load method

  1. @override
Future<CupertinoLocalizations> load(
  1. Locale locale

Start loading the resources for locale. The returned future completes when the resources have finished loading.

It's assumed that this method will return an object that contains a collection of related string resources (typically defined with one method per resource). The object will be retrieved with Localizations.of.


Future<CupertinoLocalizations> load(Locale locale) async {
  final String localeName = intl.Intl.canonicalizedLocale(locale.toString());
  // The locale (in this case `nn`) needs to be initialized into the custom
  // date symbols and patterns setup that Flutter uses.
    locale: localeName,
    patterns: kurdishLocaleDatePatterns,
    symbols: intl.DateSymbols.deserializeFromMap(kuDateSymbols2),

  return SynchronousFuture<CupertinoLocalizations>(
      localeName: localeName,
      // The `intl` library's NumberFormat class is generated from CLDR data
      // (see https://github.com/dart-lang/intl/blob/master/lib/number_symbols_data.dart).
      // Unfortunately, there is no way to use a locale that isn't defined in
      // this map and the only way to work around this is to use a listed
      // locale's NumberFormat symbols. So, here we use the number formats
      // for 'en_US' instead.
      decimalFormat: intl.NumberFormat('#,##0.###', 'ar'),
      // DateFormat here will use the symbols and patterns provided in the
      // `date_symbol_data_custom.initializeDateFormattingCustom` call above.
      // However, an alternative is to simply use a supported locale's
      // DateFormat symbols, similar to NumberFormat above.
      fullYearFormat: intl.DateFormat('y', localeName),
      dayFormat: intl.DateFormat('yMd', localeName),
      doubleDigitMinuteFormat: intl.DateFormat('yMMMd', localeName),
      mediumDateFormat: intl.DateFormat('EEE, MMM d', localeName),
      singleDigitHourFormat: intl.DateFormat('EEEE, MMMM d, y', localeName),
      singleDigitMinuteFormat: intl.DateFormat('MMMM y', localeName),
      singleDigitSecondFormat: intl.DateFormat('MMM d', localeName),