watchChanges method
- Duration? debounce = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
- List<
StoreDirectory> recursive = const [], - List<
ChangeType> events = const [ChangeType.ADD, ChangeType.MODIFY, ChangeType.REMOVE], - List<
RootParts> rootParts = RootParts.values, - List<
StoreParts> storeParts = StoreParts.values,
Watch for changes in the current cache
Useful to update UI only when required, for example, in a StreamBuilder. Whenever this has an event, it is likely the other statistics will have changed.
Recursively watch specific sub-stores (using StoreStats.watchChanges) by providing them as a list of StoreDirectorys to recursive
. To watch all stores, use the storesAvailable/storesAvailableAsync getter as the argument. By default, no sub-stores are watched (empty list), meaning only top level changes (those to do with each store) will be caught.
Control which changes are caught through the events
parameter, which takes a list of ChangeTypes. Catches all change types by default.
Enable debouncing to prevent unnecessary events for small changes in detail using debounce
. Defaults to 200ms, or set to null to disable debouncing.
Debouncing example (dash roughly represents debounce
input: 1-2-3---4---5-6-|
output: ------3---4-----6|
Stream<void> watchChanges({
Duration? debounce = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
List<StoreDirectory> recursive = const [],
List<ChangeType> events = const [
List<RootParts> rootParts = RootParts.values,
List<StoreParts> storeParts = StoreParts.values,
}) {
Stream<void> constructStream(Directory dir) => FileSystemEntity
? dir
events: [
events.contains(ChangeType.ADD) ? FileSystemEvent.create : null,
? FileSystemEvent.modify
: null,
? FileSystemEvent.move
: null,
? FileSystemEvent.delete
: null,
].whereType<int>().reduce((v, e) => v | e),
.map<void>((e) {})
: DirectoryWatcher(dir.absolute.path)
.where((evt) => events.contains(evt.type))
.map<void>((e) {});
final Stream<void> stream = constructStream(_access.real)
(e) => e.stats.watchChanges(
debounce: debounce,
events: events,
storeParts: storeParts,
if (rootParts.contains(RootParts.recovery))
if (rootParts.contains(RootParts.stats)) constructStream(_access.stats),
if (rootParts.contains(RootParts.stores)) constructStream(_access.stores),
return debounce == null ? stream : stream.debounce(debounce);