authenticate static method

Future<bool> authenticate({
  1. required String localizedReason,
  2. AndroidAuthMessages androidAuthStrings = const AndroidAuthMessages(),
  3. bool biometricOnly = true,
  4. IOSAuthMessages iOSAuthStrings = const IOSAuthMessages(),
  5. bool sensitiveTransaction = true,
  6. bool stickyAuth = false,
  7. bool useErrorDialogs = true,

Authenticates the user with biometrics available on the device while also allowing the user to use device authentication - pin, pattern, passcode.

Returns a Future holding true, if the user successfully authenticated, false otherwise.

localizedReason is the message to show to user while prompting them for authentication. This is typically along the lines of: 'Please scan your finger to access MyApp.'. This must not be empty.

useErrorDialogs = true means the system will attempt to handle user fixable issues encountered while authenticating. For instance, if fingerprint reader exists on the phone but there's no fingerprint registered, the plugin will attempt to take the user to settings to add one. Anything that is not user fixable, such as no biometric sensor on device, will be returned as a PlatformException.

stickyAuth is used when the application goes into background for any reason while the authentication is in progress. Due to security reasons, the authentication has to be stopped at that time. If stickyAuth is set to true, authentication resumes when the app is resumed. If it is set to false (default), then as soon as app is paused a failure message is sent back to Dart and it is up to the client app to restart authentication or do something else.

Construct AndroidAuthStrings and IOSAuthStrings if you want to customize messages in the dialogs.

Setting sensitiveTransaction to true enables platform specific precautions. For instance, on face unlock, Android opens a confirmation dialog after the face is recognized to make sure the user meant to unlock their phone.

Setting biometricOnly to false allows to use non-biometric local authentication such as pin, passcode, and passcode. Parameter value is ignored on Android.

Throws an PlatformException if there were technical problems with local authentication (e.g. lack of relevant hardware). This might throw PlatformException with error code otherOperatingSystem on the iOS simulator.


static Future<bool> authenticate({
  required String localizedReason,
  AndroidAuthMessages androidAuthStrings = const AndroidAuthMessages(),
  bool biometricOnly = true,
  IOSAuthMessages iOSAuthStrings = const IOSAuthMessages(),
  bool sensitiveTransaction = true,
  bool stickyAuth = false,
  bool useErrorDialogs = true,
}) async {

  final Map<String, Object> args = <String, Object>{
    'biometricOnly': biometricOnly,
    'localizedReason': localizedReason,
    'sensitiveTransaction': sensitiveTransaction,
    'stickyAuth': stickyAuth,
    'useErrorDialogs': useErrorDialogs,
  if (_platform.isIOS) {
  } else if (_platform.isAndroid) {
  } else {
    throw PlatformException(
      code: otherOperatingSystem,
      message: 'Local authentication does not support non-Android/iOS '
          'operating systems.',
      details: 'Your operating system is ${_platform.operatingSystem}',

  return (await _channel.invokeMethod<bool>('authenticate', args)) ?? false;