PolyWidget.threePoints constructor

  1. required LatLng pointA,
  2. required LatLng pointB,
  3. required LatLng approxPointC,
  4. required Widget child,
  5. Orientation? forceOrientation,
  6. bool? noRotation,

poly widget defined by three points

should always be added inside PolyWidgetLayer.polyWidgets

pointA and pointB are fixed and will be used to define the width and angle of your widget. approxPointC is only fixed


// if it is placed in a 90° angle from [pointB]. Otherwise the distance from [pointB] to [approxPointC] is used to calculate the actual third corner. All three corners are used to calculate
// the center location.
factory PolyWidget.threePoints({
  required LatLng pointA,
  required LatLng pointB,
  required LatLng approxPointC,
  required Widget child,
  Orientation? forceOrientation,
  bool? noRotation,
}) {
  double width = const Distance().distance(pointA, pointB);
  double height = const Distance().distance(pointB, approxPointC);
  double xAngle = const Distance().bearing(pointA, pointB);
  LatLng centerLine = const Distance().offset(pointA, width / 2, xAngle);

  double yAngle = const Distance().bearing(pointB, approxPointC);
  double cDirection = ((yAngle - xAngle) % 360);
  double cDirectionAngle = cDirection >= 0 && cDirection < 180 ? 90 : -90;
  LatLng center = const Distance()
      .offset(centerLine, height / 2, xAngle + cDirectionAngle);
  return PolyWidget(
    center: center,
    widthInMeters: width.toInt(),
    heightInMeters: height.toInt(),
    angle: xAngle - 90,
    forceOrientation: forceOrientation,
    noRotation: noRotation,
    child: child,