put method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> put(
  1. Resource resource, [
  2. bool refreshOriginals = true

Fetch the given resource from this bridge.

If the PUT request is successful, then the original values in resource will be refreshed and set to their current values. To disable this behavior, set refreshOriginals to false.

Will return null if:

  • The resource does not exist on this bridge
  • This bridge does not have an IP address
  • This bridge does not have an application key
  • The resource does not have any data to PUT
  • Any other unforeseen error


Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> put(Resource resource,
    [bool refreshOriginals = true]) async {
  if (ipAddress == null) return null;
  if (applicationKey == null) return null;

  final Map<String, dynamic> resourceJson =
      resource.toJson(optimizeFor: OptimizeFor.put);

  if (resourceJson.isEmpty) return null;

  String body = JsonTool.writeJson(resourceJson);

  try {
    Map<String, dynamic>? result = await HueHttpRepo.put(
      bridgeIpAddr: ipAddress!,
      pathToResource: resource.id,
      applicationKey: applicationKey!,
      resourceType: resource.type,
      body: body,

    if (result == null) return null;

    if (result[ApiFields.errors] == null ||
        (result[ApiFields.errors] as List<dynamic>).isEmpty) {

    return result;
  } catch (_) {
    return null;