transformAndroidManifestWithNewLauncherIcon function

List<String> transformAndroidManifestWithNewLauncherIcon(
  1. List<String> oldManifestLines,
  2. String iconName

Updates only the line containing android:icon with the specified iconName


List<String> transformAndroidManifestWithNewLauncherIcon(
    List<String> oldManifestLines, String iconName) {
  return line) {
    if (line.contains('android:icon')) {
      // Using RegExp replace the value of android:icon to point to the new icon
      // anything but a quote of any length: [^"]*
      // an escaped quote: \\" (escape slash, because it exists regex)
      // quote, no quote / quote with things behind : \"[^"]*
      // repeat as often as wanted with no quote at start: [^"]*(\"[^"]*)*
      // escaping the slash to place in string: [^"]*(\\"[^"]*)*"
      // result: any string which does only include escaped quotes
      return line.replaceAll(RegExp(r'android:icon="[^"]*(\\"[^"]*)*"'),
    } else {
      return line;