stop method

int stop([
  1. bool predicate(
    1. ImageWorker worker

Stop idle pool workers matching the predicate. If predicate is null or not provided, all workers will be stopped. Stopping a worker does not interrupt or cancel processing. Workers will complete pending tasks before shutting down. In the meantime, they will not receive any new workload. Returns the number of workers that have been stopped.


int stop([bool Function(W worker)? predicate]) {
  List<PoolWorker<W>> targets;
  bool force = (predicate == null);
  if (force) {
    // kill workers while keeping enough workers alive to process pending tasks
    targets = _workers.skip(_queue.length).toList();
    _stopped = true;
  } else {
    // kill workers that are idle and satisfy the predicate
    targets = _workers.where((w) => w.isIdle && predicate(w.worker)).toList();
  var stopped = 0;
  for (var poolWorker in targets) {
    stopped += _removeWorker(poolWorker, force);
  return stopped;