notify static method

Future<void> notify(
  1. String title, {
  2. String? outputFile,
  3. String message = "",


static Future<void> notify(final String title,
    {final String? outputFile, String message = ""}) async {
  debugPrint("Sending notification");
  // TODO: doesn't work anymore
  // final winNotifyPlugin = WindowsNotification(
  //   applicationId: "Cluix"
  //       r"{40dd8e82-c26b-4995-b8a4-1488fad79deb}\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe",
  // );
  // // create new NotificationMessage instance with id, title, body, and images
  // NotificationMessage notification = NotificationMessage.fromPluginTemplate(
  //   "Command Run Complete", title, message,
  //   // largeImage: file_path,
  //   // image: file_path
  //   // TODO: Figure out how to launch this from app
  //   // launch: "start notepad $outputFile",
  // );

// show notification
//     winNotifyPlugin.showNotificationPluginTemplate(notification);