updateColorsFile function

void updateColorsFile(
  1. File colorsFile,
  2. String backgroundColor

Updates the colors.xml with the new adaptive launcher icon color


void updateColorsFile(File colorsFile, String backgroundColor) {
  // Write foreground color
  final List<String> lines = colorsFile.readAsLinesSync();
  bool foundExisting = false;
  for (int x = 0; x < lines.length; x++) {
    String line = lines[x];
    if (line.contains('name="ic_launcher_background"')) {
      foundExisting = true;
      // replace anything between tags which does not contain another tag
      line = line.replaceAll(RegExp(r'>([^><]*)<'), '>$backgroundColor<');
      lines[x] = line;

  // Add new line if we didn't find an existing value
  if (!foundExisting) {
    lines.insert(lines.length - 1,
        '\t<color name="ic_launcher_background">$backgroundColor</color>');
