getActiveNotifications method

  1. @override
Future<List<ActiveNotification>> getActiveNotifications()

Returns the list of active notifications shown by the application that haven't been dismissed/removed.

Throws a PlatformException with an unsupported_os_version error code when the OS version is older than what is supported to have results returned. On platforms that don't support the method at all, it will throw an UnimplementedError.


Future<List<ActiveNotification>> getActiveNotifications() async {
  final List<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>? activeNotifications =
      await _channel.invokeListMethod('getActiveNotifications');
  return activeNotifications
          // ignore: always_specify_types
          ?.map((p) => ActiveNotification(
                id: p['id'],
                channelId: p['channelId'],
                groupKey: p['groupKey'],
                tag: p['tag'],
                title: p['title'],
                body: p['body'],
                payload: p['payload'],
                bigText: p['bigText'],
          .toList() ??