loadCountries method

Future<void> loadCountries({
  1. required Map<String, CountryWithPhoneCode> phoneCodesMap,
  2. Map<String, CountryWithPhoneCode> overrides = const {},


Future<void> loadCountries({
  required final Map<String, CountryWithPhoneCode> phoneCodesMap,
  final Map<String, CountryWithPhoneCode> overrides = const {},
}) async {
  if (_initialized) {

  try {
    /// Apply any overrides to masks / country data
    overrides.forEach((final key, final value) {
      phoneCodesMap[key] = value;
      // print('Applied override for $key');

    /// Save list of the countries
    _countries = phoneCodesMap.values.toList();

    _initialized = true;
  } catch (err) {
    _countries = overrides.values.toList();
    // log('[CountryManager] Error loading countries: $err');