showIconPicker static method

Future<IconData?> showIconPicker(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. bool showSearchBar = true,
  3. bool adaptiveDialog = false,
  4. bool showTooltips = false,
  5. bool barrierDismissible = true,
  6. double iconSize = 40,
  7. Color? iconColor,
  8. double mainAxisSpacing = 5.0,
  9. double crossAxisSpacing = 5.0,
  10. ShapeBorder? iconPickerShape,
  11. Color? backgroundColor,
  12. BoxConstraints? constraints,
  13. Widget title = const Text('Pick an icon'),
  14. Widget closeChild = const Text('Close', textScaleFactor: 1.25),
  15. Icon searchIcon = const Icon(,
  16. String searchHintText = 'Search',
  17. Icon searchClearIcon = const Icon(Icons.close),
  18. String noResultsText = 'No results for:',
  19. List<IconPack> iconPackModes = const <IconPack>[IconPack.material],
  20. Map<String, IconData>? customIconPack,


static Future<IconData?> showIconPicker(
  BuildContext context, {
  /// Defines if the searchbar will be
  /// shown above the icons
  bool showSearchBar = true,

  /// Adapts the dialog to the screen size.
  /// Behaves like a "ModalDialog"
  /// Defaults to `false`
  bool adaptiveDialog = false,

  /// Shows the labels underneeth the proper icon
  /// WARNING ON FLUTTER WEB: Could slow down the performance unless SKIA is deactivated
  /// Defaults to `false`
  bool showTooltips = false,

  /// Declares if the AlertDialog should dismiss when tapping on the outer barrier
  /// Defaults to `true`
  bool barrierDismissible = true,

  /// Size for every icon as [double]
  /// Default: `40.0`
  double iconSize = 40,

  /// The color of every Icon to be picked
  /// Defaults to `Theme.of(context).iconTheme.color` settings
  Color? iconColor,

  /// How much space to place between children in a run in the main axis.
  /// For example, if [spacing] is 10.0, the children will be spaced at least 10.0 logical pixels apart in the main axis.
  /// Defaults to 5.0
  double mainAxisSpacing = 5.0,

  /// How much space to place between children in a run in the cross axis.
  /// For example, if [spacing] is 10.0, the children will be spaced at least 10.0 logical pixels apart in the cross axis.
  /// Defaults to 5.0
  double crossAxisSpacing = 5.0,

  /// The dialogs shape for the picker
  /// Defaults to AlertDialog shape
  ShapeBorder? iconPickerShape,

  /// The color for the AlertDialog's background color
  /// Defaults to `Theme.of(context).dialogBackgroundColor` settings
  Color? backgroundColor,

  /// The dialogs `BoxConstraints` for limiting/setting:
  /// `maxHeight`, `maxWidth`, `minHeight`, `minWidth`
  /// Defaults to:
  /// ```dart
  ///   const BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 350, minWidth: 450, maxWidth: 678)
  /// ```
  BoxConstraints? constraints,

  /// The title for the Picker.
  /// Sits above the [sb.SearchBar] and [Icons].
  /// Defaults to:
  /// ```dart
  ///   const Text('Pick an icon')
  /// ```
  Widget title = const Text('Pick an icon'),

  /// The child for the Widget `FlatButton`, which closes the dialog.
  /// Sits underneeth everything.
  /// Defaults to:
  /// ```dart
  ///   const Text(
  ///     'Close',
  ///     textScaleFactor: 1.25,
  ///   ),
  /// ```
  Widget closeChild = const Text(
    textScaleFactor: 1.25,

  /// The prefix icon before the search textfield
  /// Defaults to:
  /// ```dart
  ///   const Icon(
  /// ```
  Icon searchIcon = const Icon(,

  /// The Text to show when Searchbar-Term is empty
  /// Default: `Search`
  String searchHintText = 'Search',

