PointExtension<T extends num> extension



ceil() Point<int>
Create a new Point where the x and y values are rounded up to the nearest integer.
floor() Point<int>
Create a new Point where the x and y values are rounded down to the nearest integer.
rotate(num radians) Point<double>
Create a new Point whose x and y values are rotated clockwise by radians.
round() Point<int>
Create a new Point where the x and y values are rounded to the nearest integer.
toDoublePoint() Point<double>
toIntPoint() Point<int>
toOffset() Offset
unscaleBy(Point<num> point) Point<double>
Create new Point whose x and y values are divided by the respective values in point.


operator /(num factor) Point<double>
Create a new Point where the x and y values are divided by factor.