onMethodCall static method

Future<bool?> onMethodCall(
  1. MethodCall call

An internal property that users should not use. A handler that handles method calls coming from the native side.


static Future<bool?> onMethodCall(MethodCall call) async {
  /// Get the webview instance corresponding to webviewId
  WebViewLinuxPlatformController _getControllerByWebviewId(int webviewId) {
    final controller = instanceManager.getInstance(webviewId)
        as WebViewLinuxPlatformController?;
    if (controller == null) {
      throw 'WebView with webviewId=$webviewId is not found';
    return controller;

  switch (call.method) {
    case 'javascriptChannelMessage':
      // javascriptChannels have not yet been implemented.
      // TODO(Ino): implement javascriptChannels
      throw UnimplementedError('javascriptChannelMessage is not implemented');
    case 'navigationRequest':
      // TODO(Ino): implement navigationDelegate
      // WebViewLinuxPlatformController controller = _getController(call);
      // return await controller.callbacksHandler.onNavigationRequest(
      //   url: call.arguments['url'] as String,
      //   isForMainFrame: call.arguments['isForMainFrame'] as bool,
      // );
      throw UnimplementedError('navigationRequest is not implemented');
    case 'javascriptResult':
      // The result of _runJavascriptInternal comes here.
      final int jsRunId = call.arguments['jsRunId'] as int;
      final bool wasExecuted = call.arguments['wasExecuted'] as bool;
      final bool isException = call.arguments['isException'] as bool;
      final String result = call.arguments['result'] as String;
      final bool isUndefined = call.arguments['isUndefined'] as bool;

      log.fine('javascriptResult received!:\n'
          '  jsRunId: $jsRunId\n'
          '  wasExecuted: $wasExecuted\n'
          '  isException: $isException\n'
          '  result: $result\n'
          '  isUndefined: $isUndefined');

      // complete the waiting completer
      if (_jsCompleters[jsRunId] != null) {
            wasExecuted: wasExecuted,
            isException: isException,
            result: result,
            isUndefined: isUndefined));
      } else {
        log.warning('The js completer for jsRunId=$jsRunId does not exist');
      return true;
    case 'onPageFinished':
      WebViewLinuxPlatformController controller =
          _getControllerByWebviewId(call.arguments['webviewId'] as int);
          .onPageFinished(call.arguments['url'] as String);
      return null;
    case 'onProgress':
      WebViewLinuxPlatformController controller =
          _getControllerByWebviewId(call.arguments['webviewId'] as int);
          .onProgress(call.arguments['progress'] as int);
      return null;
    case 'onPageStarted':
      WebViewLinuxPlatformController controller =
          _getControllerByWebviewId(call.arguments['webviewId'] as int);
          .onPageStarted(call.arguments['url'] as String);
      return null;
    case 'onWebResourceError':
      WebViewLinuxPlatformController controller =
          errorCode: call.arguments['errorCode'] as int,
          description: call.arguments['description'] as String,
          failingUrl: call.arguments['failingUrl'] as String?,
          // TODO(Ino): support domain
          domain: call.arguments['domain'] as String?,
          // TODO(Ino): support errorType
          errorType: call.arguments['errorType'] == null
              ? null
              : WebResourceErrorType.values.firstWhere(
                  (WebResourceErrorType type) {
                    return type.toString() ==
      return null;

  throw MissingPluginException(
      '${call.method} was invoked but has no handler');