createIcons function
create the ios icons
void createIcons(Config config, String? flavor) {
// TODO(p-mazhnik): support prefixPath
final String? filePath = config.getImagePathIOS();
final String? darkFilePath = config.imagePathIOSDarkTransparent;
final String? tintedFilePath = config.imagePathIOSTintedGrayscale;
if (filePath == null) {
throw const InvalidConfigException(errorMissingImagePath);
// decodeImageFile shows error message if null
// so can return here if image is null
Image? image = decodeImage(File(filePath).readAsBytesSync());
if (image == null) {
// For dark and tinted images, return here if path was specified but image is null
Image? darkImage;
if (darkFilePath != null) {
darkImage = decodeImage(File(darkFilePath).readAsBytesSync());
if (darkImage == null) {
Image? tintedImage;
if (tintedFilePath != null) {
tintedImage = decodeImage(File(tintedFilePath).readAsBytesSync());
if (tintedImage == null) {
if (config.desaturateTintedToGrayscaleIOS) {
printStatus('Desaturating iOS tinted image to grayscale');
tintedImage = grayscale(tintedImage);
} else {
// Check if the image is already grayscale
final pixel = tintedImage.getPixel(0, 0);
do {
if (pixel.r != pixel.g || pixel.g != pixel.b) {
'\nWARNING: Tinted iOS image is not grayscale.\nSet "desaturate_tinted_to_grayscale_ios: true" to desaturate it.\n',
} while (pixel.moveNext());
if (config.removeAlphaIOS && image.hasAlpha) {
final backgroundColor = _getBackgroundColor(config);
final pixel = image.getPixel(0, 0);
do {
pixel.set(_alphaBlend(pixel, backgroundColor));
} while (pixel.moveNext());
image = image.convert(numChannels: 3);
if (image.hasAlpha) {
'\nWARNING: Icons with alpha channel are not allowed in the Apple App Store.\nSet "remove_alpha_ios: true" to remove it.\n',
String iconName;
String? darkIconName;
String? tintedIconName;
final List<IosIconTemplate> generateIosIcons =
(darkImage == null && tintedImage == null) ? legacyIosIcons : iosIcons;
final dynamic iosConfig = config.ios;
if (flavor != null) {
final String catalogName = 'AppIcon-$flavor';
printStatus('Building iOS launcher icon for $flavor');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
template: template,
image: image,
catalogName: catalogName,
// Since this is the base icon name we are using the same name for the icon as the catalog name
iconName: catalogName,
if (darkImage != null) {
darkIconName = 'AppIcon-$flavor-Dark';
printStatus('Building iOS dark launcher icon for $flavor');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
template: template,
image: darkImage,
catalogName: catalogName,
iconName: darkIconName,
if (tintedImage != null) {
tintedIconName = 'AppIcon-$flavor-Tinted';
printStatus('Building iOS tinted launcher icon for $flavor');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
template: template,
image: tintedImage,
catalogName: catalogName,
iconName: tintedIconName,
iconName = iosDefaultIconName;
changeIosLauncherIcon(catalogName, flavor);
modifyContentsFile(catalogName, darkIconName, tintedIconName);
} else if (iosConfig is String) {
// If the IOS configuration is a string then the user has specified a new icon to be created
// and for the old icon file to be kept
final String newIconName = iosConfig;
printStatus('Adding new iOS launcher icon');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
template: template,
image: image,
catalogName: 'AppIcon',
iconName: newIconName,
if (darkImage != null) {
darkIconName = newIconName + '-Dark';
printStatus('Adding new iOS dark launcher icon');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
template: template,
image: darkImage,
catalogName: 'AppIcon',
iconName: darkIconName,
if (tintedImage != null) {
tintedIconName = newIconName + '-Tinted';
printStatus('Adding new iOS tinted launcher icon');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
template: template,
image: tintedImage,
catalogName: 'AppIcon',
iconName: tintedIconName,
iconName = newIconName;
changeIosLauncherIcon(iconName, flavor);
modifyContentsFile(iconName, darkIconName, tintedIconName);
// Otherwise the user wants the new icon to use the default icons name and
// update config file to use it
else {
printStatus('Overwriting default iOS launcher icon with new icon');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
overwriteDefaultIcons(template, image);
if (darkImage != null) {
printStatus('Overwriting default iOS dark launcher icon with new icon');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
overwriteDefaultIcons(template, darkImage, '-Dark');
darkIconName = iosDefaultIconName + '-Dark';
if (tintedImage != null) {
printStatus('Overwriting default iOS tinted launcher icon with new icon');
for (IosIconTemplate template in generateIosIcons) {
overwriteDefaultIcons(template, tintedImage, '-Tinted');
tintedIconName = iosDefaultIconName + '-Tinted';
iconName = iosDefaultIconName;
changeIosLauncherIcon('AppIcon', flavor);
// Still need to modify the Contents.json file
// since the user could have added dark and tinted icons
modifyDefaultContentsFile(iconName, darkIconName, tintedIconName);