
Originaly by spChief
Flutter plugin for authorization with Yandex LoginSDK for iOS and Android

Getting Started

  1. Add flutter_login_yandex to your pubspec.yaml file
  2. Register Yandex OAuth application, see official docs
  3. Setup android
  4. Setup ios

YandexLoginSDK version in plugin:

  • iOS: 3.0.1
  • Android: 2.5.1

Minimum requirements

  • IOS 12.0
  • ANDROID minSdkVersion 21

SDK documentation

Android setup

Add to your android/app/build.gradle default section this with replacement of yourClientId to Yandex OAuth app client id:

manifestPlaceholders += [YANDEX_CLIENT_ID:"yourClientId"]

It must looks like this:

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "com.example.flutter_login_yandex_example"
    minSdkVersion flutter.minSdkVersion
    targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion
    versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
    versionName flutterVersionName
    manifestPlaceholders += [YANDEX_CLIENT_ID:"yourClientId"]

iOS setup

Add this to your app Info.plist and replace "yourCientId" with Yandex client id from OAuth application


Also you need to set up Entitlements, add Capability: Associated Domains and enter domain with replaced yourClientId to your value:



final flutterLoginYandexPlugin = FlutterLoginYandex();
final response = await _flutterLoginYandexPlugin.signIn();
saveToken(response['token'] as String);