toString method

  1. @override
String toString()

A string representation of this object.

Some classes have a default textual representation, often paired with a static parse function (like int.parse). These classes will provide the textual representation as their string representation.

Other classes have no meaningful textual representation that a program will care about. Such classes will typically override toString to provide useful information when inspecting the object, mainly for debugging or logging.


String toString() {
  switch (this.toValue()) {
    case 0x00:
      return "END_OF_CONTENT";
    case 0x01:
      return "BOOLEAN";
    case 0x02:
      return "INTEGER";
    case 0x03:
      return "BIT_STRING";
    case 0x04:
      return "OCTET_STRING";
    case 0x05:
      return "NULL";
    case 0x06:
      return "OBJECT_IDENTIFIER";
    case 0x07:
      return "OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR";
    case 0x08:
      return "EXTERNAL";
    case 0x09:
      return "READ";
    case 0x0A:
      return "ENUMERATED";
    case 0x0B:
      return "EMBEDDED_PDV";
    case 0x0C:
      return "UTF8_STRING";
    case 0x0D:
      return "RELATIVE_OID";
    case 0x10:
      return "SEQUENCE";
    case 0x11:
      return "SET";
    case 0x12:
      return "NUMERIC_STRING";
    case 0x13:
      return "PRINTABLE_STRING";
    case 0x14:
      return "T61_STRING";
    case 0x15:
      return "VIDEOTEX_STRING";
    case 0x16:
      return "IA5_STRING";
    case 0x17:
      return "UTC_TIME";
    case 0x18:
      return "GENERALIZED_TIME";
    case 0x19:
      return "GRAPHIC_STRING";
    case 0x1A:
      return "VISIBLE_STRING";
    case 0x1B:
      return "GENERAL_STRING";
    case 0x1C:
      return "UNIVERSAL_STRING";
    case 0x1D:
      return "CHARACTER_STRING";
    case 0x1E:
      return "BMP_STRING";
  return "";