lineTiles function

List<Coords<num>> lineTiles(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> input


List<Coords<num>> lineTiles(Map<String, dynamic> input) {
  // This took some time and is fairly complicated, so this is the overall explanation:
  // 1. Given 4 `LatLng` points, create a 'straight' rectangle around the 'rotated' rectangle, that can be defined with just 2 `LatLng` points
  // 2. Convert the straight rectangle into tile numbers, and loop through the same as `rectangleTiles`
  // 3. For every generated tile number (which represents top-left of the tile), generate the rest of the tile corners
  // 4. Check whether the square tile overlaps the rotated rectangle from the start, add it to the list if it does
  // 5. Keep track of the number of overlaps per row: if there was one overlap and now there isn't, skip the rest of the row because we can be sure there are no more tiles

  // Overlap algorithm originally in Python, available at
  bool overlap(_Polygon a, _Polygon b) {
    for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
      final _Polygon polygon = x == 0 ? a : b;

      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < polygon.points.length; i1++) {
        final int i2 = (i1 + 1) % polygon.points.length;
        final CustomPoint<num> p1 = polygon.points[i1];
        final CustomPoint<num> p2 = polygon.points[i2];

        final CustomPoint<num> normal =
            CustomPoint<num>(p2.y - p1.y, p1.x - p2.x);

        double minA = double.infinity;
        double maxA = double.negativeInfinity;

        for (final CustomPoint<num> p in a.points) {
          final num projected = normal.x * p.x + normal.y * p.y;

          if (projected < minA) minA = projected.toDouble();
          if (projected > maxA) maxA = projected.toDouble();

        double minB = double.infinity;
        double maxB = double.negativeInfinity;

        for (final CustomPoint<num> p in b.points) {
          final num projected = normal.x * p.x + normal.y * p.y;

          if (projected < minB) minB = projected.toDouble();
          if (projected > maxB) maxB = projected.toDouble();

        if (maxA < minB || maxB < minA) return false;

    return true;

  final List<List<LatLng>> rects = input['lineOutline'];
  final int minZoom = input['minZoom'];
  final int maxZoom = input['maxZoom'];
  final Crs crs = input['crs'];
  final CustomPoint<num> tileSize = input['tileSize'];

  final List<Coords<num>> coords = [];

  for (int zoomLvl = minZoom; zoomLvl <= maxZoom; zoomLvl++) {
    for (final List<LatLng> rect in rects) {
      final LatLng rrBottomLeft = rect[0];
      final LatLng rrBottomRight = rect[1];
      final LatLng rrTopRight = rect[2];
      final LatLng rrTopLeft = rect[3];

      final List<double> rrAllLat = [
      final List<double> rrAllLon = [

      final CustomPoint<num> rrNorthWest = crs
          .latLngToPoint(rrTopLeft, zoomLvl.toDouble())
      final CustomPoint<num> rrNorthEast = crs
              .latLngToPoint(rrTopRight, zoomLvl.toDouble())
              .ceil() -
          const CustomPoint(1, 0);
      final CustomPoint<num> rrSouthWest = crs
              .latLngToPoint(rrBottomLeft, zoomLvl.toDouble())
              .ceil() -
          const CustomPoint(0, 1);
      final CustomPoint<num> rrSouthEast = crs
              .latLngToPoint(rrBottomRight, zoomLvl.toDouble())
              .ceil() -
          const CustomPoint(1, 1);

      final CustomPoint<num> srNorthWest = crs
            LatLng(rrAllLat.maxNum, rrAllLon.minNum),
      final CustomPoint<num> srSouthEast = crs
                LatLng(rrAllLat.minNum, rrAllLon.maxNum),
              .ceil() -
          const CustomPoint(1, 1);

      for (num x = srNorthWest.x; x <= srSouthEast.x; x++) {
        bool foundOverlappingTile = false;
        for (num y = srNorthWest.y; y <= srSouthEast.y; y++) {
          if (overlap(
              CustomPoint(x, y),
              CustomPoint(x + 1, y),
              CustomPoint(x + 1, y + 1),
              CustomPoint(x, y + 1),
          )) {
            coords.add(Coords(x, y)..z = zoomLvl);
            foundOverlappingTile = true;
          } else if (foundOverlappingTile) {

  return coords;