operations property

  1. @override
Map<int, CommandHandler> operations

Map of command handlers. Upon reception of a WorkerRequest, the platform worker will dispatch the request to the CommandHandler mathing the value of WorkerRequest.command.


late final Map<int, CommandHandler> operations =
  ImageService.Gray: (WorkerRequest r)
    return gray(r.args[0]);
  ImageService.Crop: (WorkerRequest r)
    return crop(r.args[0],r.args[1],r.args[2],r.args[3],r.args[4]);
  ImageService.Flip: (WorkerRequest r)
    return flip(r.args[0],r.args[1]);
  ImageService.Resize: (WorkerRequest r)
    return resize(r.args[0],r.args[1],r.args[2]);