrow-down-outline
batteryArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-arrow-up
batteryArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-arrow-up-outline
batteryBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-bluetooth
batteryBluetoothVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-bluetooth-variant
batteryCharging → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging
batteryCharging10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-10
batteryCharging20 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-20
batteryCharging30 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-30
batteryCharging40 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-40
batteryCharging50 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-50
batteryCharging60 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-60
batteryCharging70 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-70
batteryCharging80 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-80
batteryCharging90 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-90
batteryCharging100 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-100
batteryChargingHigh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-high
batteryChargingLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-low
batteryChargingMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-medium
batteryChargingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-outline
batteryChargingWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless
batteryChargingWireless10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-10
batteryChargingWireless20 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-20
batteryChargingWireless30 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-30
batteryChargingWireless40 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-40
batteryChargingWireless50 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-50
batteryChargingWireless60 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-60
batteryChargingWireless70 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-70
batteryChargingWireless80 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-80
batteryChargingWireless90 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-90
batteryChargingWirelessAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-alert
batteryChargingWirelessOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-charging-wireless-outline
batteryCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-check
batteryCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-check-outline
batteryClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-clock
batteryClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-clock-outline
batteryHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-heart
batteryHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-heart-outline
batteryHeartVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-heart-variant
batteryHigh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-high
batteryLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-lock
batteryLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-lock-open
batteryLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-low
batteryMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-medium
batteryMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-minus
batteryMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-minus-outline
batteryMinusVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-minus-variant
batteryNegative → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-negative
batteryOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-off
batteryOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-off-outline
batteryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-outline
batteryPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-plus
batteryPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-plus-outline
batteryPlusVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-plus-variant
batteryPositive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-positive
batteryRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-remove
batteryRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-remove-outline
batterySync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-sync
batterySyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-sync-outline
batteryUnknown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-unknown
batteryUnknownBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-battery-unknown-bluetooth
beach → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beach
beaker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker
beakerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-alert
beakerAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-alert-outline
beakerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-check
beakerCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-check-outline
beakerMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-minus
beakerMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-minus-outline
beakerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-outline
beakerPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-plus
beakerPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-plus-outline
beakerQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-question
beakerQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-question-outline
beakerRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-remove
beakerRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beaker-remove-outline
bed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed
bedClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-clock
bedDouble → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-double
bedDoubleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-double-outline
bedEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-empty
bedKing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-king
bedKingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-king-outline
bedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-outline
bedQueen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-queen
bedQueenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-queen-outline
bedSingle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-single
bedSingleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bed-single-outline
bee → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bee
beeFlower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bee-flower
beehiveOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beehive-off-outline
beehiveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beehive-outline
beekeeper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beekeeper
beer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beer
beerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beer-outline
bell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell
bellAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-alert
bellAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-alert-outline
bellBadge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-badge
bellBadgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-badge-outline
bellCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-cancel
bellCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-cancel-outline
bellCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-check
bellCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-check-outline
bellCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-circle
bellCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-circle-outline
bellCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-cog
bellCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-cog-outline
bellMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-minus
bellMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-minus-outline
bellOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-off
bellOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-off-outline
bellOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-outline
bellPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-plus
bellPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-plus-outline
bellRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-remove
bellRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-remove-outline
bellRing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-ring
bellRingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-ring-outline
bellSleep → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-sleep
bellSleepOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bell-sleep-outline
bench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bench
benchBack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bench-back
beta → const IconData
Icon for mdi-beta
betamax → const IconData
Icon for mdi-betamax
biathlon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-biathlon
bicycle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bicycle
bicycleBasket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bicycle-basket
bicycleCargo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bicycle-cargo
bicycleElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bicycle-electric
bicyclePennyFarthing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bicycle-penny-farthing
bike → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bike
bikeFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bike-fast
bikePedal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bike-pedal
bikePedalClipless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bike-pedal-clipless
bikePedalMountain → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bike-pedal-mountain
billboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-billboard
billiards → const IconData
Icon for mdi-billiards
billiardsRack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-billiards-rack
binoculars → const IconData
Icon for mdi-binoculars
bio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bio
biohazard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-biohazard
bird → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bird
bitbucket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bitbucket
bitcoin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bitcoin
blackMesa → const IconData
Icon for mdi-black-mesa
blender → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blender
blenderOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blender-outline
blenderSoftware → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blender-software
blinds → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blinds
blindsHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blinds-horizontal
blindsHorizontalClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blinds-horizontal-closed
blindsOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blinds-open
blindsVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blinds-vertical
blindsVerticalClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blinds-vertical-closed
blockHelper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-block-helper
bloodBag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blood-bag
bluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bluetooth
bluetoothAudio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bluetooth-audio
bluetoothConnect → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bluetooth-connect
bluetoothOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bluetooth-off
bluetoothSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bluetooth-settings
bluetoothTransfer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bluetooth-transfer
blur → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blur
blurLinear → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blur-linear
blurOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blur-off
blurRadial → const IconData
Icon for mdi-blur-radial
bolt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bolt
bomb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bomb
bombOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bomb-off
bone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bone
boneOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bone-off
book → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book
bookAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-account
bookAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-account-outline
bookAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-alert
bookAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-alert-outline
bookAlphabet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-alphabet
bookArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-down
bookArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-down-outline
bookArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-left
bookArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-left-outline
bookArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-right
bookArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-right-outline
bookArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-up
bookArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-arrow-up-outline
bookCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-cancel
bookCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-cancel-outline
bookCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-check
bookCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-check-outline
bookClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-clock
bookClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-clock-outline
bookCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-cog
bookCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-cog-outline
bookCross → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-cross
bookEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-edit
bookEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-edit-outline
bookEducation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-education
bookEducationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-education-outline
bookHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-heart
bookHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-heart-outline
bookInformationVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-information-variant
bookLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-lock
bookLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-lock-open
bookLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-lock-open-outline
bookLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-lock-outline
bookmark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark
bookmarkBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-box
bookmarkBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-box-multiple
bookmarkBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-box-multiple-outline
bookmarkBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-box-outline
bookmarkCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-check
bookmarkCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-check-outline
bookMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-marker
bookMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-marker-outline
bookmarkMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-minus
bookmarkMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-minus-outline
bookmarkMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-multiple
bookmarkMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-multiple-outline
bookmarkMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-music
bookmarkMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-music-outline
bookmarkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-off
bookmarkOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-off-outline
bookmarkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-outline
bookmarkPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-plus
bookmarkPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-plus-outline
bookmarkRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-remove
bookmarkRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookmark-remove-outline
bookMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-minus
bookMinusMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-minus-multiple
bookMinusMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-minus-multiple-outline
bookMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-minus-outline
bookMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-multiple
bookMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-multiple-outline
bookMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-music
bookMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-music-outline
bookOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-off
bookOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-off-outline
bookOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-open
bookOpenBlankVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-open-blank-variant
bookOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-open-outline
bookOpenPageVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-open-page-variant
bookOpenPageVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-open-page-variant-outline
bookOpenVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-open-variant
bookOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-outline
bookPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-play
bookPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-play-outline
bookPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-plus
bookPlusMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-plus-multiple
bookPlusMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-plus-multiple-outline
bookPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-plus-outline
bookRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-refresh
bookRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-refresh-outline
bookRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-remove
bookRemoveMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-remove-multiple
bookRemoveMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-remove-multiple-outline
bookRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-remove-outline
bookSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-search
bookSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-search-outline
bookSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-settings
bookSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-settings-outline
bookshelf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bookshelf
bookSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-sync
bookSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-sync-outline
bookVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-book-variant
boombox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boombox
boomerang → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boomerang
boomGate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate
boomGateAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-alert
boomGateAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-alert-outline
boomGateArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-arrow-down
boomGateArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-arrow-down-outline
boomGateArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-arrow-up
boomGateArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-arrow-up-outline
boomGateOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-outline
boomGateUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-up
boomGateUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boom-gate-up-outline
bootstrap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bootstrap
borderAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-all
borderAllVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-all-variant
borderBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-bottom
borderBottomVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-bottom-variant
borderColor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-color
borderHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-horizontal
borderInside → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-inside
borderLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-left
borderLeftVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-left-variant
borderNone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-none
borderNoneVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-none-variant
borderOutside → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-outside
borderRadius → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-radius
borderRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-right
borderRightVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-right-variant
borderStyle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-style
borderTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-top
borderTopVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-top-variant
borderVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-border-vertical
bottleSoda → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-soda
bottleSodaClassic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-soda-classic
bottleSodaClassicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-soda-classic-outline
bottleSodaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-soda-outline
bottleTonic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-tonic
bottleTonicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-tonic-outline
bottleTonicPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-tonic-plus
bottleTonicPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-tonic-plus-outline
bottleTonicSkull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-tonic-skull
bottleTonicSkullOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-tonic-skull-outline
bottleWine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-wine
bottleWineOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bottle-wine-outline
bowArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bow-arrow
bowl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bowl
bowling → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bowling
bowlMix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bowl-mix
bowlMixOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bowl-mix-outline
bowlOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bowl-outline
bowTie → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bow-tie
box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-box
boxCutter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-box-cutter
boxCutterOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-box-cutter-off
boxingGlove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-boxing-glove
boxShadow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-box-shadow
braille → const IconData
Icon for mdi-braille
brain → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brain
breadSlice → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bread-slice
breadSliceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bread-slice-outline
bridge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bridge
briefcase → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase
briefcaseAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-account
briefcaseAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-account-outline
briefcaseArrowLeftRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-arrow-left-right
briefcaseArrowLeftRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-arrow-left-right-outline
briefcaseArrowUpDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-arrow-up-down
briefcaseArrowUpDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-arrow-up-down-outline
briefcaseCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-check
briefcaseCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-check-outline
briefcaseClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-clock
briefcaseClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-clock-outline
briefcaseDownload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-download
briefcaseDownloadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-download-outline
briefcaseEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-edit
briefcaseEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-edit-outline
briefcaseEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-eye
briefcaseEyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-eye-outline
briefcaseMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-minus
briefcaseMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-minus-outline
briefcaseOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-off
briefcaseOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-off-outline
briefcaseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-outline
briefcasePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-plus
briefcasePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-plus-outline
briefcaseRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-remove
briefcaseRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-remove-outline
briefcaseSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-search
briefcaseSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-search-outline
briefcaseUpload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-upload
briefcaseUploadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-upload-outline
briefcaseVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-variant
briefcaseVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-variant-off
briefcaseVariantOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-variant-off-outline
briefcaseVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-briefcase-variant-outline
brightness1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-1
brightness2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-2
brightness3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-3
brightness4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-4
brightness5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-5
brightness6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-6
brightness7 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-7
brightnessAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-auto
brightnessPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brightness-percent
broadcast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-broadcast
broadcastOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-broadcast-off
broom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-broom
brush → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brush
brushOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brush-off
brushOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brush-outline
brushVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-brush-variant
bucket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bucket
bucketOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bucket-outline
buffet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-buffet
bug → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug
bugCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-check
bugCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-check-outline
bugle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bugle
bugOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-outline
bugPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-pause
bugPauseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-pause-outline
bugPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-play
bugPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-play-outline
bugStop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-stop
bugStopOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bug-stop-outline
bulkheadLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bulkhead-light
bulldozer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bulldozer
bullet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bullet
bulletinBoard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bulletin-board
bullhorn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bullhorn
bullhornOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bullhorn-outline
bullhornVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bullhorn-variant
bullhornVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bullhorn-variant-outline
bullseye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bullseye
bullseyeArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bullseye-arrow
bulma → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bulma
bunkBed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bunk-bed
bunkBedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bunk-bed-outline
bus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus
busAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-alert
busArticulatedEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-articulated-end
busArticulatedFront → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-articulated-front
busClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-clock
busDoubleDecker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-double-decker
busElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-electric
busMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-marker
busMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-multiple
busSchool → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-school
busSide → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-side
busStop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-stop
busStopCovered → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-stop-covered
busStopUncovered → const IconData
Icon for mdi-bus-stop-uncovered
butterfly → const IconData
Icon for mdi-butterfly
butterflyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-butterfly-outline
buttonCursor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-button-cursor
buttonPointer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-button-pointer
cabinAFrame → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cabin-a-frame
cableData → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cable-data
cached → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cached
cactus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cactus
cake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cake
cakeLayered → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cake-layered
cakeVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cake-variant
cakeVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cake-variant-outline
calculator → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calculator
calculatorVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calculator-variant
calculatorVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calculator-variant-outline
calendar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar
calendarAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-account
calendarAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-account-outline
calendarAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-alert
calendarAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-alert-outline
calendarArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-arrow-left
calendarArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-arrow-right
calendarBadge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-badge
calendarBadgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-badge-outline
calendarBlank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-blank
calendarBlankMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-blank-multiple
calendarBlankOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-blank-outline
calendarCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-check
calendarCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-check-outline
calendarClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-clock
calendarClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-clock-outline
calendarCollapseHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-collapse-horizontal
calendarCollapseHorizontalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-collapse-horizontal-outline
calendarCursor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-cursor
calendarCursorOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-cursor-outline
calendarEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-edit
calendarEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-edit-outline
calendarEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-end
calendarEndOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-end-outline
calendarExpandHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-expand-horizontal
calendarExpandHorizontalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-expand-horizontal-outline
calendarExport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-export
calendarExportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-export-outline
calendarFilter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-filter
calendarFilterOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-filter-outline
calendarHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-heart
calendarHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-heart-outline
calendarImport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-import
calendarImportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-import-outline
calendarLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-lock
calendarLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-lock-open
calendarLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-lock-open-outline
calendarLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-lock-outline
calendarMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-minus
calendarMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-minus-outline
calendarMonth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-month
calendarMonthOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-month-outline
calendarMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-multiple
calendarMultipleCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-multiple-check
calendarMultiselect → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-multiselect
calendarMultiselectOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-multiselect-outline
calendarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-outline
calendarPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-plus
calendarPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-plus-outline
calendarQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-question
calendarQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-question-outline
calendarRange → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-range
calendarRangeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-range-outline
calendarRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-refresh
calendarRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-refresh-outline
calendarRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-remove
calendarRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-remove-outline
calendarSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-search
calendarSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-search-outline
calendarStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-star
calendarStarFourPoints → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-star-four-points
calendarStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-star-outline
calendarStart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-start
calendarStartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-start-outline
calendarSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-sync
calendarSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-sync-outline
calendarText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-text
calendarTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-text-outline
calendarToday → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-today
calendarTodayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-today-outline
calendarWeek → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-week
calendarWeekBegin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-week-begin
calendarWeekBeginOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-week-begin-outline
calendarWeekend → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-weekend
calendarWeekendOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-weekend-outline
calendarWeekOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-calendar-week-outline
callMade → const IconData
Icon for mdi-call-made
callMerge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-call-merge
callMissed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-call-missed
callReceived → const IconData
Icon for mdi-call-received
callSplit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-call-split
camcorder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camcorder
camcorderOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camcorder-off
camera → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera
cameraAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-account
cameraBurst → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-burst
cameraControl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-control
cameraDocument → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-document
cameraDocumentOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-document-off
cameraEnhance → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-enhance
cameraEnhanceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-enhance-outline
cameraFlip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-flip
cameraFlipOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-flip-outline
cameraFront → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-front
cameraFrontVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-front-variant
cameraGopro → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-gopro
cameraImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-image
cameraIris → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-iris
cameraLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-lock
cameraLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-lock-open
cameraLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-lock-open-outline
cameraLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-lock-outline
cameraMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-marker
cameraMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-marker-outline
cameraMeteringCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-metering-center
cameraMeteringMatrix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-metering-matrix
cameraMeteringPartial → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-metering-partial
cameraMeteringSpot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-metering-spot
cameraOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-off
cameraOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-off-outline
cameraOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-outline
cameraPartyMode → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-party-mode
cameraPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-plus
cameraPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-plus-outline
cameraRear → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-rear
cameraRearVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-rear-variant
cameraRetake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-retake
cameraRetakeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-retake-outline
cameraSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-switch
cameraSwitchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-switch-outline
cameraTimer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-timer
cameraWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-wireless
cameraWirelessOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-camera-wireless-outline
campfire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-campfire
cancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cancel
candelabra → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candelabra
candelabraFire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candelabra-fire
candle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candle
candy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candy
candycane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candycane
candyOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candy-off
candyOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candy-off-outline
candyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-candy-outline
cannabis → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cannabis
cannabisOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cannabis-off
capsLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-caps-lock
car → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car
car2Plus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-2-plus
car3Plus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-3-plus
carabiner → const IconData
Icon for mdi-carabiner
carArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-arrow-left
carArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-arrow-right
caravan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-caravan
carBack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-back
carBattery → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-battery
carBrakeAbs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-abs
carBrakeAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-alert
carBrakeFluidLevel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-fluid-level
carBrakeHold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-hold
carBrakeLowPressure → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-low-pressure
carBrakeParking → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-parking
carBrakeRetarder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-retarder
carBrakeTemperature → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-temperature
carBrakeWornLinings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-brake-worn-linings
carChildSeat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-child-seat
carClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-clock
carClutch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-clutch
carCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-cog
carConnected → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-connected
carConvertible → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-convertible
carCoolantLevel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-coolant-level
carCruiseControl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-cruise-control
card → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card
cardAccountDetails → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-details
cardAccountDetailsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-details-outline
cardAccountDetailsStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-details-star
cardAccountDetailsStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-details-star-outline
cardAccountMail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-mail
cardAccountMailOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-mail-outline
cardAccountPhone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-phone
cardAccountPhoneOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-account-phone-outline
cardBulleted → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-bulleted
cardBulletedOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-bulleted-off
cardBulletedOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-bulleted-off-outline
cardBulletedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-bulleted-outline
cardBulletedSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-bulleted-settings
cardBulletedSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-bulleted-settings-outline
carDefrostFront → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-defrost-front
carDefrostRear → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-defrost-rear
cardMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-minus
cardMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-minus-outline
cardMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-multiple
cardMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-multiple-outline
cardOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-off
cardOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-off-outline
carDoor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-door
carDoorLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-door-lock
cardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-outline
cardPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-plus
cardPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-plus-outline
cardRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-remove
cardRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-remove-outline
cards → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards
cardsClub → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-club
cardsClubOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-club-outline
cardsDiamond → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-diamond
cardsDiamondOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-diamond-outline
cardSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-search
cardSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-search-outline
cardsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-outline
cardsPlaying → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing
cardsPlayingClub → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-club
cardsPlayingClubMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-club-multiple
cardsPlayingClubMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-club-multiple-outline
cardsPlayingClubOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-club-outline
cardsPlayingDiamond → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-diamond
cardsPlayingDiamondMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-diamond-multiple
cardsPlayingDiamondMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-diamond-multiple-outline
cardsPlayingDiamondOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-diamond-outline
cardsPlayingHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-heart
cardsPlayingHeartMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-heart-multiple
cardsPlayingHeartMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-heart-multiple-outline
cardsPlayingHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-heart-outline
cardsPlayingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-outline
cardsPlayingSpade → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-spade
cardsPlayingSpadeMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-spade-multiple
cardsPlayingSpadeMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-spade-multiple-outline
cardsPlayingSpadeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-playing-spade-outline
cardsSpade → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-spade
cardsSpadeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-spade-outline
cardsVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cards-variant
cardText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-text
cardTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-card-text-outline
carElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-electric
carElectricOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-electric-outline
carEmergency → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-emergency
carEsp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-esp
carEstate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-estate
carHatchback → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-hatchback
carInfo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-info
carKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-key
carLiftedPickup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-lifted-pickup
carLightAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-light-alert
carLightDimmed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-light-dimmed
carLightFog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-light-fog
carLightHigh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-light-high
carLimousine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-limousine
carMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-multiple
carOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-off
carOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-outline
carParkingLights → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-parking-lights
carPickup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-pickup
carrot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-carrot
carSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-search
carSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-search-outline
carSeat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-seat
carSeatCooler → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-seat-cooler
carSeatHeater → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-seat-heater
carSelect → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-select
carSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-settings
carShiftPattern → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-shift-pattern
carSide → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-side
carSpeedLimiter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-speed-limiter
carSports → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-sports
cart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart
cartArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-arrow-down
cartArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-arrow-right
cartArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-arrow-up
cartCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-check
cartHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-heart
carTireAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-tire-alert
cartMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-minus
cartOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-off
cartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-outline
cartPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-percent
cartPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-plus
carTractionControl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-traction-control
cartRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-remove
carTurbocharger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-turbocharger
cartVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cart-variant
carWash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-wash
carWindshield → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-windshield
carWindshieldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-windshield-outline
carWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-wireless
carWrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-car-wrench
caseSensitiveAlt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-case-sensitive-alt
cash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash
cash100 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-100
cashCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-check
cashClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-clock
cashFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-fast
cashLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-lock
cashLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-lock-open
cashMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-marker
cashMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-minus
cashMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-multiple
cashOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-off
cashPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-plus
cashRefund → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-refund
cashRegister → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-register
cashRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-remove
cashSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cash-sync
cassette → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cassette
cast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cast
castAudio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cast-audio
castAudioVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cast-audio-variant
castConnected → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cast-connected
castEducation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cast-education
castle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-castle
castOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cast-off
castVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cast-variant
cat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cat
cctv → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cctv
cctvOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cctv-off
ceilingFan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ceiling-fan
ceilingFanLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ceiling-fan-light
ceilingLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ceiling-light
ceilingLightMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ceiling-light-multiple
ceilingLightMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ceiling-light-multiple-outline
ceilingLightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ceiling-light-outline
cellphone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone
cellphoneArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-arrow-down
cellphoneArrowDownVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-arrow-down-variant
cellphoneBasic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-basic
cellphoneCharging → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-charging
cellphoneCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-check
cellphoneCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-cog
cellphoneDock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-dock
cellphoneInformation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-information
cellphoneKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-key
Icon for mdi-cellphone-link
cellphoneLinkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-link-off
cellphoneLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-lock
cellphoneMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-marker
cellphoneMessage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-message
cellphoneMessageOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-message-off
cellphoneNfc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-nfc
cellphoneNfcOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-nfc-off
cellphoneOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-off
cellphonePlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-play
cellphoneRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-remove
cellphoneScreenshot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-screenshot
cellphoneSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-settings
cellphoneSound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-sound
cellphoneText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-text
cellphoneWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cellphone-wireless
centos → const IconData
Icon for mdi-centos
certificate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-certificate
certificateOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-certificate-outline
chairRolling → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chair-rolling
chairSchool → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chair-school
chandelier → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chandelier
charity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-charity
chartArc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-arc
chartAreaspline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-areaspline
chartAreasplineVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-areaspline-variant
chartBar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-bar
chartBarStacked → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-bar-stacked
chartBellCurve → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-bell-curve
chartBellCurveCumulative → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-bell-curve-cumulative
chartBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-box
chartBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-box-outline
chartBoxPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-box-plus-outline
chartBubble → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-bubble
chartDonut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-donut
chartDonutVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-donut-variant
chartGantt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-gantt
chartHistogram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-histogram
chartLine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-line
chartLineStacked → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-line-stacked
chartLineVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-line-variant
chartMultiline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-multiline
chartMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-multiple
chartPie → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-pie
chartPieOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-pie-outline
chartPpf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-ppf
chartSankey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-sankey
chartSankeyVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-sankey-variant
chartScatterPlot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-scatter-plot
chartScatterPlotHexbin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-scatter-plot-hexbin
chartTimeline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-timeline
chartTimelineVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-timeline-variant
chartTimelineVariantShimmer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-timeline-variant-shimmer
chartTree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-tree
chartWaterfall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chart-waterfall
chat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat
chatAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-alert
chatAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-alert-outline
chatMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-minus
chatMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-minus-outline
chatOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-outline
chatPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-plus
chatPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-plus-outline
chatProcessing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-processing
chatProcessingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-processing-outline
chatQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-question
chatQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-question-outline
chatRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-remove
chatRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-remove-outline
chatSleep → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-sleep
chatSleepOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chat-sleep-outline
check → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check
checkAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-all
checkBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-bold
checkbook → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbook
checkbookArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbook-arrow-left
checkbookArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbook-arrow-right
checkboxBlank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank
checkboxBlankBadge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-badge
checkboxBlankBadgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-badge-outline
checkboxBlankCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-circle
checkboxBlankCircle1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-circle
checkboxBlankCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-circle-outline
checkboxBlankCircleOutline1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-circle-outline
checkboxBlankCircleOutline2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-circle-outline
checkboxBlankOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-off
checkboxBlankOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-off-outline
checkboxBlankOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-blank-outline
checkboxIntermediate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-intermediate
checkboxIntermediateVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-intermediate-variant
checkboxMarked → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-marked
checkboxMarkedCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-marked-circle
checkboxMarkedCircleAutoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-marked-circle-auto-outline
checkboxMarkedCircleMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-marked-circle-minus-outline
checkboxMarkedCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-marked-circle-outline
checkboxMarkedCirclePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-marked-circle-plus-outline
checkboxMarkedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-marked-outline
checkboxMultipleBlank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank
checkboxMultipleBlankCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle
checkboxMultipleBlankCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle-outline
checkboxMultipleBlankOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-outline
checkboxMultipleMarked → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-marked
checkboxMultipleMarkedCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-marked-circle
checkboxMultipleMarkedCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-marked-circle-outline
checkboxMultipleMarkedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-marked-outline
checkboxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-multiple-outline
checkboxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkbox-outline
checkCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-circle
checkCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-circle-outline
checkDecagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-decagram
checkDecagramOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-decagram-outline
checkerboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkerboard
checkerboardMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkerboard-minus
checkerboardPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkerboard-plus
checkerboardRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-checkerboard-remove
checkNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-network
checkNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-network-outline
checkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-outline
checkUnderline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-underline
checkUnderlineCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-underline-circle
checkUnderlineCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-check-underline-circle-outline
cheese → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cheese
cheeseOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cheese-off
chefHat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chef-hat
chemicalWeapon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chemical-weapon
chessBishop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chess-bishop
chessKing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chess-king
chessKnight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chess-knight
chessPawn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chess-pawn
chessQueen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chess-queen
chessRook → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chess-rook
chevronDoubleDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-double-down
chevronDoubleLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-double-left
chevronDoubleRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-double-right
chevronDoubleUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-double-up
chevronDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-down
chevronDownBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-down-box
chevronDownBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-down-box-outline
chevronDownCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-down-circle
chevronDownCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-down-circle-outline
chevronLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-left
chevronLeftBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-left-box
chevronLeftBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-left-box-outline
chevronLeftCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-left-circle
chevronLeftCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-left-circle-outline
chevronRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-right
chevronRightBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-right-box
chevronRightBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-right-box-outline
chevronRightCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-right-circle
chevronRightCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-right-circle-outline
chevronTripleDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-triple-down
chevronTripleLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-triple-left
chevronTripleRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-triple-right
chevronTripleUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-triple-up
chevronUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-up
chevronUpBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-up-box
chevronUpBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-up-box-outline
chevronUpCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-up-circle
chevronUpCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chevron-up-circle-outline
chiliAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-alert
chiliAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-alert-outline
chiliHot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-hot
chiliHotOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-hot-outline
chiliMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-medium
chiliMediumOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-medium-outline
chiliMild → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-mild
chiliMildOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-mild-outline
chiliOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-off
chiliOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chili-off-outline
chip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-chip
church → const IconData
Icon for mdi-church
churchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-church-outline
cigar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cigar
cigarOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cigar-off
circleBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-box
circleBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-box-outline
circleDouble → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-double
circleEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-edit-outline
circleExpand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-expand
circleHalf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-half
circleHalfFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-half-full
circleMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-medium
circleMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-multiple
circleMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-multiple-outline
circleOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-off-outline
circleOpacity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-opacity
circleSlice1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-1
circleSlice2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-2
circleSlice3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-3
circleSlice4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-4
circleSlice5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-5
circleSlice6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-6
circleSlice7 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-7
circleSlice8 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-slice-8
circleSmall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circle-small
circularSaw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-circular-saw
city → const IconData
Icon for mdi-city
citySwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-city-switch
cityVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-city-variant
cityVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-city-variant-outline
clipboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard
clipboardAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-account
clipboardAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-account-outline
clipboardAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-alert
clipboardAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-alert-outline
clipboardArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-down
clipboardArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-down-outline
clipboardArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-left
clipboardArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-left-outline
clipboardArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-right
clipboardArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-right-outline
clipboardArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-up
clipboardArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-arrow-up-outline
clipboardCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-check
clipboardCheckMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-check-multiple
clipboardCheckMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-check-multiple-outline
clipboardCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-check-outline
clipboardClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-clock
clipboardClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-clock-outline
clipboardEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-edit
clipboardEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-edit-outline
clipboardFile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-file
clipboardFileOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-file-outline
clipboardFlow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-flow
clipboardFlowOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-flow-outline
clipboardList → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-list
clipboardListOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-list-outline
clipboardMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-minus
clipboardMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-minus-outline
clipboardMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-multiple
clipboardMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-multiple-outline
clipboardOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-off
clipboardOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-off-outline
clipboardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-outline
clipboardPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-play
clipboardPlayMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-play-multiple
clipboardPlayMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-play-multiple-outline
clipboardPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-play-outline
clipboardPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-plus
clipboardPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-plus-outline
clipboardPulse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-pulse
clipboardPulseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-pulse-outline
clipboardRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-remove
clipboardRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-remove-outline
clipboardSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-search
clipboardSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-search-outline
clipboardText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text
clipboardTextClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-clock
clipboardTextClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-clock-outline
clipboardTextMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-multiple
clipboardTextMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-multiple-outline
clipboardTextOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-off
clipboardTextOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-off-outline
clipboardTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-outline
clipboardTextPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-play
clipboardTextPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-play-outline
clipboardTextSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-search
clipboardTextSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clipboard-text-search-outline
clippy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clippy
clock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock
clockAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-alert
clockAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-alert-outline
clockCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-check
clockCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-check-outline
clockDigital → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-digital
clockEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-edit
clockEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-edit-outline
clockEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-end
clockFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-fast
clockIn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-in
clockMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-minus
clockMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-minus-outline
clockOut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-out
clockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-outline
clockPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-plus
clockPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-plus-outline
clockRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-remove
clockRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-remove-outline
clockStarFourPoints → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-star-four-points
clockStarFourPointsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-star-four-points-outline
clockStart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-start
clockTimeEight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-eight
clockTimeEightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-eight-outline
clockTimeEleven → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-eleven
clockTimeElevenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-eleven-outline
clockTimeFive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-five
clockTimeFiveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-five-outline
clockTimeFour → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-four
clockTimeFourOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-four-outline
clockTimeNine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-nine
clockTimeNineOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-nine-outline
clockTimeOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-one
clockTimeOneOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-one-outline
clockTimeSeven → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-seven
clockTimeSevenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-seven-outline
clockTimeSix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-six
clockTimeSixOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-six-outline
clockTimeTen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-ten
clockTimeTenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-ten-outline
clockTimeThree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-three
clockTimeThreeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-three-outline
clockTimeTwelve → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-twelve
clockTimeTwelveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-twelve-outline
clockTimeTwo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-two
clockTimeTwoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clock-time-two-outline
close → const IconData
Icon for mdi-close
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Icon for mdi-close-box
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Icon for mdi-close-box-multiple
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Icon for mdi-close-box-multiple-outline
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Icon for mdi-close-box-outline
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Icon for mdi-close-circle
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Icon for mdi-close-circle-multiple
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Icon for mdi-close-circle-multiple-outline
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Icon for mdi-close-circle-outline
closedCaption → const IconData
Icon for mdi-closed-caption
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Icon for mdi-closed-caption-outline
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Icon for mdi-close-network
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Icon for mdi-close-network-outline
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Icon for mdi-close-octagon
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Icon for mdi-close-octagon-outline
closeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-close-outline
closeThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-close-thick
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Icon for mdi-cloud
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Icon for mdi-cloud-alert
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Icon for mdi-cloud-alert-outline
cloudArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-down
cloudArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-down-outline
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Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-left
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Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-left-outline
cloudArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-right
cloudArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-right-outline
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Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-up
cloudArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-arrow-up-outline
cloudBraces → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-braces
cloudCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-cancel
cloudCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-cancel-outline
cloudCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-check
cloudCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-check-outline
cloudCheckVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-check-variant
cloudCheckVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-check-variant-outline
cloudCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-circle
cloudCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-circle-outline
cloudClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-clock
cloudClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-clock-outline
cloudCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-cog
cloudCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-cog-outline
cloudDownload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-download
cloudDownloadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-download-outline
cloudLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-lock
cloudLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-lock-open
cloudLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-lock-open-outline
cloudLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-lock-outline
cloudMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-minus
cloudMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-minus-outline
cloudOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-off
cloudOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-off-outline
cloudOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-outline
cloudPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-percent
cloudPercentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-percent-outline
cloudPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-plus
cloudPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-plus-outline
cloudPrint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-print
cloudPrintOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-print-outline
cloudQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-question
cloudQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-question-outline
cloudRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-refresh
cloudRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-refresh-outline
cloudRefreshVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-refresh-variant
cloudRefreshVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-refresh-variant-outline
cloudRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-remove
cloudRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-remove-outline
clouds → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clouds
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Icon for mdi-cloud-search
cloudSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-search-outline
cloudSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-sync
cloudSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-sync-outline
cloudTags → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-tags
cloudUpload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-upload
cloudUploadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cloud-upload-outline
clover → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clover
cloverOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-clover-outline
coachLamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coach-lamp
coachLampVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coach-lamp-variant
coatRack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coat-rack
codeArray → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-array
codeBraces → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-braces
codeBracesBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-braces-box
codeBrackets → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-brackets
codeEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-equal
codeGreaterThan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-greater-than
codeGreaterThanOrEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-greater-than-or-equal
codeJson → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-json
codeLessThan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-less-than
codeLessThanOrEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-less-than-or-equal
codeNotEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-not-equal
codeNotEqualVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-not-equal-variant
codeParentheses → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-parentheses
codeParenthesesBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-parentheses-box
codepen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-codepen
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Icon for mdi-code-string
codeTags → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-tags
codeTagsCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-code-tags-check
coffee → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee
coffeeMaker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-maker
coffeeMakerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-maker-check
coffeeMakerCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-maker-check-outline
coffeeMakerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-maker-outline
coffeeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-off
coffeeOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-off-outline
coffeeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-outline
coffeeToGo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-to-go
coffeeToGoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffee-to-go-outline
coffin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coffin
cog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog
cogBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-box
cogClockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-clockwise
cogCounterclockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-counterclockwise
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Icon for mdi-cog-off
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Icon for mdi-cog-off-outline
cogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-outline
cogPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-pause
cogPauseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-pause-outline
cogPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-play
cogPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-play-outline
cogRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-refresh
cogRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-refresh-outline
cogs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cogs
cogStop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-stop
cogStopOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-stop-outline
cogSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-sync
cogSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-sync-outline
cogTransfer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-transfer
cogTransferOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cog-transfer-outline
collage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-collage
collapseAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-collapse-all
collapseAllOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-collapse-all-outline
colorHelper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-color-helper
comma → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comma
commaBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comma-box
commaBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comma-box-outline
commaCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comma-circle
commaCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comma-circle-outline
comment → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment
commentAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-account
commentAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-account-outline
commentAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-alert
commentAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-alert-outline
commentArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-arrow-left
commentArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-arrow-left-outline
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Icon for mdi-comment-arrow-right
commentArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-arrow-right-outline
commentBookmark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-bookmark
commentBookmarkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-bookmark-outline
commentCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-check
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Icon for mdi-comment-check-outline
commentEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-edit
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Icon for mdi-comment-edit-outline
commentEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-eye
commentEyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-eye-outline
commentFlash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-flash
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Icon for mdi-comment-flash-outline
commentMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-minus
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Icon for mdi-comment-minus-outline
commentMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-multiple
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Icon for mdi-comment-multiple-outline
commentOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-off
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Icon for mdi-comment-off-outline
commentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-outline
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Icon for mdi-comment-plus
commentPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-plus-outline
commentProcessing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-processing
commentProcessingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-processing-outline
commentQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-question
commentQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-question-outline
commentQuote → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-quote
commentQuoteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-quote-outline
commentRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-remove
commentRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-remove-outline
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Icon for mdi-comment-search
commentSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-search-outline
commentText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-text
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Icon for mdi-comment-text-multiple
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Icon for mdi-comment-text-multiple-outline
commentTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-comment-text-outline
compare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compare
compareHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compare-horizontal
compareRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compare-remove
compareVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compare-vertical
compass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compass
compassOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compass-off
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Icon for mdi-compass-off-outline
compassOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compass-outline
compassRose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compass-rose
compost → const IconData
Icon for mdi-compost
cone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cone
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Icon for mdi-cone-off
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Icon for mdi-connection
console → const IconData
Icon for mdi-console
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Icon for mdi-console-line
consoleNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-console-network
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Icon for mdi-console-network-outline
consolidate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-consolidate
contactlessPayment → const IconData
Icon for mdi-contactless-payment
contactlessPaymentCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-contactless-payment-circle
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Icon for mdi-contactless-payment-circle-outline
contacts → const IconData
Icon for mdi-contacts
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Icon for mdi-contacts-outline
contain → const IconData
Icon for mdi-contain
containEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-contain-end
containStart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-contain-start
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Icon for mdi-content-copy
contentCut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-content-cut
contentDuplicate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-content-duplicate
contentPaste → const IconData
Icon for mdi-content-paste
contentSave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-content-save
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Icon for mdi-content-save-alert
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Icon for mdi-content-save-alert-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-all
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Icon for mdi-content-save-all-outline
contentSaveCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-content-save-check
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Icon for mdi-content-save-check-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-cog
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Icon for mdi-content-save-cog-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-edit
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Icon for mdi-content-save-edit-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-minus
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Icon for mdi-content-save-minus-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-move
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Icon for mdi-content-save-move-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-off
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Icon for mdi-content-save-off-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-outline
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Icon for mdi-content-save-plus
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Icon for mdi-content-save-plus-outline
contentSaveSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-content-save-settings
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Icon for mdi-content-save-settings-outline
contrast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-contrast
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Icon for mdi-contrast-box
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Icon for mdi-contrast-circle
controller → const IconData
Icon for mdi-controller
controllerClassic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-controller-classic
controllerClassicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-controller-classic-outline
controllerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-controller-off
Icon for mdi-cookie
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Icon for mdi-cookie-alert
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Icon for mdi-cookie-alert-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-check
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Icon for mdi-cookie-check-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-clock
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Icon for mdi-cookie-clock-outline
cookieCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cookie-cog
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Icon for mdi-cookie-cog-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-edit
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Icon for mdi-cookie-edit-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-lock
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Icon for mdi-cookie-lock-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-minus
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Icon for mdi-cookie-minus-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-off
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Icon for mdi-cookie-off-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-plus
cookiePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cookie-plus-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-refresh
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Icon for mdi-cookie-refresh-outline
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Icon for mdi-cookie-remove
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Icon for mdi-cookie-remove-outline
cookieSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cookie-settings
cookieSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cookie-settings-outline
coolantTemperature → const IconData
Icon for mdi-coolant-temperature
copyleft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-copyleft
Icon for mdi-copyright
cordova → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cordova
corn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-corn
cornOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-corn-off
cosineWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cosine-wave
counter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-counter
countertop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-countertop
countertopOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-countertop-outline
cow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cow
cowOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cow-off
cpu32Bit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cpu-32-bit
cpu64Bit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cpu-64-bit
cradle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cradle
cradleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cradle-outline
crane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crane
creation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-creation
creationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-creation-outline
creativeCommons → const IconData
Icon for mdi-creative-commons
creditCard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card
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Icon for mdi-credit-card-check
creditCardCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-check-outline
creditCardChip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-chip
creditCardChipOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-chip-outline
creditCardClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-clock
creditCardClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-clock-outline
creditCardEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-edit
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Icon for mdi-credit-card-edit-outline
creditCardFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-fast
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Icon for mdi-credit-card-fast-outline
creditCardLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-lock
creditCardLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-lock-outline
creditCardMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-marker
creditCardMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-marker-outline
creditCardMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-minus
creditCardMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-minus-outline
creditCardMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-multiple
creditCardMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-multiple-outline
creditCardOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-off
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Icon for mdi-credit-card-off-outline
creditCardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-outline
creditCardPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-plus
creditCardPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-plus-outline
creditCardRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-refresh
creditCardRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-refresh-outline
creditCardRefund → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-refund
creditCardRefundOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-refund-outline
creditCardRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-remove
creditCardRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-remove-outline
creditCardScan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-scan
creditCardScanOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-scan-outline
creditCardSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-search
creditCardSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-search-outline
creditCardSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-settings
creditCardSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-settings-outline
creditCardSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-sync
creditCardSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-sync-outline
creditCardWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-wireless
creditCardWirelessOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-wireless-off
creditCardWirelessOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-wireless-off-outline
creditCardWirelessOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-credit-card-wireless-outline
cricket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cricket
crop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crop
cropFree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crop-free
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Icon for mdi-crop-landscape
cropPortrait → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crop-portrait
cropRotate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crop-rotate
cropSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crop-square
cross → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cross
crossBolnisi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cross-bolnisi
crossCeltic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cross-celtic
crosshairs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crosshairs
crosshairsGps → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crosshairs-gps
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Icon for mdi-crosshairs-off
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Icon for mdi-crosshairs-question
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Icon for mdi-cross-outline
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Icon for mdi-crowd
crown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crown
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Icon for mdi-crown-circle
crownCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crown-circle-outline
crownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crown-outline
cryengine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cryengine
crystalBall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-crystal-ball
cube → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cube
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Icon for mdi-cube-off
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Icon for mdi-cube-off-outline
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Icon for mdi-cube-outline
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Icon for mdi-cube-scan
cubeSend → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cube-send
cubeUnfolded → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cube-unfolded
cup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cup
cupboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cupboard
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Icon for mdi-cupboard-outline
cupcake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cupcake
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Icon for mdi-cup-off
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Icon for mdi-cup-off-outline
cupOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cup-outline
cupWater → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cup-water
curling → const IconData
Icon for mdi-curling
currencyBdt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-bdt
currencyBrl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-brl
currencyBtc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-btc
currencyCny → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-cny
currencyEth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-eth
currencyEur → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-eur
currencyEurOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-eur-off
currencyFra → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-fra
currencyGbp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-gbp
currencyIls → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-ils
currencyInr → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-inr
currencyJpy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-jpy
currencyKrw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-krw
currencyKzt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-kzt
currencyMnt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-mnt
currencyNgn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-ngn
currencyPhp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-php
currencyRial → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-rial
currencyRub → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-rub
currencyRupee → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-rupee
currencySign → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-sign
currencyThb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-thb
currencyTry → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-try
currencyTwd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-twd
currencyUah → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-uah
currencyUsd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-usd
currencyUsdOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-currency-usd-off
currentAc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-current-ac
currentDc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-current-dc
cursorDefault → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-default
cursorDefaultClick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-default-click
cursorDefaultClickOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-default-click-outline
cursorDefaultGesture → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-default-gesture
cursorDefaultGestureOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-default-gesture-outline
cursorDefaultOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-default-outline
cursorMove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-move
cursorPointer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-pointer
cursorText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cursor-text
curtains → const IconData
Icon for mdi-curtains
curtainsClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-curtains-closed
cylinder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cylinder
cylinderOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-cylinder-off
danceBallroom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dance-ballroom
dancePole → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dance-pole
database → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database
databaseAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-alert
databaseAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-alert-outline
databaseArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-down
databaseArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-down-outline
databaseArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-left
databaseArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-left-outline
databaseArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-right
databaseArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-right-outline
databaseArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-up
databaseArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-arrow-up-outline
databaseCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-check
databaseCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-check-outline
databaseClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-clock
databaseClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-clock-outline
databaseCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-cog
databaseCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-cog-outline
databaseEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-edit
databaseEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-edit-outline
databaseExport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-export
databaseExportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-export-outline
databaseEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-eye
databaseEyeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-eye-off
databaseEyeOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-eye-off-outline
databaseEyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-eye-outline
databaseImport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-import
databaseImportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-import-outline
databaseLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-lock
databaseLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-lock-outline
databaseMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-marker
databaseMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-marker-outline
databaseMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-minus
databaseMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-minus-outline
databaseOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-off
databaseOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-off-outline
databaseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-outline
databasePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-plus
databasePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-plus-outline
databaseRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-refresh
databaseRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-refresh-outline
databaseRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-remove
databaseRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-remove-outline
databaseSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-search
databaseSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-search-outline
databaseSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-settings
databaseSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-settings-outline
databaseSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-sync
databaseSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-database-sync-outline
dataMatrix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-data-matrix
dataMatrixEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-data-matrix-edit
dataMatrixMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-data-matrix-minus
dataMatrixPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-data-matrix-plus
dataMatrixRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-data-matrix-remove
dataMatrixScan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-data-matrix-scan
deathlyHallows → const IconData
Icon for mdi-deathly-hallows
deathStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-death-star
deathStarVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-death-star-variant
debian → const IconData
Icon for mdi-debian
debugStepInto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-debug-step-into
debugStepOut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-debug-step-out
debugStepOver → const IconData
Icon for mdi-debug-step-over
decagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decagram
decagramOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decagram-outline
decimal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decimal
decimalComma → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decimal-comma
decimalCommaDecrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decimal-comma-decrease
decimalCommaIncrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decimal-comma-increase
decimalDecrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decimal-decrease
decimalIncrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-decimal-increase
delete → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete
deleteAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-alert
deleteAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-alert-outline
deleteCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-circle
deleteCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-circle-outline
deleteClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-clock
deleteClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-clock-outline
deleteEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-empty
deleteEmptyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-empty-outline
deleteForever → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-forever
deleteForeverOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-forever-outline
deleteOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-off
deleteOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-off-outline
deleteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-outline
deleteRestore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-restore
deleteSweep → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-sweep
deleteSweepOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-sweep-outline
deleteVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delete-variant
delta → const IconData
Icon for mdi-delta
desk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-desk
deskLamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-desk-lamp
deskLampOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-desk-lamp-off
deskLampOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-desk-lamp-on
deskphone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-deskphone
desktopClassic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-desktop-classic
desktopTower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-desktop-tower
desktopTowerMonitor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-desktop-tower-monitor
details → const IconData
Icon for mdi-details
developerBoard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-developer-board
deviantart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-deviantart
devices → const IconData
Icon for mdi-devices
devTo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dev-to
dharmachakra → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dharmachakra
diabetes → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diabetes
dialpad → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dialpad
diameter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diameter
diameterOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diameter-outline
diameterVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diameter-variant
diamond → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diamond
diamondOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diamond-outline
diamondStone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diamond-stone
dice1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-1
dice1Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-1-outline
dice2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-2
dice2Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-2-outline
dice3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-3
dice3Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-3-outline
dice4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-4
dice4Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-4-outline
dice5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-5
dice5Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-5-outline
dice6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-6
dice6Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-6-outline
diceD4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d4
diceD4Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d4-outline
diceD6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d6
diceD6Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d6-outline
diceD8 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d8
diceD8Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d8-outline
diceD10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d10
diceD10Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d10-outline
diceD12 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d12
diceD12Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d12-outline
diceD20 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d20
diceD20Outline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-d20-outline
diceMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-multiple
diceMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dice-multiple-outline
digitalOcean → const IconData
Icon for mdi-digital-ocean
dipSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dip-switch
directions → const IconData
Icon for mdi-directions
directionsFork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-directions-fork
disc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-disc
discAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-disc-alert
discPlayer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-disc-player
dishwasher → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dishwasher
dishwasherAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dishwasher-alert
dishwasherOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dishwasher-off
disqus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-disqus
distributeHorizontalCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-distribute-horizontal-center
distributeHorizontalLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-distribute-horizontal-left
distributeHorizontalRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-distribute-horizontal-right
distributeVerticalBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-distribute-vertical-bottom
distributeVerticalCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-distribute-vertical-center
distributeVerticalTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-distribute-vertical-top
diversify → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diversify
diving → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving
divingFlippers → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-flippers
divingHelmet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-helmet
divingScuba → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-scuba
divingScubaFlag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-scuba-flag
divingScubaMask → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-scuba-mask
divingScubaTank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-scuba-tank
divingScubaTankMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-scuba-tank-multiple
divingSnorkel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-diving-snorkel
division → const IconData
Icon for mdi-division
divisionBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-division-box
dlna → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dlna
dna → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dna
dns → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dns
dnsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dns-outline
dockBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dock-bottom
docker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-docker
dockLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dock-left
dockRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dock-right
dockTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dock-top
dockWindow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dock-window
doctor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-doctor
dog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dog
dogService → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dog-service
dogSide → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dog-side
dogSideOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dog-side-off
dolby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dolby
dolly → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dolly
dolphin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dolphin
domain → const IconData
Icon for mdi-domain
domainOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-domain-off
domainPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-domain-plus
domainRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-domain-remove
domainSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-domain-switch
domeLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dome-light
dominoMask → const IconData
Icon for mdi-domino-mask
donkey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-donkey
door → const IconData
Icon for mdi-door
doorbell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-doorbell
doorbellVideo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-doorbell-video
doorClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-door-closed
doorClosedLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-door-closed-lock
doorOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-door-open
doorSliding → const IconData
Icon for mdi-door-sliding
doorSlidingLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-door-sliding-lock
doorSlidingOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-door-sliding-open
dotNet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dot-net
dotsCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-circle
dotsGrid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-grid
dotsHexagon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-hexagon
dotsHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-horizontal
dotsHorizontalCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-horizontal-circle
dotsHorizontalCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-horizontal-circle-outline
dotsSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-square
dotsTriangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-triangle
dotsVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-vertical
dotsVerticalCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-vertical-circle
dotsVerticalCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dots-vertical-circle-outline
download → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download
downloadBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-box
downloadBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-box-outline
downloadCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-circle
downloadCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-circle-outline
downloadLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-lock
downloadLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-lock-outline
downloadMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-multiple
downloadNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-network
downloadNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-network-outline
downloadOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-off
downloadOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-off-outline
downloadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-download-outline
drag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drag
dragHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drag-horizontal
dragHorizontalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drag-horizontal-variant
dragVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drag-variant
dragVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drag-vertical
dragVerticalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drag-vertical-variant
dramaMasks → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drama-masks
draw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-draw
drawing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drawing
drawingBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drawing-box
drawPen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-draw-pen
dresser → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dresser
dresserOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dresser-outline
drone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drone
dropbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dropbox
drupal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-drupal
duck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-duck
dumbbell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dumbbell
dumpTruck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-dump-truck
earbuds → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earbuds
earbudsOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earbuds-off
earbudsOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earbuds-off-outline
earbudsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earbuds-outline
earHearing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ear-hearing
earHearingLoop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ear-hearing-loop
earHearingOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ear-hearing-off
earth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth
earthArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-arrow-right
earthBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-box
earthBoxMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-box-minus
earthBoxOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-box-off
earthBoxPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-box-plus
earthBoxRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-box-remove
earthMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-minus
earthOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-off
earthPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-plus
earthRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-earth-remove
egg → const IconData
Icon for mdi-egg
eggEaster → const IconData
Icon for mdi-egg-easter
eggFried → const IconData
Icon for mdi-egg-fried
eggOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-egg-off
eggOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-egg-off-outline
eggOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-egg-outline
eiffelTower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eiffel-tower
eightTrack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eight-track
eject → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eject
ejectCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eject-circle
ejectCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eject-circle-outline
ejectOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eject-outline
electricSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-electric-switch
electricSwitchClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-electric-switch-closed
electronFramework → const IconData
Icon for mdi-electron-framework
elephant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elephant
elevationDecline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevation-decline
elevationRise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevation-rise
elevator → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevator
elevatorDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevator-down
elevatorPassenger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevator-passenger
elevatorPassengerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevator-passenger-off
elevatorPassengerOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevator-passenger-off-outline
elevatorPassengerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevator-passenger-outline
elevatorUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-elevator-up
ellipse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ellipse
ellipseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ellipse-outline
email → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email
emailAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-alert
emailAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-alert-outline
emailArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-arrow-left
emailArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-arrow-left-outline
emailArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-arrow-right
emailArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-arrow-right-outline
emailBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-box
emailCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-check
emailCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-check-outline
emailEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-edit
emailEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-edit-outline
emailFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-fast
emailFastOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-fast-outline
emailHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-heart-outline
emailLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-lock
emailLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-lock-outline
emailMarkAsUnread → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-mark-as-unread
emailMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-minus
emailMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-minus-outline
emailMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-multiple
emailMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-multiple-outline
emailNewsletter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-newsletter
emailOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-off
emailOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-off-outline
emailOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-open
emailOpenHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-open-heart-outline
emailOpenMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-open-multiple
emailOpenMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-open-multiple-outline
emailOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-open-outline
emailOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-outline
emailPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-plus
emailPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-plus-outline
emailRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-remove
emailRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-remove-outline
emailSeal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-seal
emailSealOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-seal-outline
emailSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-search
emailSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-search-outline
emailSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-sync
emailSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-sync-outline
emailVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-email-variant
ember → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ember
emby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emby
emoticon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon
emoticonAngry → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-angry
emoticonAngryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-angry-outline
emoticonConfused → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-confused
emoticonConfusedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-confused-outline
emoticonCool → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-cool
emoticonCoolOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-cool-outline
emoticonCry → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-cry
emoticonCryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-cry-outline
emoticonDead → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-dead
emoticonDeadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-dead-outline
emoticonDevil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-devil
emoticonDevilOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-devil-outline
emoticonExcited → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-excited
emoticonExcitedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-excited-outline
emoticonFrown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-frown
emoticonFrownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-frown-outline
emoticonHappy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-happy
emoticonHappyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-happy-outline
emoticonKiss → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-kiss
emoticonKissOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-kiss-outline
emoticonLol → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-lol
emoticonLolOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-lol-outline
emoticonNeutral → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-neutral
emoticonNeutralOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-neutral-outline
emoticonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-outline
emoticonPoop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-poop
emoticonPoopOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-poop-outline
emoticonSad → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-sad
emoticonSadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-sad-outline
emoticonSick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-sick
emoticonSickOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-sick-outline
emoticonTongue → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-tongue
emoticonTongueOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-tongue-outline
emoticonWink → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-wink
emoticonWinkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-emoticon-wink-outline
engine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-engine
engineOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-engine-off
engineOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-engine-off-outline
engineOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-engine-outline
epsilon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-epsilon
equal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-equal
equalBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-equal-box
equalizer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-equalizer
equalizerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-equalizer-outline
eraser → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eraser
eraserVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eraser-variant
escalator → const IconData
Icon for mdi-escalator
escalatorBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-escalator-box
escalatorDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-escalator-down
escalatorUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-escalator-up
eslint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eslint
et → const IconData
Icon for mdi-et
ethereum → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ethereum
ethernet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ethernet
ethernetCable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ethernet-cable
ethernetCableOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ethernet-cable-off
evernote → const IconData
Icon for mdi-evernote
evPlugCcs1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ev-plug-ccs1
evPlugCcs2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ev-plug-ccs2
evPlugChademo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ev-plug-chademo
evPlugTesla → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ev-plug-tesla
evPlugType1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ev-plug-type1
evPlugType2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ev-plug-type2
evStation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ev-station
excavator → const IconData
Icon for mdi-excavator
exclamation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-exclamation
exclamationThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-exclamation-thick
exitRun → const IconData
Icon for mdi-exit-run
exitToApp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-exit-to-app
exitToApp1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-exit-to-app
expandAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-expand-all
expandAllOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-expand-all-outline
expansionCard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-expansion-card
expansionCardVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-expansion-card-variant
exponent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-exponent
exponentBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-exponent-box
export → const IconData
Icon for mdi-export
exportVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-export-variant
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Icon for mdi-eye
eyeArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-arrow-left
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Icon for mdi-eye-arrow-left-outline
eyeArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-arrow-right
eyeArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-arrow-right-outline
eyeCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-check
eyeCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-check-outline
eyeCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-circle
eyeCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-circle-outline
eyedropper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eyedropper
eyedropperMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eyedropper-minus
eyedropperOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eyedropper-off
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Icon for mdi-eyedropper-plus
eyedropperRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eyedropper-remove
eyedropperVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eyedropper-variant
eyeLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-lock
eyeLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-lock-open
eyeLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-lock-open-outline
eyeLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-lock-outline
eyeMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-minus
eyeMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-minus-outline
eyeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-off
eyeOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-off-outline
eyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-outline
eyePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-plus
eyePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-plus-outline
eyeRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-refresh
eyeRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-refresh-outline
eyeRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-remove
eyeRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-remove-outline
eyeSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-settings
eyeSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-eye-settings-outline
faceAgent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-agent
facebook → const IconData
Icon for mdi-facebook
facebookGaming → const IconData
Icon for mdi-facebook-gaming
facebookMessenger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-facebook-messenger
facebookWorkplace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-facebook-workplace
faceMan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-man
faceManOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-man-outline
faceManProfile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-man-profile
faceManShimmer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-man-shimmer
faceManShimmerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-man-shimmer-outline
faceMask → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-mask
faceMaskOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-mask-outline
faceRecognition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-recognition
faceWoman → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-woman
faceWomanOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-woman-outline
faceWomanProfile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-woman-profile
faceWomanShimmer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-woman-shimmer
faceWomanShimmerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-face-woman-shimmer-outline
factory → const IconData
Icon for mdi-factory
familyTree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-family-tree
fan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan
fanAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-alert
fanAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-auto
fanChevronDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-chevron-down
fanChevronUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-chevron-up
fanClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-clock
fanMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-minus
fanOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-off
fanPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-plus
fanRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-remove
fanSpeed1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-speed-1
fanSpeed2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-speed-2
fanSpeed3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fan-speed-3
fastForward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward
fastForward5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward-5
fastForward10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward-10
fastForward15 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward-15
fastForward30 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward-30
fastForward45 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward-45
fastForward60 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward-60
fastForwardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fast-forward-outline
faucet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-faucet
faucetVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-faucet-variant
fax → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fax
feather → const IconData
Icon for mdi-feather
featureSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-feature-search
featureSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-feature-search-outline
fedora → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fedora
fence → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fence
fenceElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fence-electric
fencing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fencing
ferrisWheel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ferris-wheel
ferry → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ferry
file → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file
fileAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-account
fileAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-account-outline
fileAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-alert
fileAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-alert-outline
fileArrowLeftRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-arrow-left-right
fileArrowLeftRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-arrow-left-right-outline
fileArrowUpDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-arrow-up-down
fileArrowUpDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-arrow-up-down-outline
fileCabinet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cabinet
fileCad → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cad
fileCadBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cad-box
fileCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cancel
fileCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cancel-outline
fileCertificate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-certificate
fileCertificateOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-certificate-outline
fileChart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-chart
fileChartCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-chart-check
fileChartCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-chart-check-outline
fileChartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-chart-outline
fileCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-check
fileCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-check-outline
fileClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-clock
fileClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-clock-outline
fileCloud → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cloud
fileCloudOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cloud-outline
fileCode → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-code
fileCodeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-code-outline
fileCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cog
fileCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-cog-outline
fileCompare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-compare
fileDelimited → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-delimited
fileDelimitedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-delimited-outline
fileDocument → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document
fileDocumentAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-alert
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Icon for mdi-file-document-alert-outline
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Icon for mdi-file-document-arrow-right
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Icon for mdi-file-document-arrow-right-outline
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Icon for mdi-file-document-check
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Icon for mdi-file-document-check-outline
fileDocumentEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-edit
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Icon for mdi-file-document-edit-outline
fileDocumentMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-minus
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Icon for mdi-file-document-minus-outline
fileDocumentMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-multiple
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Icon for mdi-file-document-multiple-outline
fileDocumentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-outline
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Icon for mdi-file-document-plus
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Icon for mdi-file-document-plus-outline
fileDocumentRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-refresh
fileDocumentRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-refresh-outline
fileDocumentRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-remove
fileDocumentRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-document-remove-outline
fileDownload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-download
fileDownloadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-download-outline
fileEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-edit
fileEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-edit-outline
fileExcel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-excel
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Icon for mdi-file-excel-box
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Icon for mdi-file-excel-box-outline
fileExcelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-excel-outline
fileExport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-export
fileExportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-export-outline
fileEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-eye
fileEyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-eye-outline
fileFind → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-find
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Icon for mdi-file-find-outline
fileGifBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-gif-box
fileHidden → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-hidden
fileImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image
fileImageMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-marker
fileImageMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-marker-outline
fileImageMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-minus
fileImageMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-minus-outline
fileImageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-outline
fileImagePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-plus
fileImagePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-plus-outline
fileImageRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-remove
fileImageRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-image-remove-outline
fileImport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-import
fileImportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-import-outline
fileJpgBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-jpg-box
fileKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-key
fileKeyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-key-outline
Icon for mdi-file-link
fileLinkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-link-outline
fileLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-lock
fileLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-lock-open
fileLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-lock-open-outline
fileLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-lock-outline
fileMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-marker
fileMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-marker-outline
fileMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-minus
fileMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-minus-outline
fileMove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-move
fileMoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-move-outline
fileMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-multiple
fileMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-multiple-outline
fileMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-music
fileMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-music-outline
fileOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-outline
filePdfBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-pdf-box
filePercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-percent
filePercentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-percent-outline
filePhone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-phone
filePhoneOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-phone-outline
filePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-plus
filePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-plus-outline
filePngBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-png-box
filePowerpoint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-powerpoint
filePowerpointBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-powerpoint-box
filePowerpointBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-powerpoint-box-outline
filePowerpointOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-powerpoint-outline
filePresentationBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-presentation-box
fileQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-question
fileQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-question-outline
fileRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-refresh
fileRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-refresh-outline
fileRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-remove
fileRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-remove-outline
fileReplace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-replace
fileReplaceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-replace-outline
fileRestore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-restore
fileRestoreOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-restore-outline
fileRotateLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-rotate-left
fileRotateLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-rotate-left-outline
fileRotateRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-rotate-right
fileRotateRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-rotate-right-outline
fileSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-search
fileSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-search-outline
fileSend → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-send
fileSendOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-send-outline
fileSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-settings
fileSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-settings-outline
fileSign → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-sign
fileStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-star
fileStarFourPoints → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-star-four-points
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Icon for mdi-file-star-four-points-outline
fileStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-star-outline
fileSwap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-swap
fileSwapOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-swap-outline
fileSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-sync
fileSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-sync-outline
fileTable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-table
fileTableBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-table-box
fileTableBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-table-box-multiple
fileTableBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-table-box-multiple-outline
fileTableBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-table-box-outline
fileTableOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-table-outline
fileTree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-tree
fileTreeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-tree-outline
fileUndo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-undo
fileUndoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-undo-outline
fileUpload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-upload
fileUploadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-upload-outline
fileVideo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-video
fileVideoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-video-outline
fileWord → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-word
fileWordBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-word-box
fileWordBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-word-box-outline
fileWordOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-word-outline
fileXmlBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-file-xml-box
film → const IconData
Icon for mdi-film
filmstrip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filmstrip
filmstripBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filmstrip-box
filmstripBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filmstrip-box-multiple
filmstripOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filmstrip-off
filter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter
filterCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-check
filterCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-check-outline
filterCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-cog
filterCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-cog-outline
filterMenu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-menu
filterMenuOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-menu-outline
filterMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-minus
filterMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-minus-outline
filterMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-multiple
filterMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-multiple-outline
filterOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-off
filterOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-off-outline
filterOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-outline
filterPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-plus
filterPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-plus-outline
filterRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-remove
filterRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-remove-outline
filterSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-settings
filterSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-settings-outline
filterVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-variant
filterVariantMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-variant-minus
filterVariantPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-variant-plus
filterVariantRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-filter-variant-remove
finance → const IconData
Icon for mdi-finance
findReplace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-find-replace
fingerprint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fingerprint
fingerprintOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fingerprint-off
fire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire
fireAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-alert
firebase → const IconData
Icon for mdi-firebase
fireCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-circle
fireExtinguisher → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-extinguisher
firefox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-firefox
fireHydrant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-hydrant
fireHydrantAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-hydrant-alert
fireHydrantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-hydrant-off
fireOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-off
fireplace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fireplace
fireplaceOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fireplace-off
fireTruck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fire-truck
firewire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-firewire
firework → const IconData
Icon for mdi-firework
fireworkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-firework-off
fish → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fish
fishbowl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fishbowl
fishbowlOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fishbowl-outline
fishOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fish-off
fitToPage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fit-to-page
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Icon for mdi-fit-to-page-outline
fitToScreen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fit-to-screen
fitToScreenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fit-to-screen-outline
flag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag
flagCheckered → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-checkered
flagMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-minus
flagMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-minus-outline
flagOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-off
flagOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-off-outline
flagOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-outline
flagPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-plus
flagPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-plus-outline
flagRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-remove
flagRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-remove-outline
flagTriangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-triangle
flagVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant
flagVariantMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-minus
flagVariantMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-minus-outline
flagVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-off
flagVariantOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-off-outline
flagVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-outline
flagVariantPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-plus
flagVariantPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-plus-outline
flagVariantRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-remove
flagVariantRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flag-variant-remove-outline
flare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flare
flash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash
flashAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-alert
flashAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-alert-outline
flashAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-auto
flashlight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flashlight
flashlightOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flashlight-off
flashOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-off
flashOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-off-outline
flashOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-outline
flashRedEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-red-eye
flashTriangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-triangle
flashTriangleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flash-triangle-outline
flask → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask
flaskEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty
flaskEmptyMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-minus
flaskEmptyMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-minus-outline
flaskEmptyOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-off
flaskEmptyOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-off-outline
flaskEmptyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-outline
flaskEmptyPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-plus
flaskEmptyPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-plus-outline
flaskEmptyRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-remove
flaskEmptyRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-empty-remove-outline
flaskMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-minus
flaskMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-minus-outline
flaskOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-off
flaskOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-off-outline
flaskOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-outline
flaskPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-plus
flaskPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-plus-outline
flaskRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-remove
flaskRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-remove-outline
flaskRoundBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-round-bottom
flaskRoundBottomEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-round-bottom-empty
flaskRoundBottomEmptyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-round-bottom-empty-outline
flaskRoundBottomOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flask-round-bottom-outline
fleurDeLis → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fleur-de-lis
flipHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flip-horizontal
flipToBack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flip-to-back
flipToFront → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flip-to-front
flipVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flip-vertical
floorLamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp
floorLampDual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp-dual
floorLampDualOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp-dual-outline
floorLampOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp-outline
floorLampTorchiere → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp-torchiere
floorLampTorchiereOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp-torchiere-outline
floorLampTorchiereVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp-torchiere-variant
floorLampTorchiereVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-lamp-torchiere-variant-outline
floorPlan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floor-plan
floppy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floppy
floppyVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-floppy-variant
flower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flower
flowerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flower-outline
flowerPollen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flower-pollen
flowerPollenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flower-pollen-outline
flowerPoppy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flower-poppy
flowerTulip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flower-tulip
flowerTulipOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-flower-tulip-outline
focusAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-focus-auto
focusField → const IconData
Icon for mdi-focus-field
focusFieldHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-focus-field-horizontal
focusFieldVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-focus-field-vertical
folder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder
folderAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-account
folderAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-account-outline
folderAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-alert
folderAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-alert-outline
folderArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-down
folderArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-down-outline
folderArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-left
folderArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-left-outline
folderArrowLeftRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-left-right
folderArrowLeftRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-left-right-outline
folderArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-right
folderArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-right-outline
folderArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-up
folderArrowUpDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-up-down
folderArrowUpDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-up-down-outline
folderArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-arrow-up-outline
folderCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-cancel
folderCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-cancel-outline
folderCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-check
folderCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-check-outline
folderClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-clock
folderClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-clock-outline
folderCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-cog
folderCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-cog-outline
folderDownload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-download
folderDownloadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-download-outline
folderEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-edit
folderEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-edit-outline
folderEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-eye
folderEyeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-eye-outline
folderFile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-file
folderFileOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-file-outline
folderGoogleDrive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-google-drive
folderHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-heart
folderHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-heart-outline
folderHidden → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-hidden
folderHome → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-home
folderHomeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-home-outline
folderImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-image
folderInformation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-information
folderInformationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-information-outline
folderKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-key
folderKeyNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-key-network
folderKeyNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-key-network-outline
folderKeyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-key-outline
folderLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-lock
folderLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-lock-open
folderLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-lock-open-outline
folderLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-lock-outline
folderMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-marker
folderMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-marker-outline
folderMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-minus
folderMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-minus-outline
folderMove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-move
folderMoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-move-outline
folderMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-multiple
folderMultipleImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-multiple-image
folderMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-multiple-outline
folderMultiplePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-multiple-plus
folderMultiplePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-multiple-plus-outline
folderMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-music
folderMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-music-outline
folderNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-network
folderNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-network-outline
folderOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-off
folderOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-off-outline
folderOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-open
folderOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-open-outline
folderOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-outline
folderPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-play
folderPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-play-outline
folderPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-plus
folderPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-plus-outline
folderPound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-pound
folderPoundOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-pound-outline
folderQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-question
folderQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-question-outline
folderRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-refresh
folderRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-refresh-outline
folderRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-remove
folderRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-remove-outline
folderSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-search
folderSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-search-outline
folderSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-settings
folderSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-settings-outline
folderStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-star
folderStarMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-star-multiple
folderStarMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-star-multiple-outline
folderStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-star-outline
folderSwap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-swap
folderSwapOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-swap-outline
folderSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-sync
folderSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-sync-outline
folderTable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-table
folderTableOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-table-outline
folderText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-text
folderTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-text-outline
folderUpload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-upload
folderUploadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-upload-outline
folderWrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-wrench
folderWrenchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-wrench-outline
folderZip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-zip
folderZipOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-folder-zip-outline
fontAwesome → const IconData
Icon for mdi-font-awesome
food → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food
foodApple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-apple
foodAppleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-apple-outline
foodCroissant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-croissant
foodDrumstick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-drumstick
foodDrumstickOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-drumstick-off
foodDrumstickOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-drumstick-off-outline
foodDrumstickOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-drumstick-outline
foodForkDrink → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-fork-drink
foodHalal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-halal
foodHotDog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-hot-dog
foodKosher → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-kosher
foodOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-off
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Icon for mdi-food-off-outline
foodOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-outline
foodSteak → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-steak
foodSteakOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-steak-off
foodTakeoutBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-takeout-box
foodTakeoutBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-takeout-box-outline
foodTurkey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-turkey
foodVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-variant
foodVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-food-variant-off
football → const IconData
Icon for mdi-football
footballAustralian → const IconData
Icon for mdi-football-australian
footballHelmet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-football-helmet
footPrint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-foot-print
forest → const IconData
Icon for mdi-forest
forestOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-forest-outline
forklift → const IconData
Icon for mdi-forklift
formatAlignBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-align-bottom
formatAlignCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-align-center
formatAlignJustify → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-align-justify
formatAlignLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-align-left
formatAlignMiddle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-align-middle
formatAlignRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-align-right
formatAlignTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-align-top
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Icon for mdi-format-annotation-minus
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Icon for mdi-format-annotation-plus
formatBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-bold
formatClear → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-clear
formatColorFill → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-color-fill
formatColorHighlight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-color-highlight
formatColorMarkerCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-color-marker-cancel
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Icon for mdi-format-color-text
formatColumns → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-columns
formatFloatCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-float-center
formatFloatLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-float-left
formatFloatNone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-float-none
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Icon for mdi-format-float-right
formatFont → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-font
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Icon for mdi-format-font-size-decrease
formatFontSizeIncrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-font-size-increase
formatHeader1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-1
