fitBounds abstract method

  1. @Deprecated('Prefer `fitCamera` with a CameraFit.bounds() instead. ' 'This method has been changed to use the new `CameraFit` classes which allows different kinds of fit. ' 'This method is deprecated since v6.')
bool fitBounds(
  1. LatLngBounds bounds, {
  2. FitBoundsOptions options = const FitBoundsOptions(padding: EdgeInsets.all(12)),

Move and zoom the map to perfectly fit bounds, with additional configurable options

For information about return value meaning and emitted events, see move's documentation.


  'Prefer `fitCamera` with a CameraFit.bounds() instead. '
  'This method has been changed to use the new `CameraFit` classes which allows different kinds of fit. '
  'This method is deprecated since v6.',
bool fitBounds(
  LatLngBounds bounds, {
  FitBoundsOptions options =
      const FitBoundsOptions(padding: EdgeInsets.all(12)),