PopupMarkerLayerOptions class


PopupMarkerLayerOptions({List<Marker> markers = const [], bool? markerRotate = true, AlignmentGeometry? markerRotateAlignment, Offset? markerRotateOrigin, PopupBuilder? popupBuilder, PopupController? popupController, List<Marker> initiallySelectedMarkers = const [], PopupSnap popupSnap = PopupSnap.markerTop, PopupAnimation? popupAnimation, Widget selectedMarkerBuilder(BuildContext context, Marker marker)?, MarkerCenterAnimation? markerCenterAnimation, MarkerTapBehavior? markerTapBehavior, dynamic onPopupEvent(PopupEvent event, List<Marker> selectedMarkers)?, Stream<void>? rebuild})
Show the list of markers on the map with a popups that are shown when a marker is tapped or when triggered via the popupController.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initiallySelectedMarkers List<Marker>
The markers for which a popup should be initially visible. Note that this has no affect if the PopupMarkerLayer is within a PopupScope and should be declared on PopupScope instead.
getter/setter pair
key Key?
markerCenterAnimation MarkerCenterAnimation?
Setting a MarkerCenterAnimation will cause the map to be centered on a marker when it is tapped. Defaults to not centering on the marker.
markers List<Marker>
markerTapBehavior MarkerTapBehavior
The default MarkerTapBehavior is MarkerTapBehavior.togglePopupAndHideRest which will toggle the popup of the tapped marker and hide all other popups. This is a sensible default when you only want to show a single popup at a time but if you show multiple popups you probably want to use MarkerTapBehavior.togglePopup.
onPopupEvent → (dynamic Function(PopupEvent event, List<Marker> selectedMarkers)?)
An optional callback which can be used to react to PopupEvents. The selectedMarkers is the list of Markers which are selected before the event is applied.
popupAnimation PopupAnimation?
Allows the use of an animation for showing/hiding popups. Defaults to no animation.
popupBuilder PopupBuilder?
Used to construct the popup. Leave null if you wish to show popups outside of the map.
popupController PopupController?
If a PopupController is provided it can be used to programmatically show and hide the popup.
popupSnap PopupSnap
Controls the position of the popup relative to the marker or popup.
rebuild Stream<void>?
rotate bool?
If true markers will be counter rotated to the map rotation
rotateAlignment AlignmentGeometry?
The alignment of the origin, relative to the size of the box.
rotateOrigin Offset?
The origin of the coordinate system (relative to the upper left corner of this render object) in which to apply the matrix.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectedMarkerBuilder → (Widget Function(BuildContext context, Marker marker)?)
An optional builder which, if provided, will be used to build markers which are selected.
usePxCache bool
Toggle marker position caching. Enabling will improve performance, but may introducen errors when adding/removing markers. Default is enabled (true).


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

rotationAlignmentFor(AnchorAlign anchorAlign) AlignmentGeometry