Flutter Kinescope SDK


Flutter plugin for the Kinescope player.

This package supports Android and iOS and uses flutter_inappwebview under-the-hood.


  • Android: minSdkVersion 17 and add support for androidx (see AndroidX Migration)
  • iOS: --ios-language swift, Xcode version >= 11


  controller: KinescopePlayerController(
    parameters: const PlayerParameters(
      autoplay: true,
      muted: true,
      loop: true,
  aspectRatio: 16 / 10,

Available methods

Methods available for KinescopePlayerController.

Method Description
play() Plays the currently cued/loaded video.
pause() Pauses the currently playing video.
stop() Stops and cancels loading of the current video.
load(String videoId) Loads and plays the specified video.
getCurrentTime() Returns current position.
getDuration() Returns duration of video.
seekTo(Duration position) Seeks to a specified time in the video.
mute() Mutes the player.
ummute() Unmutes the player.
setVolume(double volume) Sets the volume of player. Works only on Android.


You can set initial Kinescope player parameters using PlayerParameters.

Parameter Description
autoplay Specifies whether the initial video will automatically start to play when the player loads. Default = false
muted Mutes the player. Default = true
loop Restart the video automatically after it's ended.
userAgent Overrides default UserAgent
externalId Any string that represents a user on an external system. It's used in analytics. Default = ''
autofocus Set focus to player. Default = true
autoplay Start playback on load. Default = true
playsinline Play video without full screen.
preload Preload video metadata. Default = true
texttrack Enable subtitles on load
dnt Disable sent analytics
background Disable any controls. Set autoplay, muted, loop to true
t Seek the video to the time
transparent Transparent background color
speedbtn Visibility the playback rate button
header Visibility header
controls Visibility controls
disableFiles Hide additional materials
watermark Set watermark

For a more detailed usage example, go to example.


Add flutter_kinescope_sdk to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_kinescope_sdk: ^0.1.6


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


Apache License, Version 2.0