validateDelegation static method

Future<List<Object>> validateDelegation(
  1. bool isLocal,
  2. String canisterId,
  3. String pubKey,
  4. String privKey,
  5. String delegation,


static Future<List<Object>> validateDelegation(
    bool isLocal,
    String canisterId,
    String pubKey,
    String privKey,
    String delegation) async {
  try {
    // Generating appIdentity using the public and private key
    var keyPairValues = [pubKey, privKey];
    Ed25519KeyIdentity newIde =

    // Creating delegationIdentity using the delegationString and the appIdentity.
    String decodedDelegation = Uri.decodeComponent(delegation);
    DelegationChain delegationChain =
    DelegationIdentity delegationIdentity =
        DelegationIdentity(newIde, delegationChain);

    // Creating HttpAgent using the delegation Identity
    validationAgent = isLocal
        ? HttpAgent(
            options: HttpAgentOptions(
              identity: delegationIdentity,
            defaultHost: 'localhost',
            defaultPort: 4943,
            defaultProtocol: 'http',
        : HttpAgent(
            options: HttpAgentOptions(
              identity: delegationIdentity,
              host: '',

    // Creating a new CanisterActor using the new Agent
    CanisterActor newActor = CanisterActor(
          canisterId: Principal.fromText(canisterId),
          agent: validationAgent,

    // Calling whoAmI to confirm API call
    var validatedPrincipal =
        await newActor.getFunc(FieldsMethod.whoAmI)?.call([]);

    return [true, validatedPrincipal, validationAgent!, delegationIdentity];
  } catch (e) {
    return [false, e];