setData method

void setData(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> newData, [
  2. Map<String, dynamic>? newTextEditingControllerMapping

Sets the value of both the instances of textEditingController on the textEditingControllerMapping map and the data map.


void setData(Map<String, dynamic> newData,
    [Map<String, dynamic>? newTextEditingControllerMapping]) {
  // final listOfKeys = newData.keys.toList();

  // if (newTextEditingControllerMapping == null) {
  //   newTextEditingControllerMapping = textEditingControllerMapping;
  //   data = newData;
  // }

  newTextEditingControllerMapping ??= textEditingControllerMapping;

  // newTextEditingControllerMapping ??= textEditingControllerMapping;

  // For each key in the newData map
  for (final key in newData.keys) {
    // if the values of the corresponding key in the newData map and the newTextEditingControllerMapping are Maps
    if (newTextEditingControllerMapping[key] is Map && newData[key] is Map) {
      // then we call setData recursively, passing the maps as parameters
      setData(newData[key], newTextEditingControllerMapping[key]);
    // else, the values should be a String for newData and a TextEditingController for newTextEditingControllerMapping
    else {
      // we update the text of the controller found on newTextEditingControllerMapping?[key].text
      // with the value of the corresponding key in the newData map
      (newTextEditingControllerMapping[key] as TextEditingController).text =