toDrawable method

  1. @override
PolygonLayer toDrawable({
  1. Color? fillColor,
  2. Color borderColor = const Color(0x00000000),
  3. double borderStrokeWidth = 3.0,
  4. bool isDotted = false,
  5. bool prettyPaint = true,
  6. int curveSmoothening = 50,
  7. int overlap = 0,

Create a drawable area for a FlutterMap out of this region

Configurable options besides those available normally in Polygon :

  • prettyPaint - controls whether the rectangles formed by the line are joined nicely, whether they are just joined by the closest corners, or whether they are just left as rectangles - defaults to true
  • curveSmoothening - controls the amount of curve segments per curve, if prettyPaint is enabled - defaults to 50
  • overlap - usually controls the rendering if prettyPaint is disabled - defaults to 0

Set prettyPaint to false and overlap to -1 to get the 'reduced' appearance. Or, set to 0 to get the normal appearance, and 1 to get the rectangles that are actually downloaded.

Set prettyPaint to true and overlap to -1 to get the rectangles joined by their nearest corners. Setting to 0 will show the line with joining curves - the default. Setting to 1 will cause an error.

Disabling prettyPaint will increase speed and is recommended on slower devices. Decreasing the curveSmoothening will also increase speed - set to a smaller value if corners are likely to be small (for example along a route).

Returns a PolygonLayer to be added to the layer property of a FlutterMap.


PolygonLayer toDrawable({
  Color? fillColor,
  Color borderColor = const Color(0x00000000),
  double borderStrokeWidth = 3.0,
  bool isDotted = false,
  bool prettyPaint = true,
  int curveSmoothening = 50,
  int overlap = 0,
}) {
  if (overlap >= -1 && overlap <= 1) {
    throw ArgumentError('`overlap` must be between -1 and 1 inclusive');
  if (prettyPaint ? overlap == 0 || overlap == -1 : true) {
    throw ArgumentError(
      '`overlap` must be either -1 or 0 when `prettyPaint` is enabled',

  final List<List<LatLng>> rects = toOutlines(prettyPaint ? -1 : overlap);

  final List<List<LatLng>> curves = [];

  if (prettyPaint) {
    final double diameter = (radius * math.pi / 4).round() * 2;

    List<double> intersectLine(LatLng p1, LatLng p2) {
      final double a = p1.latitude - p2.latitude;
      final double b = p2.longitude - p1.longitude;
      final double c =
          p1.longitude * p2.latitude - p2.longitude * p1.latitude;
      return [a, b, -c];

    LatLng? intersectPoint(List<double> l1, List<double> l2) {
      final double d = l1[0] * l2[1] - l1[1] * l2[0];
      final double dx = l1[2] * l2[1] - l1[1] * l2[2];
      final double dy = l1[0] * l2[2] - l1[2] * l2[0];
      if (d != 0) {
        return LatLng(dy / d, dx / d);
      } else {
        return null;

    for (int i = 0; i <= rects.length - 2; i++) {
      final List<LatLng> topLineCurrent = [rects[i][3], rects[i][2]];
      final List<LatLng> bottomLineCurrent = [rects[i][0], rects[i][1]];

      final List<LatLng> topLineNext = [rects[i + 1][3], rects[i + 1][2]];
      final List<LatLng> bottomLineNext = [rects[i + 1][0], rects[i + 1][1]];

      final LatLng? intersectionA = intersectPoint(
        intersectLine(topLineCurrent[0], topLineCurrent[1]),
        intersectLine(topLineNext[0], topLineNext[1]),
      final LatLng? intersectionB = intersectPoint(
        intersectLine(bottomLineCurrent[0], bottomLineCurrent[1]),
        intersectLine(bottomLineNext[0], bottomLineNext[1]),

      if (intersectionA == null || intersectionB == null) {
        throw StateError(
          "Well done! You seemed to have create a rectangle exactly parallel to your previous one. Needless to say, this is extremely unlikely, and I haven't handled this. If this happened honestly, please report an error.",

      const Distance distance = Distance();

      final bool aCurve = distance.distance(rects[i][2], intersectionA) >
          distance.distance(rects[i][1], intersectionB);

      final LatLng old1 = rects[i][aCurve ? 1 : 2];
      rects[i][aCurve ? 1 : 2] = aCurve ? intersectionB : intersectionA;
      rects[i][aCurve ? 2 : 1] = distance.offset(
        rects[i][aCurve ? 1 : 2],
        distance.bearing(old1, rects[i][aCurve ? 2 : 1]),
      final LatLng old2 = rects[i + 1][aCurve ? 0 : 3];
      rects[i + 1][aCurve ? 0 : 3] = aCurve ? intersectionB : intersectionA;
      rects[i + 1][aCurve ? 3 : 0] = distance.offset(
        rects[i + 1][aCurve ? 0 : 3],
        distance.bearing(old2, rects[i + 1][aCurve ? 3 : 0]),

      if (overlap != -1) {
        final QuadraticBezier curve = QuadraticBezier(
              rects[i][aCurve ? 2 : 1].longitude,
              rects[i][aCurve ? 2 : 1].latitude,
                ? Vector2(intersectionA.longitude, intersectionA.latitude)
                : Vector2(intersectionB.longitude, intersectionB.latitude),
              rects[i + 1][aCurve ? 3 : 0].longitude,
              rects[i + 1][aCurve ? 3 : 0].latitude,


        for (var ii = 0; ii <= curveSmoothening; ii++) {
              curve.pointAt(ii / curveSmoothening).y,
              curve.pointAt(ii / curveSmoothening).x,

        curves[i].add(aCurve ? intersectionB : intersectionA);

  final List<Polygon> returnable = rects
        (rect) => Polygon(
          isFilled: fillColor != null,
          color: fillColor ?? Colors.transparent,
          borderColor: borderColor,
          borderStrokeWidth: borderStrokeWidth,
          isDotted: isDotted,
          points: rect,

  if (prettyPaint && overlap != -1) {
        (curve) => Polygon(
          isFilled: fillColor != null,
          color: fillColor ?? Colors.transparent,
          borderColor: borderColor,
          borderStrokeWidth: borderStrokeWidth,
          isDotted: isDotted,
          points: curve,

  return PolygonLayer(polygons: returnable);