types library
- Address
- A class representing an address.
- Appearance
- A class representing appearance configurations.
- ApplePayButtonStyle
- A class representing the style of Apple Pay buttons.
- ApplePayParams
- A class representing Apple Pay configurations.
- BillingDetails
- A class representing billing details.
- Card
- Represents a payment card.
- ColorsObject
- A class representing color object.
- Configuration
- A class representing configuration parameters for the payment sheet.
- Customer
- A class representing customer configurations.
- DynamicColors
- A class representing dynamic colors configurations.
- Font
- GPayButtonStyle
- A class representing the style of Google Pay buttons.
- GPayParams
- A class representing Google Pay configurations.
- HyperConfig
- A class representing parameters for the Hyperswitch configuration.
- HyperParams
- A class representing hyper parameters.
- HyperswitchException
- Represents an HyperswitchException.
- Offset
- A class representing offset configurations.
- PaymentMethod
- Represents a payment method, which can either be a card or a wallet.
- PaymentMethodError
- Represents an error.
- PaymentMethodParams
- A class representing parameters for payment method initialization.
- PaymentMethodResponse
- Represents a payment method or an error.
- PaymentResult
- Represents the result of a payment operation.
- Placeholder
- A class representing placeholder configurations.
- PrimaryButton
- A class representing primary button configurations.
- SavedSession
- Represents a SavedSession
- Session
- Represents a Session
- SessionPaymentMethodOrError
- Represents a payment method or an error.
- Shadow
- A class representing shadow configurations.
- Shapes
- A class representing shapes configurations.
- ShippingDetails
- A class representing shipping details.
- Wallet
- Represents a payment wallet.
- ApplePayButtonStyleType
- Enum representing the style type for Apple Pay buttons.
- ApplePayButtonType
- Enum representing different types of Apple Pay buttons.
- GPayButtonStyleType
- Enum representing the style type for Google Pay buttons.
- GPayButtonType
- Enum representing different types of Google Pay buttons.
- Result
- Enum representing different possible results of a payment.
- Status
- Enum representing the status of a payment.
- Theme
- Enum representing different themes.
- WalletType
String walletName) → WalletType -
String theme) → Theme - Function to convert string values to corresponding Theme enum .
Theme? theme) → String - Function to convert Theme enum to corresponding string values.