saveAsJpeg static method

Future<File> saveAsJpeg({
  1. required File sourceFile,
  2. String? destinationFilePath,
  3. int? quality,
  4. int? maxWidth,
  5. int? maxHeight,
  6. bool canScaleUp = false,

Save sourceFile as JPEG to destinationFilePath using given quality (1-100, null=100).

Image is scaled down to maximum size maxWidth and maxHeight.

If image is already smaller than maxWidth and maxHeight, the image is scaled up to maximum size maxWidth and maxHeight only if canScaleUp is true. Otherwise image is not resized.

maxWidth and/or maxHeight can be also null to not to resize image.

Resizing keeps aspect ratio.

If destinationFilePath is null, a temporary file is created automatically.

Returns saved JPEG image file.

Throws an exception on error.


static Future<File> saveAsJpeg(
    {required File sourceFile,
    String? destinationFilePath,
    int? quality,
    int? maxWidth,
    int? maxHeight,
    bool canScaleUp = false}) async {
  final params = _SaveAsJpegParameters(
      sourceFile: sourceFile,
      destinationFilePath: destinationFilePath,
      quality: quality,
      maxWidth: maxWidth,
      maxHeight: maxHeight,
      canScaleUp: canScaleUp);

  final String? savedFile =
      await _channel.invokeMethod('saveAsJpeg', params.toJson());
  if (savedFile == null) {
    throw Exception('Unknown error');
  return File(savedFile);