compressWithFile static method

Future<Uint8List?> compressWithFile(
  1. String path, {
  2. int minWidth = 1920,
  3. int minHeight = 1080,
  4. int inSampleSize = 1,
  5. int quality = 95,
  6. int rotate = 0,
  7. bool autoCorrectionAngle = true,
  8. CompressFormat format = CompressFormat.jpeg,
  9. bool keepExif = false,
  10. int numberOfRetries = 5,

Compress file of path to Uint8List.


static Future<typed_data.Uint8List?> compressWithFile(
  String path, {
  int minWidth = 1920,
  int minHeight = 1080,
  int inSampleSize = 1,
  int quality = 95,
  int rotate = 0,
  bool autoCorrectionAngle = true,
  CompressFormat format = CompressFormat.jpeg,
  bool keepExif = false,
  int numberOfRetries = 5,
}) async {
  return _platform.compressWithFile(
    minWidth: minWidth,
    minHeight: minHeight,
    quality: quality,
    rotate: rotate,
    inSampleSize: inSampleSize,
    autoCorrectionAngle: autoCorrectionAngle,
    format: format,
    keepExif: keepExif,
    numberOfRetries: numberOfRetries,