FMTCTileProviderSettings constructor

  1. CacheBehavior behavior = CacheBehavior.cacheFirst,
  2. bool fallbackToAlternativeStore = true,
  3. Duration cachedValidDuration = const Duration(days: 16),
  4. bool trackHitsAndMisses = true,
  5. List<String> obscuredQueryParams = const [],
  6. FMTCBrowsingErrorHandler? errorHandler,
  7. bool setInstance = true,

Create new settings for an FMTCTileProvider, and set the instance (if setInstance is true, as default)

To access the existing settings, if any, get instance.


factory FMTCTileProviderSettings({
  CacheBehavior behavior = CacheBehavior.cacheFirst,
  bool fallbackToAlternativeStore = true,
  Duration cachedValidDuration = const Duration(days: 16),
  bool trackHitsAndMisses = true,
  List<String> obscuredQueryParams = const [],
  FMTCBrowsingErrorHandler? errorHandler,
  bool setInstance = true,
}) {
  final settings = FMTCTileProviderSettings._(
    behavior: behavior,
    fallbackToAlternativeStore: fallbackToAlternativeStore,
    recordHitsAndMisses: trackHitsAndMisses,
    cachedValidDuration: cachedValidDuration,
    obscuredQueryParams: => RegExp('$e=[^&]*')),
    errorHandler: errorHandler,

  if (setInstance) _instance = settings;
  return settings;