StoreStatsDeprecations extension

Provides deprecations where possible for previous methods in StoreStats after the v9 release.

Synchronous operations have been removed throughout FMTC v9, therefore the distinction between sync and async operations has been removed.

Provided in an extension method for easy differentiation and quick removal.

  • @Deprecated('Migrate to the suggested replacements for each operation. $_syncRemoval')


cacheHitsAsync Future<int>
Retrieve the number of successful tile retrievals when browsing
no setter
cacheMissesAsync Future<int>
Retrieve the number of unsuccessful tile retrievals when browsing
no setter
storeLengthAsync Future<int>
Retrieve the number of tiles belonging to this store
no setter
storeSizeAsync Future<double>
Retrieve the total number of KiBs of all tiles' bytes (not 'real total' size)
no setter


tileImageAsync({double? size, Key? key, double scale = 1.0, ImageFrameBuilder? frameBuilder, ImageErrorWidgetBuilder? errorBuilder, String? semanticLabel, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, Color? color, Animation<double>? opacity, BlendMode? colorBlendMode, BoxFit? fit, AlignmentGeometry alignment =, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, Rect? centerSlice, bool matchTextDirection = false, bool gaplessPlayback = false, bool isAntiAlias = false, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, int? cacheWidth, int? cacheHeight}) Future<Image?>
, then render the bytes to an Image