success static method

Widget success(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. int? duration,
  3. required double height,
  4. required double width,
  5. double? borderRadius,
  6. Color? shadowColor,
  7. Color? toastColor,
  8. Widget? indicatorWidget,
  9. required Text label,
  10. Alignment? alignment,

Invokes success flutter hot toast


static Widget success(
  BuildContext context, {
  /// The duration in milliseconds
  int? duration,

  /// The height of flutter hot toast
  required double height,

  /// The width of flutter hot toast
  required double width,

  /// The border radius of flutter hot toast
  double? borderRadius,

  /// The shadow color of flutter hot toast
  Color? shadowColor,

  /// The actual toast color of flutter hot toast
  Color? toastColor,

  /// A nullable indicator widget used
  Widget? indicatorWidget,

  /// The label of the flutter hot toast
  required Text label,

  /// The alignmnet of the flutter hot toast
  Alignment? alignment,
}) {
  Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: duration ?? 2000), () {
  return HotToast(
    type: FlutterHotToastType.success,
    toastColor: toastColor,
    height: height,
    width: width,
    borderRadius: borderRadius,
    shadowColor: shadowColor,
    indicatorWidget: indicatorWidget,
    label: label,
    alignment: alignment,