formatEditUpdate method

  1. @override
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
  1. TextEditingValue oldValue,
  2. TextEditingValue newValue

Called when text is being typed or cut/copy/pasted in the EditableText.

You can override the resulting text based on the previous text value and the incoming new text value.

When formatters are chained, oldValue reflects the initial value of TextEditingValue at the beginning of the chain.


TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
  final TextEditingValue oldValue,
  final TextEditingValue newValue,
) {
  late final TextEditingValue result;

  /// Apply mask to the input
  final newMaskedValue = _mask.apply(newValue.text);

  /// Optionally pass the formatted value to the supplied callback
  if (onFormatFinished != null) {

  // print('>> oldValue: $oldValue\n>> newValue: $newValue\n');

  /// Force the cursor to the end of the input if requested
  if (shouldKeepCursorAtEndOfInput) {
    result = TextEditingValue(
      selection: TextSelection.collapsed(
        offset: newMaskedValue.length,
      text: newMaskedValue,
    // print('>> result: $result');
    return result;

  /// Non-zero if the new input ends with a non-digit value
  final match = RegExp(r'\D+$').firstMatch(newValue.text);
  final numEndingNonNumbers = match?.group(0)?.length ?? 0;

  if (newValue.text.length > oldValue.text.length) {
    /// Character(s) added
    /// Ex: We typed in a new digit
    /// Ex: We pasted in a longer value over an existing selection

    // print(
    //     '>> longer string | oldValue.selection.baseOffset: ${oldValue.selection.baseOffset} | oldValue.text.length: ${oldValue.text.length}');

    /// We have to account for any new non-digit characters added to the string.
    /// Say we have a current value of: "+1 444-867" and we add a new digit (9).
    /// newValue is then "+1 444-8679" but newMaskedValue is "+1 444-867-9".
    /// The baseOffset in newValue would be off by 1 because the mask added a new dash.
    final charsInOld = RegExp(r'(\D)').allMatches(oldValue.text).length;
    final charsInNew = RegExp(r'(\D)').allMatches(newMaskedValue).length;
    final charsAdded = charsInNew - charsInOld;

    // print('>> charsInOld: $charsInOld | charsInNew = $charsInNew');

    result = TextEditingValue(
      selection: TextSelection.collapsed(
        offset: min(
          newMaskedValue.length, // don't go more than the end of the string
          newValue.selection.baseOffset + charsAdded,
      text: newMaskedValue,
    // print('>> result: $result');
    return result;
  } else if (newValue.text.length < oldValue.text.length) {
    /// Character(s) removed
    /// Ex: We deleted one character with backspace
    /// Ex: We pasted a shorter value over an existing selection

    // print(
    //   '>> shorter string | oldValue.selection.baseOffset: ${oldValue.selection.baseOffset} | oldValue.text.length: ${oldValue.text.length}',
    // );

    // print(
    //   'oldValue.selection: ${oldValue.selection} | newValue.selection: ${newValue.selection}',
    // );

    if (oldValue.selection.isCollapsed) {
      /// A collapsed selection means it's just a cursor with nothing selected.

      // print('>> oldValue.selection.isCollapsed');

      if (oldValue.selection.baseOffset == oldValue.text.length) {
        /// We deleted a character from the end of the string. In that case just put the cursor
        /// at the end of the new string.

        // print('>> oldValue.selection.baseOffset == oldValue.text.length');

        result = TextEditingValue(
          selection: TextSelection.collapsed(
            offset: newMaskedValue.length,
          text: newMaskedValue,
        // print('>> result: $result');
        return result;
      } else {
        /// We deleted a character from somewhere within the string. We have to put the cursor
        /// where it was before.

        // print('>> oldValue.selection.baseOffset != oldValue.text.length');

        result = TextEditingValue(
          selection: TextSelection.collapsed(
            offset: oldValue.selection.baseOffset - 1,
          text: newMaskedValue,
        // print('>> result: $result');
        return result;
    } else {
      /// A non-collapsed selection means there's one or more characters selected.
      /// We have to put the cursor at the end of the new value inputted.

      // print('>> oldValue.selection.isNotCollapsed');

      result = TextEditingValue(
        selection: TextSelection.collapsed(
          offset: newValue.selection.baseOffset - numEndingNonNumbers,
        text: newMaskedValue,
      // print('>> result: $result');
      return result;
  } else {
    /// Character(s) replaced
    /// In the case length remained the same
    /// Can happen if we select and replace part of the string either pasting or typing the value
    /// Ex: select 1 character, type a new one
    /// Ex: select 3 characters, paste 3 new ones

    // print('>> same length string');

    result = TextEditingValue(
      selection: TextSelection.collapsed(
        offset: newValue.selection.baseOffset - numEndingNonNumbers,
      text: newMaskedValue,
    // print('>> result: $result');
    return result;