  /// The suffix icon after the search textfield
  /// Defaults to:
  /// ```dart
  ///   const Icon(Icons.close)
  /// ```
  Icon searchClearIcon = const Icon(Icons.close),

  /// The text to show when no results where found for the search term
  /// Default: `No results for:`
  String noResultsText = 'No results for:',

  /// The modes which Icons to show
  /// Modes: `material`,
  ///        `cupertino`,
  ///        `materialOutline`,
  ///        `fontAwesomeIcons`,
  ///        `lineAwesomeIcons`
  /// Default: `IconPack.material`
  List<IconPack> iconPackModes = const <IconPack>[IconPack.material],

  /// Provide here your custom IconPack in a [Map<String, IconData>]
  /// to show your own collection of Icons to pick from
  Map<String, IconData>? customIconPack,
}) async {
  if (iconColor == null) iconColor = Theme.of(context).iconTheme.color;
  if (constraints == null) {
    if (adaptiveDialog) {
      constraints =
          const BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 500, minWidth: 450, maxWidth: 720);
    } else {
      constraints =
          const BoxConstraints(maxHeight: 350, minWidth: 450, maxWidth: 678);

  if (iconPickerShape == null)
    iconPickerShape =
        RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0));
  if (backgroundColor == null)
    backgroundColor = Theme.of(context).dialogBackgroundColor;

  IconData? iconPicked;

  final controller = IconController();

  if (adaptiveDialog) {
    if (MediaQuery.of(context).size.width >= constraints.maxWidth) {
      iconPicked = await showDialog(
        barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
        context: context,
        builder: (BuildContext context) => DefaultDialog(
          controller: controller,
          showSearchBar: showSearchBar,
          adaptive: adaptiveDialog,
          showTooltips: showTooltips,
          barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
          iconSize: iconSize,
          iconColor: iconColor,
          mainAxisSpacing: mainAxisSpacing,
          crossAxisSpacing: crossAxisSpacing,
          iconPickerShape: iconPickerShape,
          backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
          constraints: constraints,
          title: title,
          closeChild: closeChild,
          searchIcon: searchIcon,
          searchHintText: searchHintText,
          searchClearIcon: searchClearIcon,
          noResultsText: noResultsText,
          iconPackMode: iconPackModes,
          customIconPack: customIconPack,
    } else {
      iconPicked = await Navigator.push(
          fullscreenDialog: true,
          builder: (context) => DefaultDialog(
            controller: controller,
            showSearchBar: showSearchBar,
            routedView: true,
            adaptive: adaptiveDialog,
            showTooltips: showTooltips,
            barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
            iconSize: iconSize,
            iconColor: iconColor,
            mainAxisSpacing: mainAxisSpacing,
            crossAxisSpacing: crossAxisSpacing,
            iconPickerShape: iconPickerShape,
            backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
            constraints: constraints,
            title: title,
            closeChild: closeChild,
            searchIcon: searchIcon,
            searchHintText: searchHintText,
            searchClearIcon: searchClearIcon,
            noResultsText: noResultsText,
            iconPackMode: iconPackModes,
            customIconPack: customIconPack,
  } else {
    iconPicked = await showDialog(
      barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
      context: context,
      builder: (BuildContext context) => DefaultDialog(
        controller: controller,
        showSearchBar: showSearchBar,
        showTooltips: showTooltips,
        barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
        iconSize: iconSize,
        iconColor: iconColor,
        mainAxisSpacing: mainAxisSpacing,
        crossAxisSpacing: crossAxisSpacing,
        iconPickerShape: iconPickerShape,
        backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
        constraints: constraints,
        title: title,
        closeChild: closeChild,
        searchIcon: searchIcon,
        searchHintText: searchHintText,
        searchClearIcon: searchClearIcon,
        noResultsText: noResultsText,
        iconPackMode: iconPackModes,
        customIconPack: customIconPack,


  if (iconPicked != null) {
    return iconPicked;
  return null;