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Icon for mdi-format-header-2
formatHeader3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-3
formatHeader4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-4
formatHeader5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-5
formatHeader6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-6
formatHeaderDecrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-decrease
formatHeaderEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-equal
formatHeaderIncrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-increase
formatHeaderPound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-header-pound
formatHorizontalAlignCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-horizontal-align-center
formatHorizontalAlignLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-horizontal-align-left
formatHorizontalAlignRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-horizontal-align-right
formatIndentDecrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-indent-decrease
formatIndentIncrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-indent-increase
formatItalic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-italic
formatLetterCase → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-case
formatLetterCaseLower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-case-lower
formatLetterCaseUpper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-case-upper
formatLetterEndsWith → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-ends-with
formatLetterMatches → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-matches
formatLetterSpacing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-spacing
formatLetterSpacingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-spacing-variant
formatLetterStartsWith → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-letter-starts-with
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Icon for mdi-format-line-height
formatLineSpacing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-line-spacing
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Icon for mdi-format-line-style
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Icon for mdi-format-line-weight
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Icon for mdi-format-list-bulleted
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Icon for mdi-format-list-bulleted-square
formatListBulletedTriangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-list-bulleted-triangle
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Icon for mdi-format-list-bulleted-type
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Icon for mdi-format-list-checkbox
formatListChecks → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-list-checks
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Icon for mdi-format-list-group
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Icon for mdi-format-list-group-plus
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Icon for mdi-format-list-numbered
formatListNumberedRtl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-list-numbered-rtl
formatListText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-list-text
formatOverline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-overline
formatPageBreak → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-page-break
formatPageSplit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-page-split
formatPaint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-paint
formatParagraph → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-paragraph
formatParagraphSpacing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-paragraph-spacing
formatPilcrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-pilcrow
formatPilcrowArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-pilcrow-arrow-left
formatPilcrowArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-pilcrow-arrow-right
formatQuoteClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-quote-close
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Icon for mdi-format-quote-close-outline
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Icon for mdi-format-quote-open
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Icon for mdi-format-quote-open-outline
formatRotate90 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-rotate-90
formatSection → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-section
formatSize → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-size
formatStrikethrough → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-strikethrough
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Icon for mdi-format-strikethrough-variant
formatSubscript → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-subscript
formatSuperscript → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-superscript
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Icon for mdi-format-text
formatTextbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-textbox
formatTextRotationAngleDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-text-rotation-angle-down
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Icon for mdi-format-text-rotation-angle-up
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Icon for mdi-format-text-rotation-down
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Icon for mdi-format-text-rotation-down-vertical
formatTextRotationNone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-text-rotation-none
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Icon for mdi-format-text-rotation-up
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Icon for mdi-format-text-rotation-vertical
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Icon for mdi-format-text-variant
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Icon for mdi-format-text-variant-outline
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Icon for mdi-format-text-wrapping-clip
formatTextWrappingOverflow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-text-wrapping-overflow
formatTextWrappingWrap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-text-wrapping-wrap
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Icon for mdi-format-title
formatUnderline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-underline
formatUnderlineWavy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-underline-wavy
formatVerticalAlignBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-vertical-align-bottom
formatVerticalAlignCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-vertical-align-center
formatVerticalAlignTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-vertical-align-top
formatWrapInline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-wrap-inline
formatWrapSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-wrap-square
formatWrapTight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-wrap-tight
formatWrapTopBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-format-wrap-top-bottom
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Icon for mdi-form-dropdown
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Icon for mdi-form-select
formTextarea → const IconData
Icon for mdi-form-textarea
formTextbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-form-textbox
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Icon for mdi-form-textbox-lock
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Icon for mdi-form-textbox-password
forum → const IconData
Icon for mdi-forum
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Icon for mdi-forum-minus
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Icon for mdi-forum-minus-outline
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Icon for mdi-forum-outline
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Icon for mdi-forum-plus
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Icon for mdi-forum-plus-outline
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Icon for mdi-forum-remove
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Icon for mdi-forum-remove-outline
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Icon for mdi-forward
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Icon for mdi-forwardburger
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Icon for mdi-fountain
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Icon for mdi-fountain-pen
fountainPenTip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fountain-pen-tip
fractionOneHalf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fraction-one-half
freebsd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-freebsd
frenchFries → const IconData
Icon for mdi-french-fries
frequentlyAskedQuestions → const IconData
Icon for mdi-frequently-asked-questions
fridge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge
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Icon for mdi-fridge-alert
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Icon for mdi-fridge-alert-outline
fridgeBottom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-bottom
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Icon for mdi-fridge-industrial
fridgeIndustrialAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-industrial-alert
fridgeIndustrialAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-industrial-alert-outline
fridgeIndustrialOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-industrial-off
fridgeIndustrialOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-industrial-off-outline
fridgeIndustrialOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-industrial-outline
fridgeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-off
fridgeOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-off-outline
fridgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-outline
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Icon for mdi-fridge-top
fridgeVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-variant
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Icon for mdi-fridge-variant-alert
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Icon for mdi-fridge-variant-alert-outline
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Icon for mdi-fridge-variant-off
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Icon for mdi-fridge-variant-off-outline
fridgeVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fridge-variant-outline
fruitCherries → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-cherries
fruitCherriesOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-cherries-off
fruitCitrus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-citrus
fruitCitrusOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-citrus-off
fruitGrapes → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-grapes
fruitGrapesOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-grapes-outline
fruitPear → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-pear
fruitPineapple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-pineapple
fruitWatermelon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fruit-watermelon
fuel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fuel
fuelCell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fuel-cell
fullscreen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fullscreen
fullscreenExit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fullscreen-exit
function → const IconData
Icon for mdi-function
functionVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-function-variant
furiganaHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-furigana-horizontal
furiganaVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-furigana-vertical
fuse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fuse
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Icon for mdi-fuse-alert
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Icon for mdi-fuse-blade
fuseOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-fuse-off
gamepad → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad
gamepadCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-circle
gamepadCircleDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-circle-down
gamepadCircleLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-circle-left
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Icon for mdi-gamepad-circle-outline
gamepadCircleRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-circle-right
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Icon for mdi-gamepad-circle-up
gamepadDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-down
gamepadLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-left
gamepadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-outline
gamepadRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-right
gamepadRound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-round
gamepadRoundDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-round-down
gamepadRoundLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-round-left
gamepadRoundOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-round-outline
gamepadRoundRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-round-right
gamepadRoundUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-round-up
gamepadSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-square
gamepadSquareOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-square-outline
gamepadUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-up
gamepadVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-variant
gamepadVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamepad-variant-outline
gamma → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gamma
gantryCrane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gantry-crane
garage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage
garageAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage-alert
garageAlertVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage-alert-variant
garageLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage-lock
garageOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage-open
garageOpenVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage-open-variant
garageVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage-variant
garageVariantLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-garage-variant-lock
gasBurner → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gas-burner
gasCylinder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gas-cylinder
gasStation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gas-station
gasStationOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gas-station-off
gasStationOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gas-station-off-outline
gasStationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gas-station-outline
gate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate
gateAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-alert
gateAnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-and
gateArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-arrow-left
gateArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-arrow-right
gateBuffer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-buffer
gateNand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-nand
gateNor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-nor
gateNot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-not
gateOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-open
gateOr → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-or
gateXnor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-xnor
gateXor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gate-xor
gatsby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gatsby
gauge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gauge
gaugeEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gauge-empty
gaugeFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gauge-full
gaugeLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gauge-low
gavel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gavel
genderFemale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gender-female
genderMale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gender-male
genderMaleFemale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gender-male-female
genderMaleFemaleVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gender-male-female-variant
genderNonBinary → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gender-non-binary
genderTransgender → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gender-transgender
gentoo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gentoo
gesture → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture
gestureDoubleTap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-double-tap
gesturePinch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-pinch
gestureSpread → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-spread
gestureSwipe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-swipe
gestureSwipeDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-swipe-down
gestureSwipeHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-swipe-horizontal
gestureSwipeLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-swipe-left
gestureSwipeRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-swipe-right
gestureSwipeUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-swipe-up
gestureSwipeVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-swipe-vertical
gestureTap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-tap
gestureTapBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-tap-box
gestureTapButton → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-tap-button
gestureTapHold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-tap-hold
gestureTwoDoubleTap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-two-double-tap
gestureTwoTap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gesture-two-tap
ghost → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ghost
ghostOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ghost-off
ghostOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ghost-off-outline
ghostOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ghost-outline
gift → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gift
giftOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gift-off
giftOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gift-off-outline
giftOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gift-open
giftOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gift-open-outline
giftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gift-outline
git → const IconData
Icon for mdi-git
github → const IconData
Icon for mdi-github
gitlab → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gitlab
glassCocktail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-cocktail
glassCocktailOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-cocktail-off
glasses → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glasses
glassFlute → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-flute
glassFragile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-fragile
glassMug → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-mug
glassMugOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-mug-off
glassMugVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-mug-variant
glassMugVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-mug-variant-off
glassPintOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-pint-outline
glassStange → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-stange
glassTulip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-tulip
glassWine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-glass-wine
globeLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-globe-light
globeLightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-globe-light-outline
globeModel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-globe-model
gmail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gmail
gnome → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gnome
gog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gog
goKart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-go-kart
goKartTrack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-go-kart-track
gold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gold
golf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-golf
golfCart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-golf-cart
golfTee → const IconData
Icon for mdi-golf-tee
gondola → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gondola
goodreads → const IconData
Icon for mdi-goodreads
google → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google
Icon for mdi-google-ads
googleAnalytics → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-analytics
googleAssistant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-assistant
googleCardboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-cardboard
googleChrome → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-chrome
googleCircles → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-circles
googleCirclesCommunities → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-circles-communities
googleCirclesExtended → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-circles-extended
googleCirclesGroup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-circles-group
googleClassroom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-classroom
googleCloud → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-cloud
googleDownasaur → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-downasaur
googleDrive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-drive
googleEarth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-earth
googleFit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-fit
googleGlass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-glass
googleHangouts → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-hangouts
googleKeep → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-keep
googleLens → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-lens
googleMaps → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-maps
googleMyBusiness → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-my-business
googleNearby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-nearby
googlePlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-play
googlePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-plus
googlePodcast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-podcast
googleSpreadsheet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-spreadsheet
googleStreetView → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-street-view
googleTranslate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-google-translate
gradientHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gradient-horizontal
gradientVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gradient-vertical
grain → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grain
graph → const IconData
Icon for mdi-graph
graphOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-graph-outline
graphql → const IconData
Icon for mdi-graphql
grass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grass
graveStone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grave-stone
greasePencil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grease-pencil
greaterThan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-greater-than
greaterThanOrEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-greater-than-or-equal
greenhouse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-greenhouse
grid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grid
gridLarge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grid-large
gridOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grid-off
grill → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grill
grillOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-grill-outline
group → const IconData
Icon for mdi-group
guitarAcoustic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-guitar-acoustic
guitarElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-guitar-electric
guitarPick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-guitar-pick
guitarPickOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-guitar-pick-outline
guyFawkesMask → const IconData
Icon for mdi-guy-fawkes-mask
gymnastics → const IconData
Icon for mdi-gymnastics
hail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hail
hairDryer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hair-dryer
hairDryerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hair-dryer-outline
halloween → const IconData
Icon for mdi-halloween
hamburger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hamburger
hamburgerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hamburger-check
hamburgerMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hamburger-minus
hamburgerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hamburger-off
hamburgerPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hamburger-plus
hamburgerRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hamburger-remove
hammer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hammer
hammerScrewdriver → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hammer-screwdriver
hammerSickle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hammer-sickle
hammerWrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hammer-wrench
handBackLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-left
handBackLeftOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-left-off
handBackLeftOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-left-off-outline
handBackLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-left-outline
handBackRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-right
handBackRightOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-right-off
handBackRightOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-right-off-outline
handBackRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-back-right-outline
handball → const IconData
Icon for mdi-handball
handClap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-clap
handClapOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-clap-off
handCoin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-coin
handCoinOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-coin-outline
handcuffs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-handcuffs
handCycle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-cycle
handExtended → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-extended
handExtendedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-extended-outline
handFrontLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-front-left
handFrontLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-front-left-outline
handFrontRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-front-right
handFrontRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-front-right-outline
handHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-heart
handHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-heart-outline
handOkay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-okay
handPeace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-peace
handPeaceVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-peace-variant
handPointingDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-pointing-down
handPointingLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-pointing-left
handPointingRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-pointing-right
handPointingUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-pointing-up
handSaw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-saw
handshake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-handshake
handshakeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-handshake-outline
handsPray → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hands-pray
handWash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-wash
handWashOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-wash-outline
handWater → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-water
handWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-wave
handWaveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hand-wave-outline
hanger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hanger
harddisk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-harddisk
harddiskPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-harddisk-plus
harddiskRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-harddisk-remove
hardHat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hard-hat
hatFedora → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hat-fedora
hazardLights → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hazard-lights
hdmiPort → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hdmi-port
hdr → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hdr
hdrOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hdr-off
Icon for mdi-head
headAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-alert
headAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-alert-outline
headCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-check
headCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-check-outline
headCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-cog
headCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-cog-outline
headDotsHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-dots-horizontal
headDotsHorizontalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-dots-horizontal-outline
headFlash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-flash
headFlashOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-flash-outline
headHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-heart
headHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-heart-outline
headLightbulb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-lightbulb
headLightbulbOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-lightbulb-outline
headMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-minus
headMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-minus-outline
headOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-outline
headphones → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headphones
headphonesBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headphones-bluetooth
headphonesBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headphones-box
headphonesOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headphones-off
headphonesSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headphones-settings
headPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-plus
headPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-plus-outline
headQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-question
headQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-question-outline
headRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-remove
headRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-remove-outline
headset → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headset
headsetDock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headset-dock
headsetOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-headset-off
headSnowflake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-snowflake
headSnowflakeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-snowflake-outline
headSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-sync
headSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-head-sync-outline
heart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart
heart1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart
heartBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-box
heartBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-box-outline
heartBroken → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-broken
heartBrokenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-broken-outline
heartCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-circle
heartCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-circle-outline
heartCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-cog
heartCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-cog-outline
heartFlash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-flash
heartHalf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-half
heartHalfFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-half-full
heartHalfOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-half-outline
heartMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-minus
heartMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-minus-outline
heartMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-multiple
heartMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-multiple-outline
heartOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-off
heartOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-off-outline
heartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-outline
heartOutline1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-outline
heartPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-plus
heartPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-plus-outline
heartPulse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-pulse
heartRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-remove
heartRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-remove-outline
heartSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-settings
heartSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heart-settings-outline
heatingCoil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heating-coil
heatPump → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heat-pump
heatPumpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heat-pump-outline
heatWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-heat-wave
helicopter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-helicopter
help → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help
helpBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-box
helpBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-box-multiple
helpBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-box-multiple-outline
helpBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-box-outline
helpCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-circle
helpCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-circle-outline
helpNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-network
helpNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-network-outline
helpRhombus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-rhombus
helpRhombusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-help-rhombus-outline
hexadecimal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexadecimal
hexagon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon
hexagonMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-multiple
hexagonMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-multiple-outline
hexagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-outline
hexagonSlice1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-slice-1
hexagonSlice2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-slice-2
hexagonSlice3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-slice-3
hexagonSlice4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-slice-4
hexagonSlice5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-slice-5
hexagonSlice6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagon-slice-6
hexagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagram
hexagramOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hexagram-outline
highDefinition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-high-definition
highDefinitionBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-high-definition-box
highway → const IconData
Icon for mdi-highway
hiking → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hiking
history → const IconData
Icon for mdi-history
hockeyPuck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hockey-puck
hockeySticks → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hockey-sticks
hololens → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hololens
home → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home
homeAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-account
homeAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-alert
homeAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-alert-outline
homeAnalytics → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-analytics
homeAssistant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-assistant
homeAutomation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-automation
homeBattery → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-battery
homeBatteryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-battery-outline
homeCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-circle
homeCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-circle-outline
homeCity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-city
homeCityOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-city-outline
homeClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-clock
homeClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-clock-outline
homeEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-edit
homeEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-edit-outline
homeExportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-export-outline
homeFlood → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-flood
homeFloor0 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-0
homeFloor1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-1
homeFloor2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-2
homeFloor3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-3
homeFloorA → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-a
homeFloorB → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-b
homeFloorG → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-g
homeFloorL → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-l
homeFloorNegative1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-floor-negative-1
homeGroup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-group
homeGroupMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-group-minus
homeGroupPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-group-plus
homeGroupRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-group-remove
homeHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-heart
homeImportOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-import-outline
homeLightbulb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-lightbulb
homeLightbulbOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-lightbulb-outline
homeLightningBolt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-lightning-bolt
homeLightningBoltOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-lightning-bolt-outline
homeLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-lock
homeLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-lock-open
homeMapMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-map-marker
homeMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-minus
homeMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-minus-outline
homeModern → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-modern
homeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-off
homeOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-off-outline
homeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-outline
homePercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-percent
homePercentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-percent-outline
homePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-plus
homePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-plus-outline
homeRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-remove
homeRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-remove-outline
homeRoof → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-roof
homeSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-search
homeSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-search-outline
homeSilo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-silo
homeSiloOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-silo-outline
homeSoundIn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-sound-in
homeSoundInOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-sound-in-outline
homeSoundOut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-sound-out
homeSoundOutOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-sound-out-outline
homeSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-switch
homeSwitchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-switch-outline
homeThermometer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-thermometer
homeThermometerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-thermometer-outline
homeVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-variant
homeVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-home-variant-outline
hook → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hook
hookOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hook-off
hoopHouse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hoop-house
hops → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hops
horizontalRotateClockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-horizontal-rotate-clockwise
horizontalRotateCounterclockwise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-horizontal-rotate-counterclockwise
horse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-horse
horseHuman → const IconData
Icon for mdi-horse-human
horseshoe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-horseshoe
horseVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-horse-variant
horseVariantFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-horse-variant-fast
hospital → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hospital
hospitalBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hospital-box
hospitalBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hospital-box-outline
hospitalBuilding → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hospital-building
hospitalMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hospital-marker
hotTub → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hot-tub
hours24 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hours-24
hubspot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hubspot
hulu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hulu
human → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human
humanBabyChangingTable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-baby-changing-table
humanCane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-cane
humanCapacityDecrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-capacity-decrease
humanCapacityIncrease → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-capacity-increase
humanChild → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-child
humanDolly → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-dolly
humanEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-edit
humanFemale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-female
humanFemaleBoy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-female-boy
humanFemaleDance → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-female-dance
humanFemaleFemale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-female-female
humanFemaleGirl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-female-girl
humanGreeting → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-greeting
humanGreetingProximity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-greeting-proximity
humanGreetingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-greeting-variant
humanHandsdown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-handsdown
humanHandsup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-handsup
humanMale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male
humanMaleBoard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-board
humanMaleBoardPoll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-board-poll
humanMaleBoy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-boy
humanMaleChild → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-child
humanMaleFemale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-female
humanMaleFemaleChild → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-female-child
humanMaleGirl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-girl
humanMaleHeight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-height
humanMaleHeightVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-height-variant
humanMaleMale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-male-male
humanNonBinary → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-non-binary
humanPregnant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-pregnant
humanQueue → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-queue
humanScooter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-scooter
humanWalker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-walker
humanWheelchair → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-wheelchair
humanWhiteCane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-human-white-cane
humbleBundle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-humble-bundle
hvac → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hvac
hvacOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hvac-off
hydraulicOilLevel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hydraulic-oil-level
hydraulicOilTemperature → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hydraulic-oil-temperature
hydrogenStation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hydrogen-station
hydroPower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-hydro-power
iceCream → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ice-cream
iceCreamOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ice-cream-off
icePop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ice-pop
idCard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-id-card
identifier → const IconData
Icon for mdi-identifier
ideogramCjk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ideogram-cjk
ideogramCjkVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ideogram-cjk-variant
image → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image
imageAlbum → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-album
imageArea → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-area
imageAreaClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-area-close
imageAutoAdjust → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-auto-adjust
imageBroken → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-broken
imageBrokenVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-broken-variant
imageCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-check
imageCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-check-outline
imageEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-edit
imageEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-edit-outline
imageFilterBlackWhite → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-black-white
imageFilterCenterFocus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-center-focus
imageFilterCenterFocusStrong → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-center-focus-strong
imageFilterCenterFocusStrongOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-center-focus-strong-outline
imageFilterCenterFocusWeak → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-center-focus-weak
imageFilterDrama → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-drama
imageFilterDramaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-drama-outline
imageFilterFrames → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-frames
imageFilterHdr → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-hdr
imageFilterHdr1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-hdr
imageFilterHdrOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-hdr-outline
imageFilterNone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-none
imageFilterTiltShift → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-tilt-shift
imageFilterVintage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-filter-vintage
imageFrame → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-frame
imageLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-lock
imageLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-lock-outline
imageMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-marker
imageMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-marker-outline
imageMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-minus
imageMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-minus-outline
imageMove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-move
imageMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-multiple
imageMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-multiple-outline
imageOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-off
imageOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-off-outline
imageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-outline
imagePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-plus
imagePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-plus-outline
imageRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-refresh
imageRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-refresh-outline
imageRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-remove
imageRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-remove-outline
imageSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-search
imageSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-search-outline
imageSizeSelectActual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-size-select-actual
imageSizeSelectLarge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-size-select-large
imageSizeSelectSmall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-size-select-small
imageSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-sync
imageSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-sync-outline
imageText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-image-text
import → const IconData
Icon for mdi-import
inbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox
inboxArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-arrow-down
inboxArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-arrow-down-outline
inboxArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-arrow-up
inboxArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-arrow-up-outline
inboxFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-full
inboxFullOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-full-outline
inboxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-multiple
inboxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-multiple-outline
inboxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-outline
inboxRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-remove
inboxRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-inbox-remove-outline
incognito → const IconData
Icon for mdi-incognito
incognitoCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-incognito-circle
incognitoCircleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-incognito-circle-off
incognitoOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-incognito-off
induction → const IconData
Icon for mdi-induction
infinity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-infinity
information → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information
informationBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-box
informationBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-box-outline
informationOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-off
informationOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-off-outline
informationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-outline
informationSlabBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-slab-box
informationSlabBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-slab-box-outline
informationSlabCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-slab-circle
informationSlabCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-slab-circle-outline
informationSlabSymbol → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-slab-symbol
informationSymbol → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-symbol
informationVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-variant
informationVariantBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-variant-box
informationVariantBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-variant-box-outline
informationVariantCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-variant-circle
informationVariantCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-information-variant-circle-outline
instagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-instagram
instrumentTriangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-instrument-triangle
integratedCircuitChip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-integrated-circuit-chip
invertColors → const IconData
Icon for mdi-invert-colors
invertColorsOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-invert-colors-off
iobroker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-iobroker
ip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ip
ipNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ip-network
ipNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ip-network-outline
ipod → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ipod
ipOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ip-outline
iron → const IconData
Icon for mdi-iron
ironBoard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-iron-board
ironOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-iron-outline
island → const IconData
Icon for mdi-island
ivBag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-iv-bag
jabber → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jabber
jeepney → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jeepney
jellyfish → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jellyfish
jellyfishOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jellyfish-outline
jira → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jira
jquery → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jquery
jsfiddle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jsfiddle
jumpRope → const IconData
Icon for mdi-jump-rope
kabaddi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kabaddi
kangaroo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kangaroo
karate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-karate
kayaking → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kayaking
keg → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keg
kettle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle
kettleAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-alert
kettleAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-alert-outline
kettlebell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettlebell
kettleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-off
kettleOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-off-outline
kettleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-outline
kettlePourOver → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-pour-over
kettleSteam → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-steam
kettleSteamOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kettle-steam-outline
key → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key
keyAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-alert
keyAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-alert-outline
keyArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-arrow-right
keyboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard
keyboardBackspace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-backspace
keyboardCaps → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-caps
keyboardClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-close
keyboardCloseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-close-outline
keyboardEsc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-esc
keyboardF1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f1
keyboardF2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f2
keyboardF3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f3
keyboardF4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f4
keyboardF5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f5
keyboardF6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f6
keyboardF7 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f7
keyboardF8 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f8
keyboardF9 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f9
keyboardF10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f10
keyboardF11 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f11
keyboardF12 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-f12
keyboardOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-off
keyboardOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-off-outline
keyboardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-outline
keyboardReturn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-return
keyboardSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-settings
keyboardSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-settings-outline
keyboardSpace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-space
keyboardTab → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-tab
keyboardTabReverse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-tab-reverse
keyboardVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-keyboard-variant
keyChain → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-chain
keyChainVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-chain-variant
keyChange → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-change
Icon for mdi-key-link
keyMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-minus
keyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-outline
keyPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-plus
keyRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-remove
keyStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-star
keyVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-variant
keyWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-key-wireless
khanda → const IconData
Icon for mdi-khanda
kickstarter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kickstarter
kite → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kite
kiteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kite-outline
kitesurfing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kitesurfing
klingon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-klingon
knife → const IconData
Icon for mdi-knife
knifeMilitary → const IconData
Icon for mdi-knife-military
knob → const IconData
Icon for mdi-knob
koala → const IconData
Icon for mdi-koala
