showSimpleDatePicker static method

Future<DateTime?> showSimpleDatePicker(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. DateTime? firstDate,
  3. DateTime? lastDate,
  4. DateTime? initialDate,
  5. String? dateFormat,
  6. DateTimePickerLocale locale = DATETIME_PICKER_LOCALE_DEFAULT,
  7. DateTimePickerMode pickerMode =,
  8. Color? backgroundColor,
  9. Color? textColor,
  10. TextStyle? itemTextStyle,
  11. String? titleText,
  12. String? confirmText,
  13. String? cancelText,
  14. bool looping = false,
  15. bool reverse = false,

Display date picker in bottom sheet.

context: BuildContext firstDate: DateTime minimum date time lastDate: DateTime maximum date time initialDateTime: DateTime initial date time for selected dateFormat: String date format pattern locale: DateTimePickerLocale internationalization backgroundColor: Color background color of the dialog itemTextStyle: TextStyle item TextStyle of the picker titleText: String text of the dialog's title confirmText: String text of the dialog's confirm button cancelText: String text of the dialog's cancel button


static Future<DateTime?> showSimpleDatePicker(
  BuildContext context, {
  DateTime? firstDate,
  DateTime? lastDate,
  DateTime? initialDate,
  String? dateFormat,
  DateTimePickerLocale locale: DATETIME_PICKER_LOCALE_DEFAULT,
  DateTimePickerMode pickerMode:,
  Color? backgroundColor,
  Color? textColor,
  TextStyle? itemTextStyle,
  String? titleText,
  String? confirmText,
  String? cancelText,
  bool looping: false,
  bool reverse: false,
}) {
  DateTime? _selectedDate = initialDate;
  final List<Widget> listButtonActions = [
      style: TextButton.styleFrom(foregroundColor: textColor),
      child: Text(confirmText ?? "OK"),
      onPressed: () {
        Navigator.pop(context, _selectedDate);
      style: TextButton.styleFrom(foregroundColor: textColor),
      child: Text(cancelText ?? "Cancel"),
      onPressed: () {

  // handle the range of datetime
  if (firstDate == null) {
    firstDate = DateTime.parse(DATE_PICKER_MIN_DATETIME);
  if (lastDate == null) {
    lastDate = DateTime.parse(DATE_PICKER_MAX_DATETIME);

  // handle initial DateTime
  if (initialDate == null) {
    initialDate =;

  if (backgroundColor == null)
    backgroundColor = DateTimePickerTheme.Default.backgroundColor;
//    if (itemTextStyle == null)
//      itemTextStyle = DateTimePickerTheme.Default.itemTextStyle;

  if (textColor == null)
    textColor = DateTimePickerTheme.Default.itemTextStyle.color;

  var datePickerDialog = AlertDialog(
    title: Text(
      titleText ?? "Select Date",
      style: TextStyle(color: textColor),
    contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 0, horizontal: 14),
    backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
    content: Container(
      width: 300,
      child: DatePickerWidget(
        firstDate: firstDate,
        lastDate: lastDate,
        initialDate: initialDate,
        dateFormat: dateFormat,
        locale: locale,
        pickerTheme: DateTimePickerTheme(
          backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
          itemTextStyle: itemTextStyle ?? TextStyle(color: textColor),
        onChange: ((DateTime date, list) {
          _selectedDate = date;
        looping: looping,
        reverse ? listButtonActions.reversed.toList() : listButtonActions,
  return showDialog(
      useRootNavigator: false,
      context: context,
      builder: (context) => datePickerDialog);