overwriteAndroidManifestWithNewLauncherIcon function

Future<void> overwriteAndroidManifestWithNewLauncherIcon(
  1. String iconName,
  2. File androidManifestFile

Updates the line which specifies the launcher icon within the AndroidManifest.xml with the new icon name (only if it has changed)

Note: default iconName = "ic_launcher"


Future<void> overwriteAndroidManifestWithNewLauncherIcon(
    String iconName, File androidManifestFile) async {
  // we do not use `file.readAsLinesSync()` here because that always gets rid of the last empty newline
  final List<String> oldManifestLines =
      (await androidManifestFile.readAsString()).split('\n');
  final List<String> transformedLines =
      transformAndroidManifestWithNewLauncherIcon(oldManifestLines, iconName);
  await androidManifestFile.writeAsString(transformedLines.join('\n'));