kodi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kodi
kubernetes → const IconData
Icon for mdi-kubernetes
label → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label
labelMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-multiple
labelMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-multiple-outline
labelOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-off
labelOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-off-outline
labelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-outline
labelPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-percent
labelPercentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-percent-outline
labelVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-variant
labelVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-label-variant-outline
ladder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ladder
ladybug → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ladybug
lambda → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lambda
lamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lamp
lampOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lamp-outline
lamps → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lamps
lampsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lamps-outline
lan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lan
lanCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lan-check
lanConnect → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lan-connect
landFields → const IconData
Icon for mdi-land-fields
lanDisconnect → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lan-disconnect
landPlots → const IconData
Icon for mdi-land-plots
landPlotsCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-land-plots-circle
landPlotsCircleVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-land-plots-circle-variant
landPlotsMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-land-plots-marker
landRowsHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-land-rows-horizontal
landRowsVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-land-rows-vertical
landslide → const IconData
Icon for mdi-landslide
landslideOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-landslide-outline
languageC → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-c
languageCpp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-cpp
languageCsharp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-csharp
languageCss3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-css3
languageFortran → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-fortran
languageGo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-go
languageHaskell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-haskell
languageHtml5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-html5
languageJava → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-java
languageJavascript → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-javascript
languageKotlin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-kotlin
languageLua → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-lua
languageMarkdown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-markdown
languageMarkdownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-markdown-outline
languagePhp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-php
languagePython → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-python
languageR → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-r
languageRuby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-ruby
languageRubyOnRails → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-ruby-on-rails
languageRust → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-rust
languageSwift → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-swift
languageTypescript → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-typescript
languageXaml → const IconData
Icon for mdi-language-xaml
lanPending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lan-pending
laptop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-laptop
laptopAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-laptop-account
laptopOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-laptop-off
laravel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-laravel
laserPointer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-laser-pointer
lasso → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lasso
lastpass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lastpass
latitude → const IconData
Icon for mdi-latitude
launch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-launch
lavaLamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lava-lamp
layers → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers
layersEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-edit
layersMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-minus
layersOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-off
layersOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-off-outline
layersOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-outline
layersPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-plus
layersRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-remove
layersSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-search
layersSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-search-outline
layersTriple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-triple
layersTripleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-layers-triple-outline
leadPencil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lead-pencil
leaf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leaf
leafCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leaf-circle
leafCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leaf-circle-outline
leafMaple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leaf-maple
leafMapleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leaf-maple-off
leafOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leaf-off
leak → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leak
leakOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leak-off
lectern → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lectern
ledOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-off
ledOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-on
ledOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-outline
ledStrip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-strip
ledStripVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-strip-variant
ledStripVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-strip-variant-off
ledVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-variant-off
ledVariantOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-variant-on
ledVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-led-variant-outline
leek → const IconData
Icon for mdi-leek
lessThan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-less-than
lessThanOrEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-less-than-or-equal
library → const IconData
Icon for mdi-library
libraryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-library-outline
libraryShelves → const IconData
Icon for mdi-library-shelves
license → const IconData
Icon for mdi-license
lifebuoy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lifebuoy
lightbulb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb
lightbulbAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-alert
lightbulbAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-alert-outline
lightbulbAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-auto
lightbulbAutoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-auto-outline
lightbulbCfl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-cfl
lightbulbCflOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-cfl-off
lightbulbCflSpiral → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-cfl-spiral
lightbulbCflSpiralOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-cfl-spiral-off
lightbulbFluorescentTube → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-fluorescent-tube
lightbulbFluorescentTubeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-fluorescent-tube-outline
lightbulbGroup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-group
lightbulbGroupOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-group-off
lightbulbGroupOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-group-off-outline
lightbulbGroupOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-group-outline
lightbulbMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-multiple
lightbulbMultipleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-multiple-off
lightbulbMultipleOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-multiple-off-outline
lightbulbMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-multiple-outline
lightbulbNight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-night
lightbulbNightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-night-outline
lightbulbOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-off
lightbulbOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-off-outline
lightbulbOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on
lightbulbOn10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-10
lightbulbOn20 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-20
lightbulbOn30 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-30
lightbulbOn40 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-40
lightbulbOn50 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-50
lightbulbOn60 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-60
lightbulbOn70 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-70
lightbulbOn80 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-80
lightbulbOn90 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-90
lightbulbOnOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-on-outline
lightbulbOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-outline
lightbulbQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-question
lightbulbQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-question-outline
lightbulbSpot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-spot
lightbulbSpotOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-spot-off
lightbulbVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-variant
lightbulbVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightbulb-variant-outline
lightFloodDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-light-flood-down
lightFloodUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-light-flood-up
lighthouse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lighthouse
lighthouseOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lighthouse-on
lightningBolt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightning-bolt
lightningBoltCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightning-bolt-circle
lightningBoltOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lightning-bolt-outline
lightRecessed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-light-recessed
lightSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-light-switch
lightSwitchOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-light-switch-off
lineScan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-line-scan
lingerie → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lingerie
Icon for mdi-link
Icon for mdi-link-box
linkBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-box-outline
linkBoxVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-box-variant
linkBoxVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-box-variant-outline
linkedin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-linkedin
linkLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-lock
linkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-off
linkPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-plus
linkVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-variant
linkVariantMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-variant-minus
linkVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-variant-off
linkVariantPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-variant-plus
linkVariantRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-link-variant-remove
linux → const IconData
Icon for mdi-linux
linuxMint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-linux-mint
lipstick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lipstick
liquidSpot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-liquid-spot
liquor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-liquor
listBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-list-box
listBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-list-box-outline
listStatus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-list-status
litecoin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-litecoin
loading → const IconData
Icon for mdi-loading
locationEnter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-location-enter
locationExit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-location-exit
lock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock
lockAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-alert
lockAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-alert-outline
lockCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-check
lockCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-check-outline
lockClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-clock
locker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-locker
lockerMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-locker-multiple
lockMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-minus
lockMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-minus-outline
lockOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-off
lockOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-off-outline
lockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open
lockOpenAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-alert
lockOpenAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-alert-outline
lockOpenCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-check
lockOpenCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-check-outline
lockOpenMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-minus
lockOpenMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-minus-outline
lockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-outline
lockOpenPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-plus
lockOpenPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-plus-outline
lockOpenRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-remove
lockOpenRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-remove-outline
lockOpenVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-variant
lockOpenVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-open-variant-outline
lockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-outline
lockPattern → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-pattern
lockPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-percent
lockPercentOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-percent-open
lockPercentOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-percent-open-outline
lockPercentOpenVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-percent-open-variant
lockPercentOpenVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-percent-open-variant-outline
lockPercentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-percent-outline
lockPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-plus
lockPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-plus-outline
lockQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-question
lockRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-remove
lockRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-remove-outline
lockReset → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-reset
lockSmart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lock-smart
login → const IconData
Icon for mdi-login
logout → const IconData
Icon for mdi-logout
logoutVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-logout-variant
longitude → const IconData
Icon for mdi-longitude
looks → const IconData
Icon for mdi-looks
lotion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lotion
lotionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lotion-outline
lotionPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lotion-plus
lotionPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lotion-plus-outline
loupe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-loupe
lumx → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lumx
lungs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-lungs
mace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mace
magazinePistol → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magazine-pistol
magazineRifle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magazine-rifle
magicStaff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magic-staff
magnet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnet
magnetOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnet-on
magnify → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify
magnifyClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-close
magnifyExpand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-expand
magnifyMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-minus
magnifyMinusCursor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-minus-cursor
magnifyMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-minus-outline
magnifyPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-plus
magnifyPlusCursor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-plus-cursor
magnifyPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-plus-outline
magnifyRemoveCursor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-remove-cursor
magnifyRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-remove-outline
magnifyScan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-magnify-scan
mail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mail
mailbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox
mailboxOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox-open
mailboxOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox-open-outline
mailboxOpenUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox-open-up
mailboxOpenUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox-open-up-outline
mailboxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox-outline
mailboxUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox-up
mailboxUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mailbox-up-outline
manjaro → const IconData
Icon for mdi-manjaro
map → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map
mapbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mapbox
mapCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-check
mapCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-check-outline
mapClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-clock
mapClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-clock-outline
mapLegend → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-legend
mapMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker
mapMarkerAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-account
mapMarkerAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-account-outline
mapMarkerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-alert
mapMarkerAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-alert-outline
mapMarkerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-check
mapMarkerCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-check-outline
mapMarkerCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-circle
mapMarkerDistance → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-distance
mapMarkerDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-down
mapMarkerLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-left
mapMarkerLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-left-outline
mapMarkerMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-minus
mapMarkerMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-minus-outline
mapMarkerMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-multiple
mapMarkerMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-multiple-outline
mapMarkerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-off
mapMarkerOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-off-outline
mapMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-outline
mapMarkerPath → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-path
mapMarkerPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-plus
mapMarkerPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-plus-outline
mapMarkerQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-question
mapMarkerQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-question-outline
mapMarkerRadius → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-radius
mapMarkerRadiusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-radius-outline
mapMarkerRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-remove
mapMarkerRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-remove-outline
mapMarkerRemoveVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-remove-variant
mapMarkerRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-right
mapMarkerRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-right-outline
mapMarkerStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-star
mapMarkerStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-star-outline
mapMarkerUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-marker-up
mapMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-minus
mapOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-outline
mapPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-plus
mapSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-search
mapSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-map-search-outline
margin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-margin
marker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-marker
markerCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-marker-cancel
markerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-marker-check
mastodon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mastodon
materialDesign → const IconData
Icon for mdi-material-design
materialUi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-material-ui
mathCompass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-compass
mathCos → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-cos
mathIntegral → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-integral
mathIntegralBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-integral-box
mathLog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-log
mathNorm → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-norm
mathNormBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-norm-box
mathSin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-sin
mathTan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-math-tan
matrix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-matrix
medal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-medal
medalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-medal-outline
medicalBag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-medical-bag
medicalCottonSwab → const IconData
Icon for mdi-medical-cotton-swab
medication → const IconData
Icon for mdi-medication
medicationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-medication-outline
meditation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-meditation
memory → const IconData
Icon for mdi-memory
menorah → const IconData
Icon for mdi-menorah
menorahFire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-menorah-fire
Icon for mdi-menu
Icon for mdi-menu-down
Icon for mdi-menu-down-outline
Icon for mdi-menu-left
Icon for mdi-menu-left-outline
Icon for mdi-menu-open
Icon for mdi-menu-right
Icon for mdi-menu-right-outline
Icon for mdi-menu-swap
Icon for mdi-menu-swap-outline
Icon for mdi-menu-up
Icon for mdi-menu-up-outline
merge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-merge
message → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message
messageAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-alert
messageAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-alert-outline
messageArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-arrow-left
messageArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-arrow-left-outline
messageArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-arrow-right
messageArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-arrow-right-outline
messageBadge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-badge
messageBadgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-badge-outline
messageBookmark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-bookmark
messageBookmarkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-bookmark-outline
messageBulleted → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-bulleted
messageBulletedOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-bulleted-off
messageCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-check
messageCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-check-outline
messageCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-cog
messageCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-cog-outline
messageDraw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-draw
messageFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-fast
messageFastOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-fast-outline
messageFlash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-flash
messageFlashOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-flash-outline
messageImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-image
messageImageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-image-outline
messageLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-lock
messageLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-lock-outline
messageMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-minus
messageMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-minus-outline
messageOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-off
messageOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-off-outline
messageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-outline
messagePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-plus
messagePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-plus-outline
messageProcessing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-processing
messageProcessingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-processing-outline
messageQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-question
messageQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-question-outline
messageReply → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-reply
messageReplyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-reply-outline
messageReplyText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-reply-text
messageReplyTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-reply-text-outline
messageSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-settings
messageSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-settings-outline
messageStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-star
messageStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-star-outline
messageText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text
messageTextClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text-clock
messageTextClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text-clock-outline
messageTextFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text-fast
messageTextFastOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text-fast-outline
messageTextLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text-lock
messageTextLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text-lock-outline
messageTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-text-outline
messageVideo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-message-video
meteor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-meteor
meterElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-meter-electric
meterElectricOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-meter-electric-outline
meterGas → const IconData
Icon for mdi-meter-gas
meterGasOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-meter-gas-outline
metronome → const IconData
Icon for mdi-metronome
metronomeTick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-metronome-tick
microphone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone
microphoneMessage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-message
microphoneMessageOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-message-off
microphoneMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-minus
microphoneOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-off
microphoneOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-outline
microphonePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-plus
microphoneQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-question
microphoneQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-question-outline
microphoneSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-settings
microphoneVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-variant
microphoneVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microphone-variant-off
microscope → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microscope
microSd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-micro-sd
microsoft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft
microsoftAccess → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-access
microsoftAzure → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-azure
microsoftAzureDevops → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-azure-devops
microsoftBing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-bing
microsoftDynamics365 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-dynamics-365
microsoftEdge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-edge
microsoftExcel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-excel
microsoftInternetExplorer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-internet-explorer
microsoftOffice → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-office
microsoftOnedrive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-onedrive
microsoftOnenote → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-onenote
microsoftOutlook → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-outlook
microsoftPowerpoint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-powerpoint
microsoftSharepoint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-sharepoint
microsoftTeams → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-teams
microsoftVisualStudio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-visual-studio
microsoftVisualStudioCode → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-visual-studio-code
microsoftWindows → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-windows
microsoftWindowsClassic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-windows-classic
microsoftWord → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-word
microsoftXbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox
microsoftXboxController → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller
microsoftXboxControllerBatteryAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-alert
microsoftXboxControllerBatteryCharging → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-charging
microsoftXboxControllerBatteryEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-empty
microsoftXboxControllerBatteryFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-full
microsoftXboxControllerBatteryLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-low
microsoftXboxControllerBatteryMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-medium
microsoftXboxControllerBatteryUnknown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-battery-unknown
microsoftXboxControllerMenu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-menu
microsoftXboxControllerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-off
microsoftXboxControllerView → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microsoft-xbox-controller-view
microwave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microwave
microwaveOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-microwave-off
middleware → const IconData
Icon for mdi-middleware
middlewareOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-middleware-outline
midi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-midi
midiPort → const IconData
Icon for mdi-midi-port
mine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mine
minecraft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minecraft
minidisc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minidisc
miniSd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mini-sd
minus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus
minusBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-box
minusBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-box-multiple
minusBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-box-multiple-outline
minusBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-box-outline
minusCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-circle
minusCircleMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-circle-multiple
minusCircleMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-circle-multiple-outline
minusCircleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-circle-off
minusCircleOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-circle-off-outline
minusCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-circle-outline
minusNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-network
minusNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-minus-network-outline
mirror → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mirror
mirrorRectangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mirror-rectangle
mirrorVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mirror-variant
mixedMartialArts → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mixed-martial-arts
mixedReality → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mixed-reality
molecule → const IconData
Icon for mdi-molecule
moleculeCo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-molecule-co
moleculeCo2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-molecule-co2
monitor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor
monitorAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-account
monitorArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-arrow-down
monitorArrowDownVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-arrow-down-variant
monitorCellphone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-cellphone
monitorCellphoneStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-cellphone-star
monitorDashboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-dashboard
monitorEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-edit
monitorEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-eye
monitorLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-lock
monitorMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-multiple
monitorOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-off
monitorScreenshot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-screenshot
monitorShare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-share
monitorShimmer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-shimmer
monitorSmall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-small
monitorSpeaker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-speaker
monitorSpeakerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-speaker-off
monitorStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-star
monitorVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-monitor-vertical
moonFirstQuarter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-first-quarter
moonFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-full
moonLastQuarter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-last-quarter
moonNew → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-new
moonWaningCrescent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-waning-crescent
moonWaningGibbous → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-waning-gibbous
moonWaxingCrescent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-waxing-crescent
moonWaxingGibbous → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moon-waxing-gibbous
moped → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moped
mopedElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moped-electric
mopedElectricOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moped-electric-outline
mopedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-moped-outline
more → const IconData
Icon for mdi-more
mortarPestle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mortar-pestle
mortarPestlePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mortar-pestle-plus
mosque → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mosque
mosqueOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mosque-outline
motherHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mother-heart
motherNurse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mother-nurse
motion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion
motionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion-outline
motionPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion-pause
motionPauseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion-pause-outline
motionPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion-play
motionPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion-play-outline
motionSensor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion-sensor
motionSensorOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motion-sensor-off
motorbike → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motorbike
motorbikeElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motorbike-electric
motorbikeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-motorbike-off
mouse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse
mouseBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse-bluetooth
mouseMoveDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse-move-down
mouseMoveUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse-move-up
mouseMoveVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse-move-vertical
mouseOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse-off
mouseVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse-variant
mouseVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mouse-variant-off
moveResize → const IconData
Icon for mdi-move-resize
moveResizeVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-move-resize-variant
movie → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie
movieCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-check
movieCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-check-outline
movieCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-cog
movieCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-cog-outline
movieEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-edit
movieEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-edit-outline
movieFilter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-filter
movieFilterOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-filter-outline
movieMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-minus
movieMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-minus-outline
movieOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-off
movieOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-off-outline
movieOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open
movieOpenCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-check
movieOpenCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-check-outline
movieOpenCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-cog
movieOpenCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-cog-outline
movieOpenEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-edit
movieOpenEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-edit-outline
movieOpenMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-minus
movieOpenMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-minus-outline
movieOpenOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-off
movieOpenOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-off-outline
movieOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-outline
movieOpenPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-play
movieOpenPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-play-outline
movieOpenPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-plus
movieOpenPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-plus-outline
movieOpenRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-remove
movieOpenRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-remove-outline
movieOpenSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-settings
movieOpenSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-settings-outline
movieOpenStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-star
movieOpenStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-open-star-outline
movieOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-outline
moviePlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-play
moviePlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-play-outline
moviePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-plus
moviePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-plus-outline
movieRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-remove
movieRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-remove-outline
movieRoll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-roll
movieSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-search
movieSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-search-outline
movieSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-settings
movieSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-settings-outline
movieStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-star
movieStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-movie-star-outline
mower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mower
mowerBag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mower-bag
mowerBagOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mower-bag-on
mowerOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mower-on
muffin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-muffin
multicast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-multicast
multimedia → const IconData
Icon for mdi-multimedia
multiplication → const IconData
Icon for mdi-multiplication
multiplicationBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-multiplication-box
mushroom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mushroom
mushroomOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mushroom-off
mushroomOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mushroom-off-outline
mushroomOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mushroom-outline
music → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music
musicAccidentalDoubleFlat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-accidental-double-flat
musicAccidentalDoubleSharp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-accidental-double-sharp
musicAccidentalFlat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-accidental-flat
musicAccidentalNatural → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-accidental-natural
musicAccidentalSharp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-accidental-sharp
musicBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-box
musicBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-box-multiple
musicBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-box-multiple-outline
musicBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-box-outline
musicCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-circle
musicCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-circle-outline
musicClefAlto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-clef-alto
musicClefBass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-clef-bass
musicClefTreble → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-clef-treble
musicNote → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note
musicNote1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note
musicNoteBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-bluetooth
musicNoteBluetoothOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-bluetooth-off
musicNoteEighthDotted → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-eighth-dotted
musicNoteHalf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-half
musicNoteHalfDotted → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-half-dotted
musicNoteMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-minus
musicNoteOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-off
musicNoteOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-off-outline
musicNoteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-outline
musicNotePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-plus
musicNoteQuarter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-quarter
musicNoteQuarterDotted → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-quarter-dotted
musicNoteSixteenth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-sixteenth
musicNoteSixteenthDotted → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-sixteenth-dotted
musicNoteWhole → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-whole
musicNoteWholeDotted → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-note-whole-dotted
musicOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-off
musicRestEighth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-rest-eighth
musicRestHalf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-rest-half
musicRestQuarter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-rest-quarter
musicRestSixteenth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-rest-sixteenth
musicRestWhole → const IconData
Icon for mdi-music-rest-whole
mustache → const IconData
Icon for mdi-mustache
nail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nail
nas → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nas
nativescript → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nativescript
nature → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nature
natureOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nature-outline
naturePeople → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nature-people
naturePeopleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nature-people-outline
Icon for mdi-navigation
Icon for mdi-navigation-outline
Icon for mdi-navigation-variant-outline
nearMe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-near-me
nearMe1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-near-me
necklace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-necklace
needle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-needle
needleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-needle-off
netflix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-netflix
network → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network
networkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-off
networkOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-off-outline
networkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-outline
networkPos → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-pos
networkStrength1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-1
networkStrength1Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-1-alert
networkStrength2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-2
networkStrength2Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-2-alert
networkStrength3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-3
networkStrength3Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-3-alert
networkStrength4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-4
networkStrength4Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-4-alert
networkStrength4Cog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-4-cog
networkStrengthOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-off
networkStrengthOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-off-outline
networkStrengthOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-network-strength-outline
newBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-new-box
newspaper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper
newspaperCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-check
newspaperMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-minus
newspaperPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-plus
newspaperRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-remove
newspaperVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-variant
newspaperVariantMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-variant-multiple
newspaperVariantMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-variant-multiple-outline
newspaperVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-newspaper-variant-outline
nfc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nfc
nfcSearchVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nfc-search-variant
nfcTap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nfc-tap
nfcVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nfc-variant
nfcVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nfc-variant-off
ninja → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ninja
nintendoGameBoy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nintendo-game-boy
nintendoSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nintendo-switch
nintendoWii → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nintendo-wii
nintendoWiiu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nintendo-wiiu
nix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nix
nodejs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nodejs
noodles → const IconData
Icon for mdi-noodles
note → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note
noteAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-alert
noteAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-alert-outline
notebook → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook
notebookCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-check
notebookCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-check-outline
notebookEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-edit
notebookEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-edit-outline
notebookHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-heart
notebookHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-heart-outline
notebookMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-minus
notebookMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-minus-outline
notebookMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-multiple
notebookOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-outline
notebookPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-plus
notebookPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-plus-outline
notebookRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-remove
notebookRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notebook-remove-outline
noteCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-check
noteCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-check-outline
noteEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-edit
noteEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-edit-outline
noteMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-minus
noteMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-minus-outline
noteMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-multiple
noteMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-multiple-outline
noteOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-off
noteOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-off-outline
noteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-outline
notePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-plus
notePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-plus-outline
notEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-not-equal
notEqualVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-not-equal-variant
noteRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-remove
noteRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-remove-outline
noteSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-search
noteSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-search-outline
noteText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-text
noteTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-note-text-outline
notificationClearAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-notification-clear-all
npm → const IconData
Icon for mdi-npm
nuke → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nuke
nullIcon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-null
numeric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric
numeric0Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-0-box
numeric0BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-0-box-multiple
numeric0BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-0-box-multiple-outline
numeric0BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-0-box-outline
numeric1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-1
numeric1Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-1-box
numeric1BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-1-box-multiple
numeric1BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-1-box-multiple-outline
numeric1BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-1-box-outline
numeric1Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-1-circle
numeric1CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-1-circle-outline
numeric2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-2
numeric2Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-2-box
numeric2BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-2-box-multiple
numeric2BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-2-box-multiple-outline
numeric2BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-2-box-outline
numeric2Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-2-circle
numeric2CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-2-circle-outline
numeric3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-3
numeric3Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-3-box
numeric3BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-3-box-multiple
numeric3BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-3-box-multiple-outline
numeric3BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-3-box-outline
numeric3Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-3-circle
numeric3CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-3-circle-outline
numeric4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-4
numeric4Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-4-box
numeric4BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-4-box-multiple
numeric4BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-4-box-multiple-outline
numeric4BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-4-box-outline
numeric4Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-4-circle
numeric4CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-4-circle-outline
numeric5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-5
numeric5Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-5-box
numeric5BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-5-box-multiple
numeric5BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-5-box-multiple-outline
numeric5BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-5-box-outline
numeric5Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-5-circle
numeric5CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-5-circle-outline
numeric6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-6
numeric6Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-6-box
numeric6BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-6-box-multiple
numeric6BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-6-box-multiple-outline
numeric6BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-6-box-outline
numeric6Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-6-circle
numeric6CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-6-circle-outline
numeric7 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-7
numeric7Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-7-box
numeric7BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-7-box-multiple
numeric7BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-7-box-multiple-outline
numeric7BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-7-box-outline
numeric7Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-7-circle
numeric7CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-7-circle-outline
numeric8 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-8
numeric8Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-8-box
numeric8BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-8-box-multiple
numeric8BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-8-box-multiple-outline
numeric8BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-8-box-outline
numeric8Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-8-circle
numeric8CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-8-circle-outline
numeric9 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9
numeric9Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-box
numeric9BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-box-multiple
numeric9BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-box-multiple-outline
numeric9BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-box-outline
numeric9Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-circle
numeric9CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-circle-outline
numeric9Plus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-plus
numeric9PlusBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-plus-box
numeric9PlusBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-plus-box-multiple
numeric9PlusBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-plus-box-multiple-outline
numeric9PlusBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-plus-box-outline
numeric9PlusCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-plus-circle
numeric9PlusCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-9-plus-circle-outline
