An attempt to implement better scrolling for Flutter Web and Desktop.
Includes keyboard, MButton and custom mouse wheel scrolling.
Getting started

Usage and features
(from the example app)
final controller = ScrollController();
scrollController: controller,
onScroll: (scrollOffset) => debugPrint(
'Scroll offset: $scrollOffset',
onMMBScrollStateChanged: (scrolling) => debugPrint(
'Is scrolling: $scrolling',
onMMBScrollCursorPositionUpdate: (localCursorOffset, scrollActivity) => debugPrint(
'Cursor position: $localCursorOffset\n'
'Scroll activity: $scrollActivity',
enableMMBScrolling: true,
enableKeyboardScrolling: true,
enableCustomMouseWheelScrolling: true,
mmbScrollConfig: MMBScrollConfig(
customScrollCursor: useSystemCursor ? null : const DefaultCustomScrollCursor(),
keyboardScrollConfig: KeyboardScrollConfig(
arrowsScrollAmount: 250.0,
homeScrollDurationBuilder: (currentScrollOffset, minScrollOffset) {
return const Duration(milliseconds: 100);
endScrollDurationBuilder: (currentScrollOffset, maxScrollOffset) {
return const Duration(milliseconds: 2000);
customMouseWheelScrollConfig: const CustomMouseWheelScrollConfig(
scrollAmountMultiplier: 2.0,
child: ScrollConfiguration(
behavior: const CustomScrollBehaviour(),
child: GridView(
controller: controller,
physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
scrollDirection: axis,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(24.0),
gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent(
maxCrossAxisExtent: 400.0,
mainAxisExtent: 400.0,
children: buildScrollableItemList(axis),
- The
Widget must be added as a parent of your scrollable Widget (List/Grid/SingleChildScrollView/etc
). - You must create and provide the same scroll controller to both the
Widget and your scrollable Widget.
- Optional: If you want to programatically scroll when rotating the mouse wheel and not let the framework manage the scrolling, you can set
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics()
to your scrollable and then setenableCustomMouseWheelScrolling: true
to enable this feature.
Scrolling using the keyboard (Arrows, Page{Up, Down}, Spacebar, Home, End)
You need to set
enableKeyboardScrolling: true
and then you can configure the scrolling amount, duration and curve by usingkeyboardScrollConfig: KeyboardScrollConfig(...)
Scrolling using the middle mouse button ("auto-scrolling")
You need to set
enableMMBScrolling: true
and then you can configure the scrolling delay, velocity, acceleration and cursor appearance and size by usingmmbScrollConfig: MMBScrollConfig(...)
There is also a
class which is a default custom cursor implementation -
Programatically scroll using the mouse wheel
You need to set
enableCustomMouseWheelScrolling: true
and then you can configure the scrolling speed, duration, curve and throttling time by usingcustomMouseWheelScrollConfig: CustomMouseWheelScrollConfig(...)
Horizontal scrolling using Left/Right arrows or Shift + mouse wheel
enableKeyboardScrolling: true
andenableCustomMouseWheelScrolling: true
to be set.
Other than the above features, there are also a few callbacks available on the ImprovedScrolling
// Triggers whenever the ScrollController scrolls, no matter how or why
onScroll: (double scrollOffset) => debugPrint(
'Scroll offset: $scrollOffset',
// Triggers whenever the middle mouse button scrolling feature is activated or deactivated
onMMBScrollStateChanged: (bool scrolling) => debugPrint(
'Is scrolling: $scrolling',
// Triggers whenever the cursor is moved on the scrollable area, while the
// middle mouse button feature is active and is scrolling
// We also get the current scroll activity (idle or moving up/down/left/right)
// at the time the cursor moves
onMMBScrollCursorPositionUpdate: (
Offset localCursorOffset,
MMBScrollCursorActivity scrollActivity,
) => debugPrint(
'Cursor position: $localCursorOffset\n'
'Scroll activity: $scrollActivity',