getCountryDataByPhone static method

CountryWithPhoneCode? getCountryDataByPhone(
  1. String phone, {
  2. int? subscringLength,

Try to guess country from phone


static CountryWithPhoneCode? getCountryDataByPhone(
  final String phone, {
  int? subscringLength,
}) {
  /// If number is empty, return null
  if (phone.isEmpty) {
    return null;

  /// Unless otherwise specified, start trying to match from the
  /// end of the inputted phone string.
  subscringLength = subscringLength ?? phone.length;

  /// Must provide valid offset to start searching from
  if (subscringLength < 1) {
    return null;

  final phoneCode = phone.substring(0, subscringLength);

  try {
    final countries = CountryManager().countries;
    final retCountry = countries.firstWhere((final data) {
      final res =
          _toNumericString(data.phoneCode) == _toNumericString(phoneCode);
      return res;

    return retCountry;
  } catch (_) {
    return getCountryDataByPhone(phone, subscringLength: subscringLength - 1);