FitBoundsOptions constructor

  1. @Deprecated('Prefer `CameraFit.bounds` instead. ' 'This class has been renamed to clarify its meaning and is now a sublass of CameraFit to allow other fit types. ' 'This class is deprecated since v6.')
const FitBoundsOptions({
  1. EdgeInsets padding =,
  2. double maxZoom = 17.0,
  3. bool inside = false,
  4. bool forceIntegerZoomLevel = false,


  'Prefer `CameraFit.bounds` instead. '
  'This class has been renamed to clarify its meaning and is now a sublass of CameraFit to allow other fit types. '
  'This class is deprecated since v6.',
const FitBoundsOptions({
  this.padding =,
  this.maxZoom = 17.0,
  this.inside = false,
  this.forceIntegerZoomLevel = false,