Flutter Liveness Detection Randomized Plugin

A Flutter plugin for liveness detection with randomized challenge response method with an interaction mechanism between the user and the system in the form of a movement challenge that indicates life is detected on the face. This plugin helps implement secure biometric authentication by detecting real human presence through dynamic facial verification challenges.

pub package

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Features ✨

  • 📱 Real-time face detection
  • 🎲 Randomized challenge sequence generation
  • 💫 Cross-platform support (iOS & Android)
  • 🎨 Light and dark mode support
  • ✅ High accuracy liveness verification
  • 🚀 Simple integration API
  • 🎭 Customizable liveness challenge labels
  • ⏳ Flexible security verification duration
  • 🎲 Adjustable number of liveness challenges

Getting Started 🌟

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_liveness_detection_randomized_plugin: ^1.0.4

Platform Setup


Add camera permission to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>

Minimum SDK version: 23


Add camera usage description to Info.plist:

<string>Camera access is required for liveness detection</string>