numeric10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-10
numeric10Box → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-10-box
numeric10BoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-10-box-multiple
numeric10BoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-10-box-multiple-outline
numeric10BoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-10-box-outline
numeric10Circle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-10-circle
numeric10CircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-10-circle-outline
numericNegative1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-negative-1
numericOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-off
numericPositive1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-numeric-positive-1
nut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nut
nutrition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nutrition
nuxt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-nuxt
oar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-oar
ocarina → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ocarina
oci → const IconData
Icon for mdi-oci
ocr → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ocr
octagon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagon
octagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagon-outline
octagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram
octagramEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram-edit
octagramEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram-edit-outline
octagramMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram-minus
octagramMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram-minus-outline
octagramOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram-outline
octagramPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram-plus
octagramPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octagram-plus-outline
octahedron → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octahedron
octahedronOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-octahedron-off
odnoklassniki → const IconData
Icon for mdi-odnoklassniki
offer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-offer
officeBuilding → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building
officeBuildingCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-cog
officeBuildingCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-cog-outline
officeBuildingMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-marker
officeBuildingMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-marker-outline
officeBuildingMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-minus
officeBuildingMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-minus-outline
officeBuildingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-outline
officeBuildingPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-plus
officeBuildingPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-plus-outline
officeBuildingRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-remove
officeBuildingRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-office-building-remove-outline
oil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-oil
oilLamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-oil-lamp
oilLevel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-oil-level
oilTemperature → const IconData
Icon for mdi-oil-temperature
om → const IconData
Icon for mdi-om
omega → const IconData
Icon for mdi-omega
onepassword → const IconData
Icon for mdi-onepassword
oneUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-one-up
opacity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-opacity
openid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-openid
openInApp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-open-in-app
openInNew → const IconData
Icon for mdi-open-in-new
openSourceInitiative → const IconData
Icon for mdi-open-source-initiative
opera → const IconData
Icon for mdi-opera
orbit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-orbit
orbitVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-orbit-variant
orderAlphabeticalAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-alphabetical-ascending
orderAlphabeticalDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-alphabetical-descending
orderBoolAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-bool-ascending
orderBoolAscendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-bool-ascending-variant
orderBoolDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-bool-descending
orderBoolDescendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-bool-descending-variant
orderNumericAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-numeric-ascending
orderNumericDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-order-numeric-descending
origin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-origin
ornament → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ornament
ornamentVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ornament-variant
outdoorLamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-outdoor-lamp
overscan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-overscan
owl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-owl
package → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package
packageCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-check
packageDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-down
packageUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-up
packageVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant
packageVariantClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-closed
packageVariantClosedCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-closed-check
packageVariantClosedMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-closed-minus
packageVariantClosedPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-closed-plus
packageVariantClosedRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-closed-remove
packageVariantMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-minus
packageVariantPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-plus
packageVariantRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-package-variant-remove
pacMan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pac-man
pageFirst → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-first
pageLast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-last
pageLayoutBody → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-layout-body
pageLayoutFooter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-layout-footer
pageLayoutHeader → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-layout-header
pageLayoutHeaderFooter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-layout-header-footer
pageLayoutSidebarLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-layout-sidebar-left
pageLayoutSidebarRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-layout-sidebar-right
pageNext → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-next
pageNextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-next-outline
pagePrevious → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-previous
pagePreviousOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-page-previous-outline
pail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail
pailMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-minus
pailMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-minus-outline
pailOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-off
pailOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-off-outline
pailOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-outline
pailPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-plus
pailPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-plus-outline
pailRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-remove
pailRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pail-remove-outline
palette → const IconData
Icon for mdi-palette
paletteAdvanced → const IconData
Icon for mdi-palette-advanced
paletteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-palette-outline
paletteSwatch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-palette-swatch
paletteSwatchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-palette-swatch-outline
paletteSwatchVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-palette-swatch-variant
palmTree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-palm-tree
pan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan
panBottomLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-bottom-left
panBottomRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-bottom-right
panda → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panda
pandora → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pandora
panDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-down
panHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-horizontal
panLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-left
panorama → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama
panoramaFisheye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-fisheye
panoramaHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-horizontal
panoramaHorizontalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-horizontal-outline
panoramaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-outline
panoramaSphere → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-sphere
panoramaSphereOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-sphere-outline
panoramaVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-variant
panoramaVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-variant-outline
panoramaVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-vertical
panoramaVerticalOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-vertical-outline
panoramaWideAngle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-wide-angle
panoramaWideAngleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-panorama-wide-angle-outline
panRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-right
panTopLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-top-left
panTopRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-top-right
panUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-up
panVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pan-vertical
paperclip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paperclip
paperclipCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paperclip-check
paperclipLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paperclip-lock
paperclipMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paperclip-minus
paperclipOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paperclip-off
paperclipPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paperclip-plus
paperclipRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paperclip-remove
paperCutVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paper-cut-vertical
paperRoll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paper-roll
paperRollOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paper-roll-outline
parachute → const IconData
Icon for mdi-parachute
parachuteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-parachute-outline
paragliding → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paragliding
parking → const IconData
Icon for mdi-parking
partyPopper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-party-popper
passport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-passport
passportBiometric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-passport-biometric
pasta → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pasta
patioHeater → const IconData
Icon for mdi-patio-heater
patreon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-patreon
pause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pause
pauseBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pause-box
pauseBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pause-box-outline
pauseCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pause-circle
pauseCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pause-circle-outline
pauseOctagon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pause-octagon
pauseOctagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pause-octagon-outline
paw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paw
pawOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paw-off
pawOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paw-off-outline
pawOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-paw-outline
peace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-peace
peanut → const IconData
Icon for mdi-peanut
peanutOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-peanut-off
peanutOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-peanut-off-outline
peanutOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-peanut-outline
pen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pen
pencil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil
pencilBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-box
pencilBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-box-multiple
pencilBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-box-multiple-outline
pencilBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-box-outline
pencilCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-circle
pencilCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-circle-outline
pencilLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-lock
pencilLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-lock-outline
pencilMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-minus
pencilMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-minus-outline
pencilOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-off
pencilOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-off-outline
pencilOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-outline
pencilPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-plus
pencilPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-plus-outline
pencilRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-remove
pencilRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-remove-outline
pencilRuler → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-ruler
pencilRulerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pencil-ruler-outline
penguin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-penguin
penLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pen-lock
penMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pen-minus
penOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pen-off
penPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pen-plus
penRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pen-remove
pentagon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pentagon
pentagonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pentagon-outline
pentagram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pentagram
percent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-percent
percentBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-percent-box
percentBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-percent-box-outline
percentCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-percent-circle
percentCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-percent-circle-outline
percentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-percent-outline
periodicTable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-periodic-table
perspectiveLess → const IconData
Icon for mdi-perspective-less
perspectiveMore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-perspective-more
ph → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ph
phone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone
phoneAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-alert
phoneAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-alert-outline
phoneBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-bluetooth
phoneBluetoothOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-bluetooth-outline
phoneCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-cancel
phoneCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-cancel-outline
phoneCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-check
phoneCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-check-outline
phoneClassic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-classic
phoneClassicOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-classic-off
phoneClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-clock
phoneDial → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-dial
phoneDialOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-dial-outline
phoneForward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-forward
phoneForwardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-forward-outline
phoneHangup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-hangup
phoneHangupOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-hangup-outline
phoneIncoming → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-incoming
phoneIncomingOutgoing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-incoming-outgoing
phoneIncomingOutgoingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-incoming-outgoing-outline
phoneIncomingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-incoming-outline
phoneInTalk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-in-talk
phoneInTalkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-in-talk-outline
phoneLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-lock
phoneLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-lock-outline
phoneLog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-log
phoneLogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-log-outline
phoneMessage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-message
phoneMessageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-message-outline
phoneMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-minus
phoneMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-minus-outline
phoneMissed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-missed
phoneMissedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-missed-outline
phoneOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-off
phoneOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-off-outline
phoneOutgoing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-outgoing
phoneOutgoingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-outgoing-outline
phoneOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-outline
phonePaused → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-paused
phonePausedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-paused-outline
phonePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-plus
phonePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-plus-outline
phoneRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-refresh
phoneRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-refresh-outline
phoneRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-remove
phoneRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-remove-outline
phoneReturn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-return
phoneReturnOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-return-outline
phoneRing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-ring
phoneRingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-ring-outline
phoneRotateLandscape → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-rotate-landscape
phoneRotatePortrait → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-rotate-portrait
phoneSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-settings
phoneSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-settings-outline
phoneSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-sync
phoneSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-sync-outline
phoneVoip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-phone-voip
pi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pi
piano → const IconData
Icon for mdi-piano
pianoOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-piano-off
piBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pi-box
pickaxe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pickaxe
pictureInPictureBottomRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-picture-in-picture-bottom-right
pictureInPictureBottomRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-picture-in-picture-bottom-right-outline
pictureInPictureTopRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-picture-in-picture-top-right
pictureInPictureTopRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-picture-in-picture-top-right-outline
pier → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pier
pierCrane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pier-crane
pig → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pig
piggyBank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-piggy-bank
piggyBankOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-piggy-bank-outline
pigVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pig-variant
pigVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pig-variant-outline
piHole → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pi-hole
pill → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pill
pillar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pillar
pillMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pill-multiple
pillOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pill-off
pin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pin
pineTree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pine-tree
pineTreeBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pine-tree-box
pineTreeFire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pine-tree-fire
pineTreeVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pine-tree-variant
pineTreeVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pine-tree-variant-outline
pinOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pin-off
pinOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pin-off-outline
pinOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pin-outline
pinterest → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pinterest
pinwheel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pinwheel
pinwheelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pinwheel-outline
pipe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pipe
pipeDisconnected → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pipe-disconnected
pipeLeak → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pipe-leak
pipeValve → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pipe-valve
pipeWrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pipe-wrench
pirate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pirate
pistol → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pistol
piston → const IconData
Icon for mdi-piston
pitchfork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pitchfork
pizza → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pizza
planeCar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plane-car
planeTrain → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plane-train
play → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play
playBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box
playBoxEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-edit-outline
playBoxLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-lock
playBoxLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-lock-open
playBoxLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-lock-open-outline
playBoxLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-lock-outline
playBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-multiple
playBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-multiple-outline
playBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-box-outline
playCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-circle
playCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-circle-outline
playlistCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-check
playlistEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-edit
playlistMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-minus
playlistMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-music
playlistMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-music-outline
playlistPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-play
playlistPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-plus
playlistRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-remove
playlistStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-playlist-star
playNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-network
playNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-network-outline
playOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-outline
playPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-pause
playProtectedContent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-protected-content
playSpeed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-play-speed
plex → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plex
pliers → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pliers
plus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus
plusBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-box
plusBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-box-multiple
plusBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-box-multiple-outline
plusBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-box-outline
plusCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-circle
plusCircleMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-circle-multiple
plusCircleMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-circle-multiple-outline
plusCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-circle-outline
plusLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-lock
plusLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-lock-open
plusMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-minus
plusMinusBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-minus-box
plusMinusVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-minus-variant
plusNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-network
plusNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-network-outline
plusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-outline
plusThick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-plus-thick
podcast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-podcast
podium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-podium
podiumBronze → const IconData
Icon for mdi-podium-bronze
podiumGold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-podium-gold
podiumSilver → const IconData
Icon for mdi-podium-silver
pointOfSale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-point-of-sale
pokeball → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pokeball
pokemonGo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pokemon-go
pokerChip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-poker-chip
polaroid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-polaroid
policeBadge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-police-badge
policeBadgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-police-badge-outline
policeStation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-police-station
poll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-poll
polo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-polo
polymer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-polymer
pool → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pool
poolThermometer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pool-thermometer
popcorn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-popcorn
post → const IconData
Icon for mdi-post
postageStamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-postage-stamp
postLamp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-post-lamp
postOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-post-outline
pot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pot
potMix → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pot-mix
potMixOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pot-mix-outline
potOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pot-outline
potSteam → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pot-steam
potSteamOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pot-steam-outline
pound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pound
poundBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pound-box
poundBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pound-box-outline
power → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power
powerCycle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-cycle
powerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-off
powerOn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-on
powerPlug → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-plug
powerPlugBattery → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-plug-battery
powerPlugBatteryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-plug-battery-outline
powerPlugOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-plug-off
powerPlugOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-plug-off-outline
powerPlugOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-plug-outline
powerSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-settings
powershell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-powershell
powerSleep → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-sleep
powerSocket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket
powerSocketAu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-au
powerSocketCh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-ch
powerSocketDe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-de
powerSocketEu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-eu
powerSocketFr → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-fr
powerSocketIt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-it
powerSocketJp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-jp
powerSocketUk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-uk
powerSocketUs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-socket-us
powerStandby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-power-standby
prescription → const IconData
Icon for mdi-prescription
presentation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-presentation
presentationPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-presentation-play
pretzel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pretzel
printer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer
printer3D → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d
printer3DNozzle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle
printer3DNozzleAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle-alert
printer3DNozzleAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle-alert-outline
printer3DNozzleHeat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle-heat
printer3DNozzleHeatOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle-heat-outline
printer3DNozzleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle-off
printer3DNozzleOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle-off-outline
printer3DNozzleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-nozzle-outline
printer3DOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-3d-off
printerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-alert
printerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-check
printerEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-eye
printerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-off
printerOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-off-outline
printerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-outline
printerPos → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos
printerPosAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-alert
printerPosAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-alert-outline
printerPosCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-cancel
printerPosCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-cancel-outline
printerPosCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-check
printerPosCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-check-outline
printerPosCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-cog
printerPosCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-cog-outline
printerPosEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-edit
printerPosEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-edit-outline
printerPosMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-minus
printerPosMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-minus-outline
printerPosNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-network
printerPosNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-network-outline
printerPosOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-off
printerPosOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-off-outline
printerPosOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-outline
printerPosPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-pause
printerPosPauseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-pause-outline
printerPosPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-play
printerPosPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-play-outline
printerPosPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-plus
printerPosPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-plus-outline
printerPosRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-refresh
printerPosRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-refresh-outline
printerPosRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-remove
printerPosRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-remove-outline
printerPosStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-star
printerPosStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-star-outline
printerPosStop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-stop
printerPosStopOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-stop-outline
printerPosSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-sync
printerPosSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-sync-outline
printerPosWrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-wrench
printerPosWrenchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-pos-wrench-outline
printerSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-search
printerSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-settings
printerWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-printer-wireless
priorityHigh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-priority-high
priorityLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-priority-low
professionalHexagon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-professional-hexagon
progressAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-alert
progressCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-check
progressClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-clock
progressClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-close
progressDownload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-download
progressHelper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-helper
progressPencil → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-pencil
progressQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-question
progressStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-star
progressStarFourPoints → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-star-four-points
progressUpload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-upload
progressWrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-progress-wrench
projector → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector
projectorOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-off
projectorScreen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen
projectorScreenOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen-off
projectorScreenOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen-off-outline
projectorScreenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen-outline
projectorScreenVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen-variant
projectorScreenVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen-variant-off
projectorScreenVariantOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen-variant-off-outline
projectorScreenVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-projector-screen-variant-outline
propaneTank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-propane-tank
propaneTankOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-propane-tank-outline
protocol → const IconData
Icon for mdi-protocol
publish → const IconData
Icon for mdi-publish
publishOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-publish-off
pulse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pulse
pump → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pump
pumpkin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pumpkin
pumpOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pump-off
purse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-purse
purseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-purse-outline
puzzle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle
puzzleCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-check
puzzleCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-check-outline
puzzleEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-edit
puzzleEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-edit-outline
puzzleHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-heart
puzzleHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-heart-outline
puzzleMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-minus
puzzleMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-minus-outline
puzzleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-outline
puzzlePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-plus
puzzlePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-plus-outline
puzzleRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-remove
puzzleRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-remove-outline
puzzleStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-star
puzzleStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-puzzle-star-outline
pyramid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pyramid
pyramidOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-pyramid-off
qi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qi
qqchat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qqchat
qrcode → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qrcode
qrcodeEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qrcode-edit
qrcodeMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qrcode-minus
qrcodePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qrcode-plus
qrcodeRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qrcode-remove
qrcodeScan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-qrcode-scan
quadcopter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-quadcopter
qualityHigh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-quality-high
qualityLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-quality-low
qualityMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-quality-medium
quora → const IconData
Icon for mdi-quora
rabbit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rabbit
rabbitVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rabbit-variant
rabbitVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rabbit-variant-outline
racingHelmet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-racing-helmet
racquetball → const IconData
Icon for mdi-racquetball
radar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radar
radiator → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radiator
radiatorDisabled → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radiator-disabled
radiatorOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radiator-off
radio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radio
radioactive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radioactive
radioactiveCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radioactive-circle
radioactiveCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radioactive-circle-outline
radioactiveOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radioactive-off
radioAm → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radio-am
radioboxIndeterminateVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radiobox-indeterminate-variant
radioboxMarked → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radiobox-marked
radioFm → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radio-fm
radioHandheld → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radio-handheld
radiologyBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radiology-box
radiologyBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radiology-box-outline
radioOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radio-off
radioTower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radio-tower
radius → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radius
radiusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-radius-outline
railroadLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-railroad-light
rake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rake
raspberryPi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-raspberry-pi
raw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-raw
rawOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-raw-off
rayEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ray-end
rayEndArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ray-end-arrow
rayStart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ray-start
rayStartArrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ray-start-arrow
rayStartEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ray-start-end
rayStartVertexEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ray-start-vertex-end
rayVertex → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ray-vertex
razorDoubleEdge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-razor-double-edge
razorSingleEdge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-razor-single-edge
react → const IconData
Icon for mdi-react
read → const IconData
Icon for mdi-read
receipt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt
receiptClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-clock
receiptClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-clock-outline
receiptOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-outline
receiptSend → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-send
receiptSendOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-send-outline
receiptText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text
receiptTextArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-arrow-left
receiptTextArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-arrow-left-outline
receiptTextArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-arrow-right
receiptTextArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-arrow-right-outline
receiptTextCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-check
receiptTextCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-check-outline
receiptTextClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-clock
receiptTextClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-clock-outline
receiptTextEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-edit
receiptTextEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-edit-outline
receiptTextMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-minus
receiptTextMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-minus-outline
receiptTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-outline
receiptTextPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-plus
receiptTextPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-plus-outline
receiptTextRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-remove
receiptTextRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-remove-outline
receiptTextSend → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-send
receiptTextSendOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-receipt-text-send-outline
record → const IconData
Icon for mdi-record
recordCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-record-circle
recordCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-record-circle-outline
recordPlayer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-record-player
recordRec → const IconData
Icon for mdi-record-rec
rectangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rectangle
rectangleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rectangle-outline
recycle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-recycle
recycleVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-recycle-variant
reddit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reddit
redhat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-redhat
redo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-redo
redoVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-redo-variant
reflectHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reflect-horizontal
reflectVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reflect-vertical
refresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-refresh
refreshAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-refresh-auto
refreshCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-refresh-circle
regex → const IconData
Icon for mdi-regex
registeredTrademark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-registered-trademark
reiterate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reiterate
relationManyToMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-many-to-many
relationManyToOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-many-to-one
relationManyToOneOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-many-to-one-or-many
relationManyToOnlyOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-many-to-only-one
relationManyToZeroOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-many-to-zero-or-many
relationManyToZeroOrOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-many-to-zero-or-one
relationOneOrManyToMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-or-many-to-many
relationOneOrManyToOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-or-many-to-one
relationOneOrManyToOneOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-or-many-to-one-or-many
relationOneOrManyToOnlyOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-or-many-to-only-one
relationOneOrManyToZeroOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-or-many-to-zero-or-many
relationOneOrManyToZeroOrOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-or-many-to-zero-or-one
relationOneToMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-to-many
relationOneToOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-to-one
relationOneToOneOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-to-one-or-many
relationOneToOnlyOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-to-only-one
relationOneToZeroOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-to-zero-or-many
relationOneToZeroOrOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-one-to-zero-or-one
relationOnlyOneToMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-only-one-to-many
relationOnlyOneToOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-only-one-to-one
relationOnlyOneToOneOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-only-one-to-one-or-many
relationOnlyOneToOnlyOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-only-one-to-only-one
relationOnlyOneToZeroOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-only-one-to-zero-or-many
relationOnlyOneToZeroOrOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-only-one-to-zero-or-one
relationZeroOrManyToMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-many-to-many
relationZeroOrManyToOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-many-to-one
relationZeroOrManyToOneOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-many-to-one-or-many
relationZeroOrManyToOnlyOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-many-to-only-one
relationZeroOrManyToZeroOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-many-to-zero-or-many
relationZeroOrManyToZeroOrOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-many-to-zero-or-one
relationZeroOrOneToMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-one-to-many
relationZeroOrOneToOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-one-to-one
relationZeroOrOneToOneOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-one-to-one-or-many
relationZeroOrOneToOnlyOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-one-to-only-one
relationZeroOrOneToZeroOrMany → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-one-to-zero-or-many
relationZeroOrOneToZeroOrOne → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relation-zero-or-one-to-zero-or-one
relativeScale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-relative-scale
reload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reload
reloadAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reload-alert
reminder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reminder
remote → const IconData
Icon for mdi-remote
remoteDesktop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-remote-desktop
remoteOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-remote-off
remoteTv → const IconData
Icon for mdi-remote-tv
remoteTvOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-remote-tv-off
rename → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rename
renameBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rename-box
renameBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rename-box-outline
renameOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rename-outline
reorderHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reorder-horizontal
reorderVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reorder-vertical
repeat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-repeat
repeatOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-repeat-off
repeatOnce → const IconData
Icon for mdi-repeat-once
repeatVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-repeat-variant
replay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-replay
reply → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reply
replyAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reply-all
replyAllOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reply-all-outline
replyCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reply-circle
replyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reply-outline
reproduction → const IconData
Icon for mdi-reproduction
resistor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-resistor
resistorNodes → const IconData
Icon for mdi-resistor-nodes
resize → const IconData
Icon for mdi-resize
resizeBottomRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-resize-bottom-right
responsive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-responsive
restart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-restart
restartAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-restart-alert
restartOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-restart-off
restore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-restore
restoreAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-restore-alert
rewind → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind
rewind5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind-5
rewind10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind-10
rewind15 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind-15
rewind30 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind-30
rewind45 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind-45
rewind60 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind-60
rewindOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rewind-outline
rhombus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rhombus
rhombusMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rhombus-medium
rhombusMediumOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rhombus-medium-outline
rhombusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rhombus-outline
rhombusSplit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rhombus-split
rhombusSplitOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rhombus-split-outline
ribbon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ribbon
rice → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rice
rickshaw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rickshaw
rickshawElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rickshaw-electric
ring → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ring
rivet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rivet
road → const IconData
Icon for mdi-road
roadVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-road-variant
robber → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robber
robot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot
robotAngry → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-angry
robotAngryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-angry-outline
robotConfused → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-confused
robotConfusedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-confused-outline
robotDead → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-dead
robotDeadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-dead-outline
robotExcited → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-excited
robotExcitedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-excited-outline
robotHappy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-happy
robotHappyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-happy-outline
robotIndustrial → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-industrial
robotIndustrialOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-industrial-outline
robotLove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-love
robotLoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-love-outline
robotMower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-mower
robotMowerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-mower-outline
robotOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-off
robotOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-off-outline
robotOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-outline
robotVacuum → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-vacuum
robotVacuumAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-vacuum-alert
robotVacuumOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-vacuum-off
robotVacuumVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-vacuum-variant
robotVacuumVariantAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-vacuum-variant-alert
robotVacuumVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-robot-vacuum-variant-off
rocket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rocket
rocketLaunch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rocket-launch
rocketLaunchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rocket-launch-outline
rocketOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rocket-outline
rodent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rodent
rollerblade → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rollerblade
rollerbladeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rollerblade-off
rollerShade → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roller-shade
rollerShadeClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roller-shade-closed
rollerSkate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roller-skate
rollerSkateOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roller-skate-off
rollupjs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rollupjs
rolodex → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rolodex
rolodexOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rolodex-outline
romanNumeral2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roman-numeral-2
romanNumeral3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roman-numeral-3
romanNumeral4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roman-numeral-4
romanNumeral6 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roman-numeral-6
romanNumeral7 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roman-numeral-7
romanNumeral8 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roman-numeral-8
romanNumeral9 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-roman-numeral-9
roomService → const IconData
Icon for mdi-room-service
roomServiceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-room-service-outline
rotate3D → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-3d
rotate3DVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-3d-variant
rotate360 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-360
rotateLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-left
rotateLeftVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-left-variant
rotateOrbit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-orbit
rotateRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-right
rotateRightVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rotate-right-variant
roundedCorner → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rounded-corner
router → const IconData
Icon for mdi-router
routerNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-router-network
routerWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-router-wireless
routerWirelessOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-router-wireless-off
routerWirelessSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-router-wireless-settings
routes → const IconData
Icon for mdi-routes
routesClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-routes-clock
rowing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rowing
rss → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rss
rssBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rss-box
rssOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rss-off
rug → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rug
rugby → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rugby
ruler → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ruler
rulerSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ruler-square
rulerSquareCompass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ruler-square-compass
run → const IconData
Icon for mdi-run
runFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-run-fast
rvTruck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-rv-truck
sack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sack
sackOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sack-outline
sackPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sack-percent
safe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-safe
safeSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-safe-square
safeSquareOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-safe-square-outline
safetyGoggles → const IconData
Icon for mdi-safety-goggles
sailBoat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sail-boat
sailBoatSink → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sail-boat-sink
sale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sale
saleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sale-outline
salesforce → const IconData
Icon for mdi-salesforce
sass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sass
satellite → const IconData
Icon for mdi-satellite
Icon for mdi-satellite-uplink
satelliteVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-satellite-variant
sausage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sausage
sausageOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sausage-off
sawBlade → const IconData
Icon for mdi-saw-blade
sawtoothWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sawtooth-wave
saxophone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-saxophone
scale → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scale
scaleBalance → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scale-balance
scaleBathroom → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scale-bathroom
scaleOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scale-off
scaleUnbalanced → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scale-unbalanced
scanHelper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scan-helper
scanner → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scanner
scannerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scanner-off
scatterPlot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scatter-plot
scatterPlotOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scatter-plot-outline
scent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scent
scentOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scent-off
school → const IconData
Icon for mdi-school
schoolOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-school-outline
scissorsCutting → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scissors-cutting
scooter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scooter
scooterElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scooter-electric
scoreboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scoreboard
scoreboardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-scoreboard-outline
screenRotation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screen-rotation
screenRotationLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screen-rotation-lock
screwdriver → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screwdriver
screwFlatTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screw-flat-top
screwLag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screw-lag
screwMachineFlatTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screw-machine-flat-top
screwMachineRoundTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screw-machine-round-top
screwRoundTop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-screw-round-top
script → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script
scriptOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script-outline
scriptText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script-text
scriptTextKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script-text-key
scriptTextKeyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script-text-key-outline
scriptTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script-text-outline
scriptTextPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script-text-play
scriptTextPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-script-text-play-outline
sd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sd
seal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seal
sealVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seal-variant
searchWeb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-search-web
seat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat
seatbelt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seatbelt
seatFlat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-flat
seatFlatAngled → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-flat-angled
seatIndividualSuite → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-individual-suite
seatLegroomExtra → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-legroom-extra
seatLegroomNormal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-legroom-normal
seatLegroomReduced → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-legroom-reduced
seatOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-outline
seatPassenger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-passenger
seatReclineExtra → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-recline-extra
seatReclineNormal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seat-recline-normal
security → const IconData
Icon for mdi-security
securityNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-security-network
seed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seed
seedOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seed-off
seedOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seed-off-outline
seedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seed-outline
seedPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seed-plus
seedPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seed-plus-outline
seesaw → const IconData
Icon for mdi-seesaw
segment → const IconData
Icon for mdi-segment
select → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select
selectAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-all
selectArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-arrow-down
selectArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-arrow-up
selectColor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-color
selectCompare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-compare
selectDrag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-drag
selectGroup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-group
selectInverse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-inverse
selection → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection
selectionDrag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-drag
selectionEllipse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-ellipse
selectionEllipseArrowInside → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-ellipse-arrow-inside
selectionEllipseRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-ellipse-remove
selectionMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-marker
selectionMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-multiple
selectionMultipleMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-multiple-marker
selectionOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-off
selectionRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-remove
selectionSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-selection-search
selectMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-marker
selectMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-multiple
selectMultipleMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-multiple-marker
selectOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-off
selectPlace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-place
selectRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-remove
selectSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-select-search
semanticWeb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-semantic-web
send → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send
sendCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-check
sendCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-check-outline
sendCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-circle
sendCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-circle-outline
sendClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-clock
sendClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-clock-outline
sendLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-lock
sendLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-lock-outline
sendOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-outline
sendVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-variant
sendVariantClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-variant-clock
sendVariantClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-variant-clock-outline
sendVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-send-variant-outline
serialPort → const IconData
Icon for mdi-serial-port
server → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server
serverMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server-minus
serverNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server-network
serverNetworkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server-network-off
serverOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server-off
serverPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server-plus
serverRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server-remove
serverSecurity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-server-security
setAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-all
setCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-center
setCenterRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-center-right
setLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-left
setLeftCenter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-left-center
setLeftRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-left-right
setMerge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-merge
setNone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-none
setRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-right
setSplit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-split
setSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-square
settingsHelper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-settings-helper
setTopBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-set-top-box
shaker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shaker
shakerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shaker-outline
shape → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape
shapeCirclePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-circle-plus
shapeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-outline
shapeOvalPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-oval-plus
shapePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-plus
shapePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-plus-outline
shapePolygonPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-polygon-plus
shapeRectanglePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-rectangle-plus
shapeSquarePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-square-plus
shapeSquareRoundedPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shape-square-rounded-plus
share → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share
shareAll → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-all
shareAllOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-all-outline
shareCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-circle
shareOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-off
shareOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-off-outline
shareOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-outline
shareVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-variant
shareVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-share-variant-outline
shark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shark
sharkFin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shark-fin
sharkFinOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shark-fin-outline
sharkOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shark-off
sheep → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sheep
shield → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield
shieldAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-account
shieldAccountOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-account-outline
shieldAccountVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-account-variant
shieldAccountVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-account-variant-outline
shieldAirplane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-airplane
shieldAirplaneOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-airplane-outline
shieldAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-alert
shieldAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-alert-outline
shieldBug → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-bug
shieldBugOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-bug-outline
shieldCar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-car
shieldCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-check
shieldCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-check-outline
shieldCross → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-cross
shieldCrossOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-cross-outline
shieldCrown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-crown
shieldCrownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-crown-outline
shieldEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-edit
shieldEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-edit-outline
shieldHalf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-half
shieldHalfFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-half-full
shieldHome → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-home
shieldHomeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-home-outline
shieldKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-key
shieldKeyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-key-outline
shieldLinkVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-link-variant
shieldLinkVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-link-variant-outline
shieldLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-lock
shieldLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-lock-open
shieldLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-lock-open-outline
shieldLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-lock-outline
shieldMoon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-moon
shieldMoonOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-moon-outline
shieldOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-off
shieldOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-off-outline
shieldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-outline
shieldPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-plus
shieldPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-plus-outline
shieldRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-refresh
shieldRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-refresh-outline
shieldRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-remove
shieldRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-remove-outline
shieldSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-search
shieldStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-star
shieldStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-star-outline
shieldSun → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-sun
shieldSunOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-sun-outline
shieldSword → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-sword
shieldSwordOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-sword-outline
shieldSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-sync
shieldSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shield-sync-outline
shimmer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shimmer
shippingPallet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shipping-pallet
shipWheel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ship-wheel
shoeBallet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shoe-ballet
shoeCleat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shoe-cleat
shoeFormal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shoe-formal
shoeHeel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shoe-heel
shoePrint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shoe-print
shoeSneaker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shoe-sneaker
shopping → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shopping
shoppingMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shopping-music
shoppingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shopping-outline
shoppingSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shopping-search
shoppingSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shopping-search-outline
shore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shore
shovel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shovel
shovelOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shovel-off
shower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shower
showerHead → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shower-head
shredder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shredder
shuffle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shuffle
shuffleDisabled → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shuffle-disabled
shuffleVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shuffle-variant
shuriken → const IconData
Icon for mdi-shuriken
sickle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sickle
sigma → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sigma
sigmaLower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sigma-lower
signal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal
signal2G → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-2g
signal3G → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-3g
signal4G → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-4g
signal5G → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-5g
signalCellular1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-cellular-1
signalCellular2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-cellular-2
signalCellular3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-cellular-3
signalCellularOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-cellular-outline
signalDistanceVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-distance-variant
signalHspa → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-hspa
signalHspaPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-hspa-plus
signalOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-off
signalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signal-variant
signature → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signature
signatureFreehand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signature-freehand
signatureImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signature-image
signatureText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-signature-text
signCaution → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-caution
signDirection → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-direction
signDirectionMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-direction-minus
signDirectionPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-direction-plus
signDirectionRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-direction-remove
signLanguage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-language
signLanguageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-language-outline
signPole → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-pole
signRealEstate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-real-estate
signText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-text
signYield → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sign-yield
silo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silo
siloOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silo-outline
silverware → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silverware
silverwareClean → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silverware-clean
silverwareFork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silverware-fork
silverwareForkKnife → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silverware-fork-knife
silverwareSpoon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silverware-spoon
silverwareVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-silverware-variant
sim → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sim
simAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sim-alert
simAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sim-alert-outline
simOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sim-off
simOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sim-off-outline
simOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sim-outline
simpleIcons → const IconData
Icon for mdi-simple-icons
sinaWeibo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sina-weibo
sineWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sine-wave
sitemap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sitemap
sitemapOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sitemap-outline
sizeM → const IconData
Icon for mdi-size-m
sizeS → const IconData
Icon for mdi-size-s
sizeXl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-size-xl
sizeXs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-size-xs
sizeXxl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-size-xxl
sizeXxs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-size-xxs
sizeXxxl → const IconData
Icon for mdi-size-xxxl
skate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skate
skateboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skateboard
skateboarding → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skateboarding
skateOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skate-off
skewLess → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skew-less
skewMore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skew-more
ski → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ski
skiCrossCountry → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ski-cross-country
skipBackward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-backward
skipBackwardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-backward-outline
skipForward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-forward
skipForwardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-forward-outline
skipNext → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-next
skipNextCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-next-circle
skipNextCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-next-circle-outline
skipNextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-next-outline
skipPrevious → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-previous
skipPreviousCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-previous-circle
skipPreviousCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-previous-circle-outline
skipPreviousOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skip-previous-outline
skiWater → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ski-water
skull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skull
skullCrossbones → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skull-crossbones
skullCrossbonesOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skull-crossbones-outline
skullOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skull-outline
skullScan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skull-scan
skullScanOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skull-scan-outline
skype → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skype
skypeBusiness → const IconData
Icon for mdi-skype-business
slack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slack
slashForward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slash-forward
slashForwardBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slash-forward-box
sledding → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sledding
sleep → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sleep
sleepOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sleep-off
slide → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slide
slopeDownhill → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slope-downhill
slopeUphill → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slope-uphill
slotMachine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slot-machine
slotMachineOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-slot-machine-outline
smartCard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smart-card
smartCardOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smart-card-off
smartCardOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smart-card-off-outline
smartCardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smart-card-outline
smartCardReader → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smart-card-reader
smartCardReaderOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smart-card-reader-outline
smog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smog
smoke → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke
smokeDetector → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector
smokeDetectorAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-alert
smokeDetectorAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-alert-outline
smokeDetectorOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-off
smokeDetectorOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-off-outline
smokeDetectorOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-outline
smokeDetectorVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-variant
smokeDetectorVariantAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-variant-alert
smokeDetectorVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoke-detector-variant-off
smoking → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoking
smokingOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoking-off
smokingPipe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoking-pipe
smokingPipeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-smoking-pipe-off
snail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snail
snake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snake
snapchat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snapchat
snowboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowboard
snowflake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowflake
snowflakeAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowflake-alert
snowflakeCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowflake-check
snowflakeMelt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowflake-melt
snowflakeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowflake-off
snowflakeThermometer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowflake-thermometer
snowflakeVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowflake-variant
snowman → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowman
snowmobile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowmobile
snowshoeing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-snowshoeing
soccer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-soccer
soccerField → const IconData
Icon for mdi-soccer-field
socialDistance2Meters → const IconData
Icon for mdi-social-distance-2-meters
socialDistance6Feet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-social-distance-6-feet
sofa → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sofa
sofaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sofa-outline
sofaSingle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sofa-single
sofaSingleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sofa-single-outline
solarPanel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-solar-panel
solarPanelLarge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-solar-panel-large
solarPower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-solar-power
solarPowerVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-solar-power-variant
solarPowerVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-solar-power-variant-outline
solderingIron → const IconData
Icon for mdi-soldering-iron
solid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-solid
sonyPlaystation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sony-playstation
sort → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort
sortAlphabeticalAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-alphabetical-ascending
sortAlphabeticalAscendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-alphabetical-ascending-variant
sortAlphabeticalDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-alphabetical-descending
sortAlphabeticalDescendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-alphabetical-descending-variant
sortAlphabeticalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-alphabetical-variant
sortAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-ascending
sortBoolAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-bool-ascending
sortBoolAscendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-bool-ascending-variant
sortBoolDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-bool-descending
sortBoolDescendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-bool-descending-variant
sortCalendarAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-calendar-ascending
sortCalendarDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-calendar-descending
sortClockAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-clock-ascending
sortClockAscendingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-clock-ascending-outline
sortClockDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-clock-descending
sortClockDescendingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-clock-descending-outline
sortDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-descending
sortNumericAscending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-numeric-ascending
sortNumericAscendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-numeric-ascending-variant
sortNumericDescending → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-numeric-descending
sortNumericDescendingVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-numeric-descending-variant
sortNumericVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-numeric-variant
sortReverseVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-reverse-variant
sortVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-variant
sortVariantLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-variant-lock
sortVariantLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-variant-lock-open
sortVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-variant-off
sortVariantRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sort-variant-remove
soundbar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-soundbar
soundcloud → const IconData
Icon for mdi-soundcloud
sourceBranch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-branch
sourceBranchCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-branch-check
sourceBranchMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-branch-minus
sourceBranchPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-branch-plus
sourceBranchRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-branch-refresh
sourceBranchRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-branch-remove
sourceBranchSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-branch-sync
sourceCommit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-commit
sourceCommitEnd → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-commit-end
sourceCommitEndLocal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-commit-end-local
sourceCommitLocal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-commit-local
sourceCommitNextLocal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-commit-next-local
sourceCommitStart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-commit-start
sourceCommitStartNextLocal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-commit-start-next-local
sourceFork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-fork
sourceMerge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-merge
sourcePull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-pull
sourceRepository → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-repository
sourceRepositoryMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-source-repository-multiple
soySauce → const IconData
Icon for mdi-soy-sauce
soySauceOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-soy-sauce-off
spa → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spa
spaceInvaders → const IconData
Icon for mdi-space-invaders
spaceStation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-space-station
spade → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spade
spaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spa-outline
speaker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker
speakerBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-bluetooth
speakerMessage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-message
speakerMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-multiple
speakerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-off
speakerPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-pause
speakerPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-play
speakerStop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-stop
speakerWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speaker-wireless
spear → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spear
speedometer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speedometer
speedometerMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speedometer-medium
speedometerSlow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-speedometer-slow
spellcheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spellcheck
sphere → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sphere
sphereOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sphere-off
spider → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spider
spiderOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spider-outline
spiderThread → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spider-thread
spiderWeb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spider-web
spiritLevel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spirit-level
spoonSugar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spoon-sugar
spotify → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spotify
spotlight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spotlight
spotlightBeam → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spotlight-beam
spray → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spray
sprayBottle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-spray-bottle
sprinkler → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sprinkler
sprinklerFire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sprinkler-fire
sprinklerVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sprinkler-variant
sprout → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sprout
sproutOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sprout-outline
square → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square
squareCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-circle
squareCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-circle-outline
squareEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-edit-outline
squareMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-medium
squareMediumOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-medium-outline
squareOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-off
squareOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-off-outline
squareOpacity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-opacity
squareOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-outline
squareRoot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-root
squareRootBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-root-box
squareRounded → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-rounded
squareRoundedBadge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-rounded-badge
squareRoundedBadgeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-rounded-badge-outline
squareRoundedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-rounded-outline
squareSmall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-small
squareWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-square-wave
squeegee → const IconData
Icon for mdi-squeegee
ssh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ssh
stackExchange → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stack-exchange
stackOverflow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stack-overflow
stackpath → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stackpath
stadium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stadium
stadiumOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stadium-outline
stadiumVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stadium-variant
stairs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stairs
stairsBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stairs-box
stairsDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stairs-down
stairsUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stairs-up
stamper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stamper
standardDefinition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-standard-definition
star → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star
starBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-box
starBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-box-multiple
starBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-box-multiple-outline
starBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-box-outline
starCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-check
starCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-check-outline
starCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-circle
starCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-circle-outline
starCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-cog
starCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-cog-outline
starCrescent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-crescent
starDavid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-david
starFace → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-face
starFourPoints → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-four-points
starFourPointsBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-four-points-box
starFourPointsBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-four-points-box-outline
starFourPointsCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-four-points-circle
starFourPointsCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-four-points-circle-outline
starFourPointsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-four-points-outline
starFourPointsSmall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-four-points-small
starHalf → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-half
starHalfFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-half-full
starMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-minus
starMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-minus-outline
starOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-off
starOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-off-outline
starOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-outline
starPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-plus
starPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-plus-outline
starRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-remove
starRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-remove-outline
starSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-settings
starSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-settings-outline
starShooting → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-shooting
starShootingOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-shooting-outline
starThreePoints → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-three-points
starThreePointsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-star-three-points-outline
stateMachine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-state-machine
steam → const IconData
Icon for mdi-steam
steering → const IconData
Icon for mdi-steering
steeringOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-steering-off
stepBackward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-step-backward
stepBackward2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-step-backward-2
stepForward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-step-forward
stepForward2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-step-forward-2
stethoscope → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stethoscope
sticker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker
stickerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-alert
stickerAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-alert-outline
stickerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-check
stickerCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-check-outline
stickerCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-circle-outline
stickerEmoji → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-emoji
stickerMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-minus
stickerMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-minus-outline
stickerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-outline
stickerPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-plus
stickerPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-plus-outline
stickerRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-remove
stickerRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-remove-outline
stickerText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-text
stickerTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sticker-text-outline
stocking → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stocking
stomach → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stomach
stool → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stool
stoolOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stool-outline
stop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stop
stopCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stop-circle
stopCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stop-circle-outline
storageTank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storage-tank
storageTankOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storage-tank-outline
store → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store
store24Hour → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-24-hour
storeAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-alert
storeAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-alert-outline
storeCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-check
storeCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-check-outline
storeClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-clock
storeClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-clock-outline
storeCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-cog
storeCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-cog-outline
storeEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-edit
storeEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-edit-outline
storefront → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront
storefrontCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-check
storefrontCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-check-outline
storefrontEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-edit
storefrontEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-edit-outline
storefrontMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-minus
storefrontMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-minus-outline
storefrontOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-outline
storefrontPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-plus
storefrontPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-plus-outline
storefrontRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-remove
storefrontRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-storefront-remove-outline
storeMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-marker
storeMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-marker-outline
storeMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-minus
storeMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-minus-outline
storeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-off
storeOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-off-outline
storeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-outline
storePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-plus
storePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-plus-outline
storeRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-remove
storeRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-remove-outline
storeSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-search
storeSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-search-outline
storeSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-settings
storeSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-store-settings-outline
stove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stove
strategy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-strategy
stretchToPage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stretch-to-page
stretchToPageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-stretch-to-page-outline
stringLights → const IconData
Icon for mdi-string-lights
stringLightsOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-string-lights-off
subdirectoryArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-subdirectory-arrow-left
subdirectoryArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-subdirectory-arrow-right
submarine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-submarine
subtitles → const IconData
Icon for mdi-subtitles
subtitlesOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-subtitles-outline
subway → const IconData
Icon for mdi-subway
subwayAlertVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-subway-alert-variant
subwayVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-subway-variant
summit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-summit
sunAngle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-angle
sunAngleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-angle-outline
sunClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-clock
sunClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-clock-outline
sunCompass → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-compass
sunglasses → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sunglasses
sunSnowflake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-snowflake
sunSnowflakeVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-snowflake-variant
sunThermometer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-thermometer
sunThermometerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-thermometer-outline
sunWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-wireless
sunWirelessOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sun-wireless-outline
surfing → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surfing
surroundSound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surround-sound
surroundSound20 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surround-sound-2-0
surroundSound21 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surround-sound-2-1
surroundSound31 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surround-sound-3-1
surroundSound51 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surround-sound-5-1
surroundSound71 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surround-sound-7-1
surroundSound512 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-surround-sound-5-1-2
svg → const IconData
Icon for mdi-svg
swapHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-horizontal
swapHorizontalBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-horizontal-bold
swapHorizontalCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-horizontal-circle
swapHorizontalCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-horizontal-circle-outline
swapHorizontalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-horizontal-variant
swapVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-vertical
swapVerticalBold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-vertical-bold
swapVerticalCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-vertical-circle
swapVerticalCircleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-vertical-circle-outline
swapVerticalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swap-vertical-variant
swim → const IconData
Icon for mdi-swim
switchIcon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-switch
sword → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sword
swordCross → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sword-cross
syllabaryHangul → const IconData
Icon for mdi-syllabary-hangul
syllabaryHiragana → const IconData
Icon for mdi-syllabary-hiragana
syllabaryKatakana → const IconData
Icon for mdi-syllabary-katakana
syllabaryKatakanaHalfwidth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-syllabary-katakana-halfwidth
symbol → const IconData
Icon for mdi-symbol
symfony → const IconData
Icon for mdi-symfony
synagogue → const IconData
Icon for mdi-synagogue
synagogueOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-synagogue-outline
sync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sync
syncAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sync-alert
syncCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sync-circle
syncOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-sync-off
tab → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tab
table → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table
tableAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-account
tableAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-alert
tableArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-arrow-down
tableArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-arrow-left
tableArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-arrow-right
tableArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-arrow-up
tableBorder → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-border
tableCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-cancel
tableChair → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-chair
tableCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-check
tableClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-clock
tableCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-cog
tableColumn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-column
tableColumnPlusAfter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-column-plus-after
tableColumnPlusBefore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-column-plus-before
tableColumnRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-column-remove
tableColumnWidth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-column-width
tableEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-edit
tableEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-eye
tableEyeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-eye-off
tableFilter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-filter
tableFurniture → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-furniture
tableHeadersEye → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-headers-eye
tableHeadersEyeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-headers-eye-off
tableHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-heart
tableKey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-key
tableLarge → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-large
tableLargePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-large-plus
tableLargeRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-large-remove
tableLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-lock
tableMergeCells → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-merge-cells
tableMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-minus
tableMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-multiple
tableNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-network
tableOfContents → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-of-contents
tableOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-off
tablePicnic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-picnic
tablePivot → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-pivot
tablePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-plus
tableQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-question
tableRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-refresh
tableRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-remove
tableRow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-row
tableRowHeight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-row-height
tableRowPlusAfter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-row-plus-after
tableRowPlusBefore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-row-plus-before
tableRowRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-row-remove
tableSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-search
tableSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-settings
tableSplitCell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-split-cell
tableStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-star
tableSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-sync
tablet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tablet
tabletCellphone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tablet-cellphone
tabletDashboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tablet-dashboard
tableTennis → const IconData
Icon for mdi-table-tennis
tabMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tab-minus
tabPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tab-plus
tabRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tab-remove
tabSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tab-search
tabUnselected → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tab-unselected
taco → const IconData
Icon for mdi-taco
tag → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag
tagArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-down
tagArrowDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-down-outline
tagArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-left
tagArrowLeftOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-left-outline
tagArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-right
tagArrowRightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-right-outline
tagArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-up
tagArrowUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-arrow-up-outline
tagCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-check
tagCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-check-outline
tagFaces → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-faces
tagHeart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-heart
tagHeartOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-heart-outline
tagHidden → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-hidden
tagMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-minus
tagMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-minus-outline
tagMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-multiple
tagMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-multiple-outline
tagOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-off
tagOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-off-outline
tagOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-outline
tagPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-plus
tagPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-plus-outline
tagRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-remove
tagRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-remove-outline
tagSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-search
tagSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-search-outline
tagText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-text
tagTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tag-text-outline
tailwind → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tailwind
tallyMark1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tally-mark-1
tallyMark2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tally-mark-2
tallyMark3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tally-mark-3
tallyMark4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tally-mark-4
tallyMark5 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tally-mark-5
tangram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tangram
tank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tank
tankerTruck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tanker-truck
tapeDrive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tape-drive
tapeMeasure → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tape-measure
target → const IconData
Icon for mdi-target
targetAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-target-account
targetVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-target-variant
taxi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-taxi
tea → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tea
teamviewer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-teamviewer
teaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tea-outline
teddyBear → const IconData
Icon for mdi-teddy-bear
telescope → const IconData
Icon for mdi-telescope
television → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television
televisionAmbientLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-ambient-light
televisionBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-box
televisionClassic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-classic
televisionClassicOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-classic-off
televisionGuide → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-guide
televisionOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-off
televisionPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-pause
televisionPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-play
televisionShimmer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-shimmer
televisionSpeaker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-speaker
televisionSpeakerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-speaker-off
televisionStop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-television-stop
temperatureCelsius → const IconData
Icon for mdi-temperature-celsius
temperatureFahrenheit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-temperature-fahrenheit
temperatureKelvin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-temperature-kelvin
templeBuddhist → const IconData
Icon for mdi-temple-buddhist
templeBuddhistOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-temple-buddhist-outline
templeHindu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-temple-hindu
templeHinduOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-temple-hindu-outline
tennis → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tennis
tennisBall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tennis-ball
tennisBallOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tennis-ball-outline
tent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tent
terraform → const IconData
Icon for mdi-terraform
testTube → const IconData
Icon for mdi-test-tube
testTubeEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-test-tube-empty
testTubeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-test-tube-off
text → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text
textAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-account
textBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box
textBoxCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-check
textBoxCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-check-outline
textBoxEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-edit
textBoxEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-edit-outline
textBoxMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-minus
textBoxMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-minus-outline
textBoxMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-multiple
textBoxMultipleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-multiple-outline
textBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-outline
textBoxPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-plus
textBoxPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-plus-outline
textBoxRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-remove
textBoxRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-remove-outline
textBoxSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-search
textBoxSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-box-search-outline
textLong → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-long
textRecognition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-recognition
textSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-search
textSearchVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-search-variant
textShadow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-shadow
textShort → const IconData
Icon for mdi-text-short
texture → const IconData
Icon for mdi-texture
textureBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-texture-box
theater → const IconData
Icon for mdi-theater
themeLightDark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-theme-light-dark
thermometer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer
thermometerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-alert
thermometerAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-auto
thermometerBluetooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-bluetooth
thermometerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-check
thermometerChevronDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-chevron-down
thermometerChevronUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-chevron-up
thermometerHigh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-high
thermometerLines → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-lines
thermometerLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-low
thermometerMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-minus
thermometerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-off
thermometerPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-plus
thermometerProbe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-probe
thermometerProbeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-probe-off
thermometerWater → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermometer-water
thermostat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermostat
thermostatAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermostat-auto
thermostatBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermostat-box
thermostatBoxAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermostat-box-auto
thermostatCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thermostat-cog
thoughtBubble → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thought-bubble
thoughtBubbleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thought-bubble-outline
thumbDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thumb-down
thumbDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thumb-down-outline
thumbsUpDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thumbs-up-down
thumbsUpDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thumbs-up-down-outline
thumbUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thumb-up
thumbUpOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-thumb-up-outline
ticket → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ticket
ticketAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ticket-account
ticketConfirmation → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ticket-confirmation
ticketConfirmationOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ticket-confirmation-outline
ticketOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ticket-outline
ticketPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ticket-percent
ticketPercentOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ticket-percent-outline
tie → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tie
tilde → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tilde
tildeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tilde-off
timelapse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timelapse
timeline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline
timelineAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-alert
timelineAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-alert-outline
timelineCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-check
timelineCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-check-outline
timelineClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-clock
timelineClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-clock-outline
timelineMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-minus
timelineMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-minus-outline
timelineOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-outline
timelinePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-plus
timelinePlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-plus-outline
timelineQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-question
timelineQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-question-outline
timelineRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-remove
timelineRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-remove-outline
timelineText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-text
timelineTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timeline-text-outline
timer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer
timer3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-3
timer10 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-10
timerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-alert
timerAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-alert-outline
timerCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-cancel
timerCancelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-cancel-outline
timerCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-check
timerCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-check-outline
timerCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-cog
timerCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-cog-outline
timerEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-edit
timerEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-edit-outline
timerLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-lock
timerLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-lock-open
timerLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-lock-open-outline
timerLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-lock-outline
timerMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-marker
timerMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-marker-outline
timerMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-minus
timerMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-minus-outline
timerMusic → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-music
timerMusicOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-music-outline
timerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-off
timerOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-off-outline
timerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-outline
timerPause → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-pause
timerPauseOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-pause-outline
timerPlay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-play
timerPlayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-play-outline
timerPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-plus
timerPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-plus-outline
timerRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-refresh
timerRefreshOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-refresh-outline
timerRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-remove
timerRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-remove-outline
timerSand → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-sand
timerSandComplete → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-sand-complete
timerSandEmpty → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-sand-empty
timerSandFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-sand-full
timerSandPaused → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-sand-paused
timerSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-settings
timerSettingsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-settings-outline
timerStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-star
timerStarOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-star-outline
timerStop → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-stop
timerStopOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-stop-outline
timerSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-sync
timerSyncOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timer-sync-outline
timetable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-timetable
tire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tire
toaster → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toaster
toasterOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toaster-off
toasterOven → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toaster-oven
toggleSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toggle-switch
toggleSwitchOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toggle-switch-off
toggleSwitchOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toggle-switch-off-outline
toggleSwitchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toggle-switch-outline
toggleSwitchVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toggle-switch-variant
toggleSwitchVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toggle-switch-variant-off
toilet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toilet
toolbox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toolbox
toolboxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toolbox-outline
tools → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tools
tooltip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip
tooltipAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-account
tooltipCellphone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-cellphone
tooltipCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-check
tooltipCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-check-outline
tooltipEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-edit
tooltipEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-edit-outline
tooltipImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-image
tooltipImageOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-image-outline
tooltipMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-minus
tooltipMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-minus-outline
tooltipOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-outline
tooltipPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-plus
tooltipPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-plus-outline
tooltipQuestion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-question
tooltipQuestionOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-question-outline
tooltipRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-remove
tooltipRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-remove-outline
tooltipText → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-text
tooltipTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooltip-text-outline
tooth → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooth
toothbrush → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toothbrush
toothbrushElectric → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toothbrush-electric
toothbrushPaste → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toothbrush-paste
toothOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tooth-outline
torch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-torch
tortoise → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tortoise
Icon for mdi-toslink
touchTextOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-touch-text-outline
tournament → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tournament
towerBeach → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tower-beach
towerFire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tower-fire
townHall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-town-hall
towTruck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tow-truck
toyBrick → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick
toyBrickMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-marker
toyBrickMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-marker-outline
toyBrickMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-minus
toyBrickMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-minus-outline
toyBrickOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-outline
toyBrickPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-plus
toyBrickPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-plus-outline
toyBrickRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-remove
toyBrickRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-remove-outline
toyBrickSearch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-search
toyBrickSearchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-toy-brick-search-outline
trackLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-track-light
trackLightOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-track-light-off
trackpad → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trackpad
trackpadLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trackpad-lock
tractor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tractor
tractorVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tractor-variant
trademark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trademark
trafficCone → const IconData
Icon for mdi-traffic-cone
trafficLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-traffic-light
trafficLightOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-traffic-light-outline
train → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train
trainCar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car
trainCarAutorack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-autorack
trainCarBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-box
trainCarBoxFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-box-full
trainCarBoxOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-box-open
trainCarCaboose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-caboose
trainCarCenterbeam → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-centerbeam
trainCarCenterbeamFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-centerbeam-full
trainCarContainer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-container
trainCarFlatbed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-flatbed
trainCarFlatbedCar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-flatbed-car
trainCarFlatbedTank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-flatbed-tank
trainCarGondola → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-gondola
trainCarGondolaFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-gondola-full
trainCarHopper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-hopper
trainCarHopperCovered → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-hopper-covered
trainCarHopperFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-hopper-full
trainCarIntermodal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-intermodal
trainCarPassenger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-passenger
trainCarPassengerDoor → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-passenger-door
trainCarPassengerDoorOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-passenger-door-open
trainCarPassengerVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-passenger-variant
trainCarTank → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-car-tank
trainVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-train-variant
tram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tram
tramSide → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tram-side
transcribe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transcribe
transcribeClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transcribe-close
transfer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transfer
transferDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transfer-down
transferLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transfer-left
transferRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transfer-right
transferUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transfer-up
transitConnection → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transit-connection
transitConnectionHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transit-connection-horizontal
transitConnectionVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transit-connection-variant
transitDetour → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transit-detour
transition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transition
transitionMasked → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transition-masked
transitSkip → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transit-skip
transitTransfer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transit-transfer
translate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-translate
translateOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-translate-off
translateVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-translate-variant
transmissionTower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transmission-tower
transmissionTowerExport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transmission-tower-export
transmissionTowerImport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transmission-tower-import
transmissionTowerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-transmission-tower-off
trashCan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trash-can
trashCanOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trash-can-outline
tray → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray
trayAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray-alert
trayArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray-arrow-down
trayArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray-arrow-up
trayFull → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray-full
trayMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray-minus
trayPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray-plus
trayRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tray-remove
treasureChest → const IconData
Icon for mdi-treasure-chest
treasureChestOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-treasure-chest-outline
tree → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tree
treeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tree-outline
trello → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trello
trendingDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trending-down
trendingNeutral → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trending-neutral
trendingUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trending-up
triangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triangle
triangleDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triangle-down
triangleDownOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triangle-down-outline
triangleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triangle-outline
triangleSmallDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triangle-small-down
triangleSmallUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triangle-small-up
triangleWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triangle-wave
triforce → const IconData
Icon for mdi-triforce
trophy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trophy
trophyAward → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trophy-award
trophyBroken → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trophy-broken
trophyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trophy-outline
trophyVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trophy-variant
trophyVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trophy-variant-outline
truck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck
truckAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-alert
truckAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-alert-outline
truckCargoContainer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-cargo-container
truckCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-check
truckCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-check-outline
truckDelivery → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-delivery
truckDeliveryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-delivery-outline
truckFast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-fast
truckFastOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-fast-outline
truckFlatbed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-flatbed
truckMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-minus
truckMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-minus-outline
truckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-outline
truckPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-plus
truckPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-plus-outline
truckRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-remove
truckRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-remove-outline
truckSnowflake → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-snowflake
truckTrailer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-truck-trailer
trumpet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-trumpet
tshirtCrew → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tshirt-crew
tshirtCrewOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tshirt-crew-outline
tshirtV → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tshirt-v
tshirtVOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tshirt-v-outline
tsunami → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tsunami
tumbleDryer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tumble-dryer
tumbleDryerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tumble-dryer-alert
tumbleDryerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tumble-dryer-off
tune → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tune
tuneVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tune-variant
tuneVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tune-vertical
tuneVerticalVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tune-vertical-variant
tunnel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tunnel
tunnelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-tunnel-outline
turbine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-turbine
turkey → const IconData
Icon for mdi-turkey
turnstile → const IconData
Icon for mdi-turnstile
turnstileOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-turnstile-outline
turtle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-turtle
twitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-twitch
twitter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-twitter
twoFactorAuthentication → const IconData
Icon for mdi-two-factor-authentication
typewriter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-typewriter
ubisoft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ubisoft
ubuntu → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ubuntu
ufo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ufo
ufoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ufo-outline
ultraHighDefinition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ultra-high-definition
umbraco → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbraco
umbrella → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbrella
umbrellaBeach → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbrella-beach
umbrellaBeachOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbrella-beach-outline
umbrellaClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbrella-closed
umbrellaClosedOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbrella-closed-outline
umbrellaClosedVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbrella-closed-variant
umbrellaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-umbrella-outline
undo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-undo
undoVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-undo-variant
unfoldLessHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unfold-less-horizontal
unfoldLessVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unfold-less-vertical
unfoldMoreHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unfold-more-horizontal
unfoldMoreVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unfold-more-vertical
ungroup → const IconData
Icon for mdi-ungroup
unicode → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unicode
unicorn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unicorn
unicornVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unicorn-variant
unicycle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unicycle
unity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unity
unreal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-unreal
update → const IconData
Icon for mdi-update
upload → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload
uploadLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-lock
uploadLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-lock-outline
uploadMultiple → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-multiple
uploadNetwork → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-network
uploadNetworkOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-network-outline
uploadOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-off
uploadOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-off-outline
uploadOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-upload-outline
usb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-usb
usbFlashDrive → const IconData
Icon for mdi-usb-flash-drive
usbFlashDriveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-usb-flash-drive-outline
usbPort → const IconData
Icon for mdi-usb-port
vacuum → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vacuum
vacuumOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vacuum-outline
valve → const IconData
Icon for mdi-valve
valveClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-valve-closed
valveOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-valve-open
vanish → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vanish
vanishQuarter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vanish-quarter
vanityLight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vanity-light
vanPassenger → const IconData
Icon for mdi-van-passenger
vanUtility → const IconData
Icon for mdi-van-utility
variable → const IconData
Icon for mdi-variable
variableBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-variable-box
vectorArrangeAbove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-arrange-above
vectorArrangeBelow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-arrange-below
vectorBezier → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-bezier
vectorCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-circle
vectorCircleVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-circle-variant
vectorCombine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-combine
vectorCurve → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-curve
vectorDifference → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-difference
vectorDifferenceAb → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-difference-ab
vectorDifferenceBa → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-difference-ba
vectorEllipse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-ellipse
vectorIntersection → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-intersection
vectorLine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-line
Icon for mdi-vector-link
vectorPoint → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-point
vectorPointEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-point-edit
vectorPointMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-point-minus
vectorPointPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-point-plus
vectorPointSelect → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-point-select
vectorPolygon → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-polygon
vectorPolygonVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-polygon-variant
vectorPolyline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-polyline
vectorPolylineEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-polyline-edit
vectorPolylineMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-polyline-minus
vectorPolylinePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-polyline-plus
vectorPolylineRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-polyline-remove
vectorRadius → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-radius
vectorRectangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-rectangle
vectorSelection → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-selection
vectorSquare → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-square
vectorSquareClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-square-close
vectorSquareEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-square-edit
vectorSquareMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-square-minus
vectorSquareOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-square-open
vectorSquarePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-square-plus
vectorSquareRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-square-remove
vectorTriangle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-triangle
vectorUnion → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vector-union
vhs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vhs
vibrate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vibrate
vibrateOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vibrate-off
video → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video
video2D → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-2d
video3D → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-3d
video3DOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-3d-off
video3DVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-3d-variant
video4KBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-4k-box
videoAccount → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-account
videoBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-box
videoBoxOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-box-off
videoCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-check
videoCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-check-outline
videoHighDefinition → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-high-definition
videoImage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-image
videoInputAntenna → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-input-antenna
videoInputComponent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-input-component
videoInputHdmi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-input-hdmi
videoInputScart → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-input-scart
videoInputSvideo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-input-svideo
videoMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-marker
videoMarkerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-marker-outline
videoMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-minus
videoMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-minus-outline
videoOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-off
videoOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-off-outline
videoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-outline
videoPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-plus
videoPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-plus-outline
videoStabilization → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-stabilization
videoSwitch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-switch
videoSwitchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-switch-outline
videoVintage → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-vintage
videoWireless → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-wireless
videoWirelessOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-video-wireless-outline
viewAgenda → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-agenda
viewAgendaOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-agenda-outline
viewArray → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-array
viewArrayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-array-outline
viewCarousel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-carousel
viewCarouselOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-carousel-outline
viewColumn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-column
viewColumnOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-column-outline
viewComfy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-comfy
viewComfyOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-comfy-outline
viewCompact → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-compact
viewCompactOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-compact-outline
viewDashboard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-dashboard
viewDashboardEdit → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-dashboard-edit
viewDashboardEditOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-dashboard-edit-outline
viewDashboardOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-dashboard-outline
viewDashboardVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-dashboard-variant
viewDashboardVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-dashboard-variant-outline
viewDay → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-day
viewDayOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-day-outline
viewGallery → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-gallery
viewGalleryOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-gallery-outline
viewGrid → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-grid
viewGridCompact → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-grid-compact
viewGridOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-grid-outline
viewGridPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-grid-plus
viewGridPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-grid-plus-outline
viewHeadline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-headline
viewList → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-list
viewListOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-list-outline
viewModule → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-module
viewModuleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-module-outline
viewParallel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-parallel
viewParallelOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-parallel-outline
viewQuilt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-quilt
viewQuiltOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-quilt-outline
viewSequential → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-sequential
viewSequentialOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-sequential-outline
viewSplitHorizontal → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-split-horizontal
viewSplitVertical → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-split-vertical
viewStream → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-stream
viewStreamOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-stream-outline
viewWeek → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-week
viewWeekOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-view-week-outline
vimeo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vimeo
violin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-violin
virtualReality → const IconData
Icon for mdi-virtual-reality
virus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-virus
virusOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-virus-off
virusOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-virus-off-outline
virusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-virus-outline
vlc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vlc
voicemail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-voicemail
volcano → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volcano
volcanoOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volcano-outline
volleyball → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volleyball
volumeEqual → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-equal
volumeHigh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-high
volumeLow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-low
volumeMedium → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-medium
volumeMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-minus
volumeMute → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-mute
volumeOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-off
volumePlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-plus
volumeSource → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-source
volumeVariantOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-variant-off
volumeVibrate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-volume-vibrate
vote → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vote
voteOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vote-outline
vpn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vpn
vuejs → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vuejs
vuetify → const IconData
Icon for mdi-vuetify
walk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-walk
wall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall
wallet → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet
walletBifold → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-bifold
walletBifoldOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-bifold-outline
walletGiftcard → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-giftcard
walletMembership → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-membership
walletOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-outline
walletPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-plus
walletPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-plus-outline
walletTravel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallet-travel
wallFire → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-fire
wallpaper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wallpaper
wallSconce → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce
wallSconceFlat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-flat
wallSconceFlatOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-flat-outline
wallSconceFlatVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-flat-variant
wallSconceFlatVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-flat-variant-outline
wallSconceOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-outline
wallSconceRound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-round
wallSconceRoundOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-round-outline
wallSconceRoundVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-round-variant
wallSconceRoundVariantOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wall-sconce-round-variant-outline
wan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wan
wardrobe → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wardrobe
wardrobeOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wardrobe-outline
warehouse → const IconData
Icon for mdi-warehouse
washingMachine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-washing-machine
washingMachineAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-washing-machine-alert
washingMachineOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-washing-machine-off
watch → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch
watchExport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch-export
watchExportVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch-export-variant
watchImport → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch-import
watchImportVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch-import-variant
watchVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch-variant
watchVibrate → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch-vibrate
watchVibrateOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watch-vibrate-off
water → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water
waterAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-alert
waterAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-alert-outline
waterBoiler → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-boiler
waterBoilerAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-boiler-alert
waterBoilerAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-boiler-auto
waterBoilerOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-boiler-off
waterCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-check
waterCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-check-outline
waterCircle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-circle
waterfall → const IconData
Icon for mdi-waterfall
wateringCan → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watering-can
wateringCanOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watering-can-outline
watermark → const IconData
Icon for mdi-watermark
waterMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-minus
waterMinusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-minus-outline
waterOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-off
waterOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-off-outline
waterOpacity → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-opacity
waterOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-outline
waterPercent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-percent
waterPercentAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-percent-alert
waterPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-plus
waterPlusOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-plus-outline
waterPolo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-polo
waterPump → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-pump
waterPumpOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-pump-off
waterRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-remove
waterRemoveOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-remove-outline
waterSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-sync
waterThermometer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-thermometer
waterThermometerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-thermometer-outline
waterWell → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-well
waterWellOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-water-well-outline
wave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wave
waveform → const IconData
Icon for mdi-waveform
waves → const IconData
Icon for mdi-waves
wavesArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-waves-arrow-left
wavesArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-waves-arrow-right
wavesArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-waves-arrow-up
waze → const IconData
Icon for mdi-waze
weatherCloudy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-cloudy
weatherCloudyAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-cloudy-alert
weatherCloudyArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-cloudy-arrow-right
weatherCloudyClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-cloudy-clock
weatherDust → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-dust
weatherFog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-fog
weatherHail → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-hail
weatherHazy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-hazy
weatherHurricane → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-hurricane
weatherHurricaneOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-hurricane-outline
weatherLightning → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-lightning
weatherLightningRainy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-lightning-rainy
weatherNight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-night
weatherNightPartlyCloudy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-night-partly-cloudy
weatherPartlyCloudy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-partly-cloudy
weatherPartlyLightning → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-partly-lightning
weatherPartlyRainy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-partly-rainy
weatherPartlySnowy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-partly-snowy
weatherPartlySnowyRainy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-partly-snowy-rainy
weatherPouring → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-pouring
weatherRainy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-rainy
weatherSnowy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-snowy
weatherSnowyHeavy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-snowy-heavy
weatherSnowyRainy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-snowy-rainy
weatherSunny → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-sunny
weatherSunnyAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-sunny-alert
weatherSunnyOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-sunny-off
weatherSunset → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-sunset
weatherSunsetDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-sunset-down
weatherSunsetUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-sunset-up
weatherTornado → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-tornado
weatherWindy → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-windy
weatherWindyVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weather-windy-variant
web → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web
webBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-box
webcam → const IconData
Icon for mdi-webcam
webcamOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-webcam-off
webCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-cancel
webCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-check
webClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-clock
webhook → const IconData
Icon for mdi-webhook
webMinus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-minus
webOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-off
webpack → const IconData
Icon for mdi-webpack
webPlus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-plus
webRefresh → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-refresh
webRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-remove
webrtc → const IconData
Icon for mdi-webrtc
webSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-web-sync
wechat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wechat
weight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weight
weightGram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weight-gram
weightKilogram → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weight-kilogram
weightLifter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weight-lifter
weightPound → const IconData
Icon for mdi-weight-pound
whatsapp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-whatsapp
wheelBarrow → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wheel-barrow
wheelchair → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wheelchair
wheelchairAccessibility → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wheelchair-accessibility
whistle → const IconData
Icon for mdi-whistle
whistleOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-whistle-outline
whiteBalanceAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-white-balance-auto
whiteBalanceIncandescent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-white-balance-incandescent
whiteBalanceIridescent → const IconData
Icon for mdi-white-balance-iridescent
whiteBalanceSunny → const IconData
Icon for mdi-white-balance-sunny
widgets → const IconData
Icon for mdi-widgets
widgetsOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-widgets-outline
wifi → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi
wifiAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-alert
wifiArrowDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-arrow-down
wifiArrowLeft → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-arrow-left
wifiArrowLeftRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-arrow-left-right
wifiArrowRight → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-arrow-right
wifiArrowUp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-arrow-up
wifiArrowUpDown → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-arrow-up-down
wifiCancel → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-cancel
wifiCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-check
wifiCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-cog
wifiLock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-lock
wifiLockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-lock-open
wifiMarker → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-marker
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Icon for mdi-wifi-minus
wifiOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-off
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Icon for mdi-wifi-plus
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Icon for mdi-wifi-refresh
wifiRemove → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-remove
wifiSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-settings
wifiStar → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-star
wifiStrength1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-1
wifiStrength1Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-1-alert
wifiStrength1Lock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-1-lock
wifiStrength1LockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-1-lock-open
wifiStrength2 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-2
wifiStrength2Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-2-alert
wifiStrength2Lock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-2-lock
wifiStrength2LockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-2-lock-open
wifiStrength3 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-3
wifiStrength3Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-3-alert
wifiStrength3Lock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-3-lock
wifiStrength3LockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-3-lock-open
wifiStrength4 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-4
wifiStrength4Alert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-4-alert
wifiStrength4Lock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-4-lock
wifiStrength4LockOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-4-lock-open
wifiStrengthAlertOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-alert-outline
wifiStrengthLockOpenOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-lock-open-outline
wifiStrengthLockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-lock-outline
wifiStrengthOff → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-off
wifiStrengthOffOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-off-outline
wifiStrengthOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-strength-outline
wifiSync → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wifi-sync
wikipedia → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wikipedia
windowClose → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-close
windowClosed → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-closed
windowClosedVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-closed-variant
windowMaximize → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-maximize
windowMinimize → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-minimize
windowMinimize1 → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-minimize
windowOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-open
windowOpenVariant → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-open-variant
windowRestore → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-restore
windowShutter → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-shutter
windowShutterAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-shutter-alert
windowShutterAuto → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-shutter-auto
windowShutterCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-shutter-cog
windowShutterOpen → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-shutter-open
windowShutterSettings → const IconData
Icon for mdi-window-shutter-settings
windPower → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wind-power
windPowerOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wind-power-outline
windsock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-windsock
windTurbine → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wind-turbine
windTurbineAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wind-turbine-alert
windTurbineCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wind-turbine-check
wiper → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wiper
wiperWash → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wiper-wash
wiperWashAlert → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wiper-wash-alert
wizardHat → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wizard-hat
wordpress → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wordpress
wrap → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrap
wrapDisabled → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrap-disabled
wrench → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench
wrenchCheck → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench-check
wrenchCheckOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench-check-outline
wrenchClock → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench-clock
wrenchClockOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench-clock-outline
wrenchCog → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench-cog
wrenchCogOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench-cog-outline
wrenchOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-wrench-outline
xamarin → const IconData
Icon for mdi-xamarin
xml → const IconData
Icon for mdi-xml
xmpp → const IconData
Icon for mdi-xmpp
yahoo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-yahoo
yeast → const IconData
Icon for mdi-yeast
yinYang → const IconData
Icon for mdi-yin-yang
yoga → const IconData
Icon for mdi-yoga
youtube → const IconData
Icon for mdi-youtube
youtubeGaming → const IconData
Icon for mdi-youtube-gaming
youtubeStudio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-youtube-studio
youtubeSubscription → const IconData
Icon for mdi-youtube-subscription
youtubeTv → const IconData
Icon for mdi-youtube-tv
yurt → const IconData
Icon for mdi-yurt
zend → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zend
zigbee → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zigbee
zipBox → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zip-box
zipBoxOutline → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zip-box-outline
zipDisk → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zip-disk
zodiacAquarius → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-aquarius
zodiacAries → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-aries
zodiacCancer → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-cancer
zodiacCapricorn → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-capricorn
zodiacGemini → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-gemini
zodiacLeo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-leo
zodiacLibra → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-libra
zodiacPisces → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-pisces
zodiacSagittarius → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-sagittarius
zodiacScorpio → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-scorpio
zodiacTaurus → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-taurus
zodiacVirgo → const IconData
Icon for mdi-zodiac-virgo
zWave → const IconData
Icon for mdi-z-wave